Dan Brown: Scruffy Nuts and Chris Evans will head off in our next match tonight.

(The bell sounds and the two men lock up in ring center. Evans whips Scruffy toward the ropes but Scruffy reverses and sends Evans into the ropes. Evans slides under Scruffy on his way back. Evans throws a forearm at Scruffy from behind but Scruffy counters and turns it into a flipping short armbar. The referee checks the tap but Evans grabs the rope and Scruffy lets go.)

Dick Jones: Nice counter there on behalf of Scruffy Nuts, and this match is off with a bang.

(Both men stand up and Evans clotheslines Scruffy. Scruffy rolls backwards and gets to his feet. Evans runs at Scruffy but Scruffy dodges and runs the other way. As Evans bounces off the ropes, Scruffy lionsaults off the ropes he's near and lands right on top of Evans.)

Dick Jones: WOW!

Dan Brown: That looked pretty.

(Scruffy goes for an early pin. 1 ... 2 ... A kickout at 2. Scruffy stands up and waits for Evans. Evans hits a kneeling tackle. Evans takes Scruffy's feet and gives him a toss across the ring. Scruffy falls face first into the mat and Evans picks him up. Evans knees him in the gut and executes a swinging neckbreaker. Evans with the cover. 1 ... 2 ... A kickout at a near-three. Evans drops a knee onto Scruffy. Scruffy gives Evans a drop toe hold. Scruffy jumps to his feet and tries to give a knee smash to Evans but Evans twists around and kicks Scruffy in the face, knocking him down again.)

Dick Jones: It seems like this match has been swayed in the favor of Chris Evans.

Dan Brown: It's only a matter of whether he can keep it that way or not.

(Scruffy falls to the mat and clutches his face. Evans walks towards him and starts hammering away at Scruffy's face. Eventually Scruffy rolls out of his grasp and tries to sneak up behind Evans. Evans ducks around Scruffy and gives him a hammerlock, then a forearm to the back of the neck. He lifts up for a high angle back body drop.)

Dan Brown: I don't know ... I'm not seeing much life out of Scruffy Nuts anymore this match.

Dick Jones: This is the BTWF, anything can happen!

(Evans goes for the pin)

Dick Jones: The pin, this could be it! ONE ...... TWO .... TH --- ... no! Scruffy kicked out! How did that happen?

(Evans thrusts at Scruffy's throat out of anger and whips him to the turnbuckle. Evans gives Scruffy a choke hold, lifting him high in the air. Scruffy punches Evans in the eyebrow and spins around him, executin a tornado ddt.)

Dick Jones: Wow! These two men really are putting on quiet a show for us tonight.

Dan Brown: Scruffy is gonna go for the cover! This thing looks about over ...

Dick Jones: One .... Two ....... THR --- no! Chris Evans has kicked out at literally the last second!

(Chris Evans stumbles to his feet and manages to whip Scruffy Nuts to the turnbuckle, but then falls down again from the strength of the last manuever he faced. Scruffy runs up the turnbuckles without losing speed at all, and stands on the top one. He calls for a chair. Someone from the stage crew hands him a chair and he leaps off the top rope with the Lame Duck.)


Dan Brown: So finally you see yourself the way I do.

Dick Jones: Not ME, Dan, the move! Scruffy Nuts hit the Lame Duck! He goes for the cover ... ONE ... TWO ... THREE! It's over, after a dazzling performance by both men.

(Scruffy Nuts climbs the turnbuckles and celebrates his victory as Chris Evans stumbles back up the entrance ramp and to the backstage area.)

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