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Lepidopteran Christmas

Lepidopterans have fairly recently adopted Christmas as one of their holidays. This year it falls on Aehe Zeke (the second of Ze month).

To celebrate this holiday I have decided to provide you some common Christmas and New Year's sayings...

Merry Christmas Ze Zuno ze! (Happy Jesus's birth) or Meri Keritsemase
present zepi (happy box)
tree lo
tinsel hilu (bright vine)
church Zono ni (God's place)
snow keme (white rain)
carol [Zuno] te ([Jesus] song)
New Year's Day e ke he (new moon day)
New Year's Eve a ke he (full moon day)
fireworks hala (fire flowers)

As you can probably tell, the Lepidopteran Christmas is largely religious. They don't have trees so they decorate bushes, but they say the ornaments are winter fruit, the tinsel is the hele and kele vine, and fireworks are hele flowers tossed into heaven to herald the coming Spring.

Also popular are the Christmas carols, a few have been written natively, but most are translations. Below is "Silent night."


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