T's Home Page

Hey everyone, I finally have a web page up and running anywayz, its still kinda under construction seeing as I'll probably be working on this forever check out what I have so far.

So here's me. Well its been two years since I graduated I still miss my Woodward Girls but I'll get to see them more often cause I'll be back in good old BOSTON!!! Mainly because, I GOT INTO BOSTON COLLEGE!!!! No more suckie Hartwick College and no more suckie Oneonta, NY. I wont miss anything about that damn place well one good thing did come out of it I got to meet Evelyn. Evelyn is the only sane person (besides me) @ Hartwick. She'll be the person that I really miss but now she can come visit me at THE BEST SCHOOL EVER! I'm so excited to be going to BC its unbelievable like I act like its no big deal but I am so beyond psyched about this. My dorm kinda suxs but its ok cause I have my two cool roomies at 66 Commonwealth Ave (246 Rocks!!!)(which by the way is TWsr's old dorm - freaky huh!). (come visit). Anywayz Next thing about me-----> So anyway I'm obsessed with NSYNC everyone knows that its no secret, but its mainly Justin Timberlake cause he is the hottest guy on the planet well following Brad Pitt that is b/c Brad is the perfect man *sigh*.

I'm getting more and more into Good Charlotte lately (Benji is HOTT!! I'm luvin the tattoos)

I live in MA but I'm a fan, so I'm a traitor, they'll live. The Red Sox do not need anymore crazy fans trust me. Here r some icons to best describe me though just so u can get an overview:

(Hard core democrat cant u tell)(I used to be a redhead but not anymore now its this blondish brown but it looks nice)

Anywayz enough about me.


"Each friend represents a world in us a world possibly not born until they arrive and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."


"A friend is a person w/whom I may be sincere before her, I may think aloud."

V Idk what I would do w/o u. U r and interesting case study u know, if I was into psychology u would definitely be my prime subject. I love ur blunt personality and I miss u so much, but we'll always be friends. I hope one day u get everything u've wished for. You are amazing and you don't need a guy to be amazing remember that, you should make your own decisions. And remember that regardless of how much we fight I still luv ya like a sister, miss u much hun (o and also remember that if I am not in or invited to ur wedding we're going to have some serious problems lol). Seriously though no one has been a better friend to me than you through all these years and I never thought I would have a friend like you. V fun party, I like this new Val she's so much fun. U have to come hang out at BC now since I'm closer u and Sara just try not to flash anyone (lol).

(ok a little weird but I saw this and it reminded me of you lol)

Val & Andrea on the trolley.

"Falling in luv w/some1 isn't always easy anger...tears...laughter...it's when u want to be together despite it all that's when you truly love another."


"Give me one friend, just one, who meets the needs of all my varying moods."

KD have we been through everything or what? "you can't turn back time", drag queens, and psychotic men. If we can make it through that I think we will always be friends no matter how much we fight (and even though you're a republican). I hope u know that. I know we havent talked much or seen each other much since we went to college but I still love ya. You've been a great friend through everything, thanxs. Come visit me at BC u have no excuse its right near ur schl. Like literally right down the street. Here's a pic of what my lamborghini that I will have will be similar too. Hope ur having fun at Suffolk.

KD and Rachel.

"A true friend is some1 who thinks that u r a good egg even though she knows that u r slightly cracked."


"If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend I hope I should have the guts to betray my country."

Sara I could say I would never talk to u again and it would never last. Of all the people in my life u r the one who can always make me laugh, of course u always make me mad too but its ok. Whenever I wonder y we're friends all I have to tell myself to answer that question is simply because ur Sara. No matter what u do I will always love u and be ur friend. Life wouldn't be the same w/o u and ur free spirit. While I'm a total stressed out freak u r always the one who is completely calm and just laid back and I truly wish I could be that way sometimes. I know that we don't know everything about each other and that's ok because the parts of u I do know r the parts of u that I like, so I can be friends with you no matter how much I know about u. I hope the feelings r mutual on everything I said. Luv u hun and miss u so much we should hang out more. Although we will get to see each other at least once every year when I drag you to graduation to give away the Cini Scholarship lol (you know you wanna). Miss ya come visit me at BC we'll hook up with some hot Football players (sorry but I am not gonna hook up with a Canadian Hockey player I'm not a Hockey person -- although I might have to move to Canada now that Bush was re-eelcted *tear*)


"Some people come into our lives and quickly go, others stay awhile and make footprints on our hearts and we r never, ever the same."

