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MooMooVille Revisited


In the summer of 2000, MooMooVille arose as a great and powerful nation under the rule of a handful of animals. Their domain, an apartment belonging to two sisters in college, their boundaries, limitless.
In the three years since its creation, MooMooVille has changed, in some ways good, in some ways bad. All in all it's still the MooMooVille we know and love, but expanded. For all the new travelers, welcome! For all the veteran MooMooVille constituents, welcome back! Take a look around at the progress our humble nation has made and enjoy the scenary. :)
If you're new to MooMooVille, click the Original MooMooVille link for an introduction to the phenomenon that we are.


Road Map to MooMooVille

The Original MooMooVille

The Politicians

The Citizens

The Psuedo-Citizens

The MooMooVille Military

MooMooVille's Memorial

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Give us a hollar. an apartment, tomorrow a nation, next week the world.

America Remembers.

Page by me, Biteyworks