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Imperial Forces of Reprobate


     Several years ago, an organization known as Reprobate began to ravage the lands of Rhy`Din, setting it's sights on it's largest threat and primary target: The Order of the Crimson Star. The first Reprobate was helmed by the great Lord Thrash, and though mighty blows were bestowed upon the Order, the first Reprobate fell when Lord Thrash was killed by Nassid Sh'Rath, a former Commander of the Order.

     Since then, there have been numerous revivals of Reprobate, most unsuccessful, save for both Reprobate II and, of course, the Imperial Forces of Reprobate. Reprobate II was led by both Alfred W. Everett and Henry Simpleton, both fantastic strategists and truly unstoppable forces—or so many thought. Henry Simpleton was laid to rest by Laurel Valor, and Alfred Everett was overwhelmed at the Reprobate Headquarters itself by Dimitri DarkRose Artimis Hawke and the Order's shock forces. Despite the fact Reprobate II had punctured many large holes in the Order, the Citadel—and the government housed within—survived, though never quite recovered. Since the summer of Reprobate II, the Order of the Crimson Star took a downward spiral: legions closed, whole divisions closed, and the Order eventually all but isolated itself from the outside world. Many of the following Reprobates after Reprobate II were unnecessary (and often unimpressive; many of them closed after a few weeks), and it took a long time before people realized that the OCS was no longer a threat.

     The last Reprobate to date was the massive Imperial Forces of Reprobate, which was controlled by Walter Jason DeWinters, who named himself `Lord High Emperor` after creating the Imperium, which a force composed of Rhy`Dinian terrorists and creatures assembled from outside the Rhy`Din City Walls. With this army behind him, Emperor DeWinters caused the complete and utter destruction of the Valiant Gardens. At last check, the Gardens had all but disintegrated into a lump of unorganized members led by an incompetent ruler, which later dissembled.

     Emperor DeWinters tired of Rhy`Din quickly after his conquest, and released the peoples that made up the Imperium to go their own way. Soon after, his empire was ressurected by Jonathan Alexander Harkiss, a stupid and evil man who knew nothing of ruling an empire. Three months after Jonathan's Imperium rose, Emperor DeWinters returned to Rhy`Din to reclaim his throne. A month later, he permamently dissembled the Imperium, and then later died.

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