Boothby, my NSYNC buddy. I am so proud of u 4 everything u have accomplished, no matter what you think any school is better than no school. The Justin/Christina concert was the greatest, I wouldn't have wanted to b there with anyone else. You will always be my nsync buddy, no matter what no one could ever replace u as that. I told u were gonna be like 30 going to the reunion concert with our kids and having them laugh at the both of us for having such horrible taste in music. Besides who else is going to have a screaming contest w/me w/random girls at a concert and watch all those nsync tapes. I love u buddy. No one puts up with me like you do and no one listens to me like you do. No matter what I am always here for you and now I'm even closer I'm at BC so you can come and hang out with me over there. Besides now u baby sit too so we can cart around the munchkins to all the kiddie movies we both secretly wanna see lol we're such dorks.

Bridget & Boothby (My NSYNC Buddy!)


"Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends."

Steph we've been through everything together and done everything together. Can you believe WE got Tattoos!!! Its been amazing having you as a friend and I seriously miss u buddy. We shouldn't be allowed to order from Burger King on our own though lol or drive cause I can't believe you made it to Oneonta in 2hrs and to Maddie's in 45min and that we randomly thought that roads would just appear for us so we could get home faster lol I mean seriously thats y Dave always called us "Double Trouble". We should hang out more and we probably would if u returned PHONE CALLS. I'm glad you're happy with Joe and I hope you're always as happy as you've been the past two years no one deserves it more than you luv ya hun. Come visit me @ BC we'll go to a Football game (That'll make Joe happy lol)

(this reminded me of KB Toys which reminded me of you -- it really reminded me of Matt one day when this kid came in and pressed them all and he was gonna hit him with the spongebob but that still reminds me of you)

Maddie, Steph & Ms. Daura (I am so gonna miss her this year)


I haven't talked to u in ages but I want u to know that I hope u have fun at whatever college ur going to and maybe we'll meet up sometime in the future, hopefully we'll still remember each other then. (A reminder of the old days)

Suzie Q, Danielli & Me (we had fun that day before everything happened)


"Some people make the world special just by being in it."

Zoe u r 1 of the funniest people in the world. Conversations w/u r always interesting. U have excellent taste in clothing and I hope we stay friends forever. I miss ur bubbly personality and how you know where every bathroom in the mall is. We really do have to visit Hooters though and I so have to see u drunk. Zoe u r my sanity sometimes, whenever I'm completely out of it all I do is talk to you and I know everything will be ok. I know we will never lose touch cause you're gonna date a BC Football player with me so we can go with them to NY when they're drafted to the NY Giants lol. We still have to go on a road trip together (but we're not wearing the same shirt lol). You can be in my wedding as long as you remember that if its dark at Amherst and light at Fenway the game probably isnt at Fenway lol. Ur the greatest luv ya. PS. Get your tattoo its kinda sad when I do something b4 u when I 'm supposed to be the good girl. I can't believe you called me back twice, I'm so proud of you (guess I jinxed that since u havent called me back and I havent seen u in over a yr.)lmao Call me and come visit me at BC, miss u hun.

(this so reminded me of you)(this did to)

Sara, Michaela & Zoe


"Be who u r & say what u feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

I don't think I've met any1 like u and I don't think I ever will. Deciphering whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is beyond my control right now. I think you have potential to better yourself in every way and that is why I push you, I hope you know that. Ur fear of penguins is entremely odd just to let u know and although u do have a tendency to over exaggerate everything and be bitter when other people go to concerts that you didn't go to, its ok cause ur so great (yeah right every1 knows u told me to write that, lol). Anywayz don't be bitter about Eminem, NSYNC, O-Town, Justin/Christina and I know u wanted to see Britney too just admit it and u wanted to see her movie in theaters and u bought her new album but whatever u say lol j/k (or am I). PS. PENGUINS (Doobee Doobee Doo LOL) I crack myself up. No seriously, u and Nikki are losers b/c I'm younger and I got a tattoo first. Here r some quotes that I thought were funny and u should always remember: "How can they be suicide bombers without a plane?" and "Those pigeons look like the pigeons from Boston".Remember this LOL.


