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-The Necropolis of Souls-

Of Flesh and Blood...

The Minions of the Many Worlds

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Changeling: The Dreaming

The World of Darkness


The Others

Where Strength, Cunning, and Intelligence are Also Weapons of War

Our Characters, Our Glory

For over a decade Aimee, JR, and Jay have been roleplaying together as a small troupe. We've created many characters for different games.

Here we've displayed them for you to view and quite possibly use in your own stories and campaigns. Many treasures lay inside, some finally being put here to rest after many grueling years on one campaign.

These are our characters, be them NPCs or play-able. We cherish the many strings of our personalities that have shaped these beings for these wonderul games/worlds.

Please contact us at this email address: if interested in using any of these characters for your own adventures.
