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Welcome to the new look of KaT's Phalanges Site! I hope this will make navigation a whole lot easier, and the page layout should hopefully not be as confusing to your eyes as my last page was. Have fun and come back as often as you wish :) Comments and feedback are appreciated, and for more information on that, check out the Contacts link.

For best results, maximize this screen. Otherwise on some pages, the content will get smashed.

---Phalanges News and Moments---

Heylo. I felt like adding a new section because it looks so pretty ^_^ Actually, I wanted to save space, and instead of adding another page for my Moments, I can just put it on the main page.

1. My Song of the Moment that I'm always playing on the piano is 'Romance sans paroles', composed by Gabriel Faure. You haven't heard of him? Well, he was famous for his French music, and this is such a pretty song. Listen to me play it some time!

2. My Book of the Moment is Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind.

3. Person of the Moment? Hmmm...I'm thinking of making a 'secrets' section, or maybe a newsletter I can send out. Anyways, it changes too much. I'm very fickle, did you know that? Kitty, Fishie...Mwahahaha... ^_~


1/12/04: Finals is on Wednesday so I made a page for all those who are freaking out. Add to it!
PS That whole line is a link, so if you're looking for 'School Stuffs' on this page and you can't find it...ummmm...meh...

12/24/03: It's Christmas Eve, everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been preoccupied with all my projects, essays and whatnot...So email me and tell me what you'd like to see most on this page and I'll change it/update it for you just like I did for Crystal. ^_^ **Een**

11/23/03: I fixed all the links that didn't work...Plus, I added the button to link back to the main page. It takes so much work to make this look easy!
11/22/03: Finished making all the links and all that stuff on my computer.


11/22/03: Today was the EYSO concert. Moment: *Ashley and Kathleen walking upstairs after the concert singing...My arm hurts, my back hurts, my arm hurts, my back hurts, my arm hurts, my back hurts, my arm hurts...*

At the bottom of every page is a button that links back to this page. So instead of pressing the back button on your browser, you can just click on that. Ain't that neat?

Thanks for coming! Hope you enjoy this layout! ^_^

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