" I don't know whether to smile because ur my friend or cry because ur not mine."

O Codes I dont know what to do with u. You confuse me more than anyone else in this world. Whats with you lately? U want me when u cant have me and u dont want me when u can. U really broke my heart baby like no one ever has. I love you with all of my heart and you know that and I know you love me. I wish we could be together as much as I say I dont but we cant and we never will be able to and I know that. One of these days we really do have to say goodbye to each other forever cause doing it this way is only killing both of us. Be yourself and have some fun who knows where we'll end up. Whats meant to be will be. Kiss you forever. Love you baby, I always will. You're my heart and soul.

"When I 1st saw u I was afraid to meet u. When I met u, I was afraid to know u. When I knew u, I was afraid 2 like u. When I liked u, I was afraid to luv u. And now that I luv u, I'm afraid to lose u."

"Watching me wanting me, I can feel u pull me down, Fearing you loving you, I wont let u pull me down."

Take the time 2 get 2 know me, if u want me y can't u just show me. We're always on this roller coaster. If u want me just move a little closer."

"Don't frown, you never know who is falling in love with your smile"


"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."

Reenee Darling what would I do w/o u, besides be normal j/k of course u r the most sophisticated person I know *lol. But u do keep me sane (sometimes). You and Jakie need to stop doing the back and forth shit I mean seriously its just plain abnoxious. Thank u for listening to me always and for supporting me with everything I knew u were looking at an alternative ending but we both knew it wouldnt last forever it was no cinderella story. Marry Jake and be happy at least one of us should be. But OMG I should kill you for what u tried to do to me, that was just wrong. I luv u dearly but if u ever do that to me again I will be forced to tell all ur deep dark secrets and we know just how dark they are lol.

Suzie Q

"Call me a bitch cause I speak what's on my mind guess its easier for you to handle if I sat and smiled"

Susan I cant seem to get through to u on a phone what I'm trying to say so I'm going to say it now this way and hopefuly u'll see it. Let it go, let it rest and let me live. You made ur decisions a long time ago and it effected us both, me for the better. I realized that without each other we're better off and we're happy. I realized I have people who love me no matter what hell they put me through. I don't know if we'll ever be friends again and I dont know if I'll ever see you again but I do know that I have let it go. I cant forget things but I can live with them now. I hope you're happy, I really do with all my heart and although I didnt like everything that happened in the past between us I am glad that for sometime I had one of the best friends I've ever had.

"So many ways to go I chose to use my own and you don't have to understand, because its up to me and up to me alone and you can't change the way I am."

"Actions speak louder than words"


"everyone is different but some of us r the same we do different things in many different ways, I am perfect in every way, so I don't apply to this saying in anyway, k?"

Rama not having u here to compete w/me 4 grades is terrible lol. We haven't talked in awhile but we should so email me sometime. I just want to let u know that as different as we r, whenever I need some1 u r always there. I never thanked u for being there 4 me when Susan was gone and I went on my insane rampage (as I so often do), so thank you and I really do miss you. U have to fill me in on all the guys in ur life.


"Its not what u have in ur life but who u have in ur life that counts."

Maddie what would I do w/o ur sarcasm. Its been great having u as a friend and I miss ya honey. Maddie u r always there for me. It seems like everytime something happens ur just right there making some sarcastic joke to make me smile. i have no clue what I would do w/o u. Come visit me at BC. I dont know what I would do w/o you who else would tell me that Cody suxs. We so have to go clubbin again. But we will not get lost in Chestnut Hill again and we will avoid all Peter Pan buses :) luv ya Trashy Alcoholic.


