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Victor's Soka Gakkai Archival Website

If you came upon this website without going through the link in <> then you have come upon my semi-hidden nugget site.  Here you'll find little miscellaneous documents and photos that I put on this webhost for storage.  Well, enjoy your website mining expedition and please visit the above link if you haven't done so.

Study Material Archives

Click here to take yourself to Sunny Yarra-Yarra's Study Materials Website Archives. In here you'll find past study materials of different small groups.


Victor's Article Contributions to "The Buddha's Drum"
Click here to take yourself to my written articles, in their unedited forms, that I have submitted to SGIA-Victoria "The Buddha's Drum" or commonly known as "The Drum" by many of the members there.  Most of these have been written in 2001-2002 and provide a little insight on Soka Gakkai activities in Melbourne, Australia.  Please do visit "The Drum" official website for more articles written by other members and for a much more holistic over view of SGI activities in Melbourne, Australia.


SGI-Australia (Victoria) 40th Anniversary Celebration Nuggets
Here's a little "Easter Egg" for all of you.  Going to this link will get you to read three video transcript of interviews with pioneer members of SGIA-Victoria.  A great insight of how SGI was like in the eyes of the pioneer members in the past.  A little inspiration for all of us.  In addition you'll find some photos of a kosen-rufu meeting held in the 1980s.  Recognize anybody?
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