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"Some Kind Words"
I would like to tell you how wonderful your energy is, especially when you are doing a ceremony. As someone spirit has gifted the ability to "see" it is truly amazing to be in the energy of such a well balanced spiritual person. Your years of studying/training have truly paid off. I truly loved feeling people's doubt shift to loving amazement. And then watch as you danced off into the 5th dimension but still had a foot in this plane was beautiful to see and feel as you became ,what I can only describe as, irredescent liquid light- divine being. And then to watch as the dense energy fell away from people and their being vibrate so high that sparks of white light and other colors were dancing out of people and around the room. A truly beautiful experience! You are very gifted and greatly appreciated! Thank you for a truly sacred and delightful experience.
In love, light and divine joy,
Sherry Cushman
Thank you for the great energy and healings you facilitated! You are a very special shaker and mover for Spirit! My left brain thanks you because I now understand the purpose of the underworld in ways I hadn't before. Just know that you really made a difference!
Blessed Be,


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