Kasey what could I possibly say to you. I never actually thought that we would ever be friends. This yr. whenever I've felt like the world was ending u were always right there to hug me when I didn't want u to or embarass me and make me laugh. U r the only one who actually pretends to care about the things I say. No matter what has happend the past 4 yrs. Woodward wouldn't have been the same without you and I'm so glad we're still friends (even though you were willing to throw away our friendship over the Wes's secret). Come visit me at BC I'll hook you up with a Football player. U better come to CA with me and Maddie so we can go embarass ourselves in front of celebrities. Luv ya so much babe u r definitely one of my sisters. (Class of 2003 Rules!!!) -Trashy Alcoholic (LOL)


Kristin, there is so much I could say to you. U r the most sarcastic person I know and you always know how to just snap me out of any stupid depression I'm in. The past three yrs u have been so supportive of me and all the shit I continuously go through and I couldn't thank u more for that. I still have an unlimited food plan at BC and they have really good food and its open until midnight, 2am thursday - saturday so u better come visit me this yr u have an incentive. Miss ya babe,luv ya much hun.


We have been together since the 7th grade and it seems odd not to see u everyday. I know we haven't been that close over the yrs but u r still like a sister to me. U r an intelligent person Ginny and I know u will accomplish so much in ur life, no matter what anyone tells u always remember that. Oh and u don't need all that make-up. I haven't talked to you in 4eva we have to get together soon. Its weird not seeing you since Ive seen you almost everyday for the past 6yrs. Can't believe you thought I was a Republican though *ewwwwww* hell no, u should remember I was with u in supporting all Gore and John Kerry is my heart. luv ya much hun


Andrea there is no 330 30 and even if there was it doesn't matter b/c I don't have to take it b/c I have a license lol u need to get urs just remember that even when u do get it u still can't drive my car. Anywayz I miss riding into school w/u in the morning who else is going to make me wait forever lol. By the way cant believe you showed up for something. Great to see u and come visit me @ BC. Love ya and miss ya.


My lil sis, u r insane, stubborn, pissy, bitchy, irritating, and so much like me, WdWd didnt do so bad matching us up. U r an intelligent person and u can do anything u set ur mind to as long as u believe that u can do it, which u shouldn't doubt b/c I think u can do anything and I'm a genious I'm always right (ask the Wes if u have any doubts about me being a genious he'll set the record straight). U better do good b/c I was hoping to be there the day that they put ur number on the wall in the gym. It doesnt just stand for being an amazing athlete u know. U just need to be more of an extrovert (god I hate that word). Trust me u will b just give it time, I'll annoy u into it. I love u lil sis and I think that u will go far in life whatever u choose to do. Miss u much hun and do well in schl I know u can. Come visit me at BC I'll show you the college life and I'll take you to a college basketball game (even though football guys r more my style). I will always be proud of you no matter what you do, call me so we can do something sometime. Luv ya lil sis. PS. You are going to semi even if I have to drag you there.


Gregg what would I have done w/o u the past 3 months. U mean so much to me and I truly do love u. I'm not sure how much that means to u but I do want u to know that. Our relationship has meant more to many than any other relationship I have ever had. U r so incredible and I cant believe that u actually like me, but I am so happy that u dont look at me as one of the "guys" cause I couldnt handle that. I know you dont believe me when I say that and I'm truly sorry the way everything worked out between us. I do care about you though. Kisses & Hugs luv u baby and I miss u more than words can say.

"Honestly if I tell you baby Never has a man made me so crazy I swear it caught me by surprise (the way I see you in these eyes)


Krista buddy, what can I say to you. It seems so weird not to be going to schl with u everyday and seeing how nonchalant u r about everything miss ya buddy, hope u get to meet that NY Firefighter


You're gonna be great in college and if you're playing lacrosse try not to take out any of ur teammates ok. I mean seriously when me and Bri came up with the Afghanistan Hit List were not actually killing people just SCARING them. Don't actually assassinate them ok? Have fun at Wheaton and stay in touch.


Sophia it seems so weird that we just became friends this yr when we've gone to the same schl for like 6yrs but it doesnt matter cause at least we're friends now even though u do have bad taste in men and dont think the Maimonides boys were hot. I know ur still just bitter cause he tried to have ur testimony thrown out but I kicked his ass that has to count for something lol. Anywayz have fun at NorthEastern I hope everything works out for you. Keep in touch.


