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The Rebirth - November 24, 2002

- From the music that Wendy and I have written so far the music could be referred to as a Rammstein fucks Switchblade Symphony while Jill Jacks us Off. I hope you got that. The reason the entry was given the name The Rebirth is because when we first started the band we were playing a more playful type of music... it was more like a Mansonish System of a Down. We all agreed that what we're playing now takes more talent and is actually a more serious way to get the message across, for we wont be taken as a joke because of the kiddish music. We might record a few of the old songs just for you people to see what we were playing before, and i'd upload the songs to the website. People, I was wondering, how come no one that attends a church notices that they give in money without knowing where it goes so freely? And so often! And so much! You know the small envelopes they send you so that you can put your money in there for "the needy"? They say you're supposed to put in 10% of your total income... does anyone really do that? I saw a man one time, in church, when I used to attend masses, as I was forced to... the man took a handful of dollars out and he said out-loud to the people who had seen him: "Hey, it's for the needy right? Well i'm in need". Isn't that great!? People could make a fucking living that way. Power to those people. Sandy Zero - Cindy

This website is maintained by Cindy Kunt of Candy For The Vile
If you have any questions, bitches, or sexual requests e-mail me at: