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Welcome to Spirits of the Night Den
Here we are a family and have respect for everyone.
Welcome to our home

Deep in the night a call rings out
Voices raised in joy as the night comes
The Spirits of the Nights have awoken

Calling to the others, the Alpha's voice rings strong
His family answers him one by one
Their voices come clear through the night

Runing with the spirit of joy in their step
They greet one another with love
Spirits of the night bound together by that love

The Spirits of the night sing their joy
Playing in the night from the Alphas to the youngest pups
The night cradling them close

The Alpha leading his pack
Being strong and loving
He holds his family close to his heart

Together they run under the moon
A family, a pack, as one
Spirits of the night
Written for SOTN Pack by
Minx, D'Alpha

This page made and maintained by Sparky