Amanda we just started talking this past year but you're such a funny person and I know you will go so far in life. Have a great time at Amherst college life is great. Come visit me at BC.


Jakie my angel, my perfect boyfriend, u r the opposite of how I look at every guy and it suxs that I can never have u lol j/k I luv ya but not like that hunny bun. But when it doesnt work out with Renee call me lol. Muah luv ya baby


Greg we used to be so close, now I don't even know u. I know u think u hate me but u don't u love me and thats y I irritate u so much. I'm sorry I couldn't love u like u wanted me too I hope ur having fun in AZ I do miss irritating u to death but I just want u happy. Kisses baby luv u.


SHEENA!!! Objection thats just not true lol. Have fun in college (I know you will).


Omg Evelyn, we are finally out of Hartwick College how great is that and you finally picked a college!!! Even though I hated Hartwick you are the one person I'm glad I got the chance to meet and thank god considering we were the only sane people at Hartwick. We did get to meet some interesting people on our walks home though. We definitely had our share of insane people too, but the parties were fun. Remember to watch out for insane roommates who piss on the floor. But also remember to lead your self from the sun lol. Have fun @ GWU. Miss ya chica come visit me at BC its the most beautiful campus ever and right in the city -- malls everywhere and clubs (not bars) and people with teeth LOL.


Liz omg can u believe its been a year since we've been at Woodward it seems like only yesterday. It's been amazing getting to know you over the past few years even though you annoyed me with the purple yaks in savin hill (thank god that was a phase). You always listen to my problems and god knows how many of them there are so thanks for that. Miss ya much, thanks for always being there we'll have to hang out sometime soon. Love ya.


Hey Shannon we had some fun times at Hartwick when they could be had and no one knows how crazy and psychotic my roommate was like you do. It was great getting to know you and I'm glad I had a friend like you to get through Hartwick with. Make sure you keep in touch, don't drink so much that you piss on the floor (lol) and come visit me in Boston.

CLASS OF 2003!

We made it pretty far together. Who would have known that for once we could all be at the same place at the same time. For all of you I truly miss you guys, you have all influenced my life in some way possible even in the smallest degree and I hope you all know that. Regardless of the fact that you're all a bunch of loser, weirdo's and trashy alcoholics (lol!). I'll miss our stupid jokes, our weird ideas (pant & pair of shirts), our conversations on food and the continuous gossip. And how we are somehow dirt lol. Life isnt the same without all of you in it. U r all my sisters and nothing will ever change that.

Words of Wisdom: "Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget"

So that's my crew or at least the people I have right now I'll be adding a few other people in a few days. Anywayz its still under construction and I'm gonna put up some new links soon.


Here we all are at the semi at Lombardo's I love that chandelier (I know we r all insane).

KD, me and Andrea in Chemistry (our letter jackets r so cool rn't they).

KD, Mr. Lietz (my math teacher), Stephanie and Maddie at Ms. Hall's going away party last day of 11th grade (yes!)

Sara, Val and Stephanie on the stairs of our cafeteria.

Sara, Val and Me in the cafeteria.

Sara's food looks great, doesn't it? (LOL) That's Sara, Steph and Val on the old Tennis court at Woodward eating lunch.

Here we all are in front of the lombardo's chandelier again

Last day of school in the 9th grade, can you believe that was only a few yrs ago now we're seniors (*tear)

That's Zoe and Me at the end of the NSYNC concert, which was so much fun (check out my pics at my NSYNC website), Boothby was there but the picture of Zoe, Boothby and Me got ruined (Sorry NSYNC buddy (*tear))

Things to think about

"Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Why did yankee doodle name the feather in his hat macaroni?

Isn't Disney World just a people trap operated by a mouth?

Do they have girls' bathrooms in gay bars?

What would happen if you were to feed a pig some bacon?

If all the Acme stuff doesn't work, why does Wyl E. Coyote keep buying their products?

If you want to see more like this go to www.bored.com

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My *NSYNC website In Sync with NSYNC

Check out my new page "Britney: For Those Who Think Dumb!"

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Class of 2003 New York Trip

Class of 2003 Prom

Red Sox Parade Pictures

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