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/.:!Pics Of Meh!:.\

.:!Pics Of Friends!:.
.:!My Online Journal!:.
.:!My RPG Chat Info!:.

Clint Young (a.k.a. ZERO)

November 13, 1985

Hawaiian, Filipino, Chinese, Spanish


Moanalua High

Anime, Games(RPG, Fighting, Action/Adventure, Racing,
Horror) , Computers, Xanga, music(all kinds but mostly
heavy metal, anime/videogame, or jpop), Working out,
Basketball, Cars, Talking to my 2 Bestest friends
Jenny Lee and Jenny Ko ^_^ (haha "the same name"
haha), Ultra Zone, Pool, Oh and DDR and all Konami's
Bemani series ^_^!!!

Favorite Movies:
Brave Heart, Lord Of The Rings, The One, Iron Monkey,
The Patriot, Blue Crush, Vampire Hunter D Blood Lust,
The Count Of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter, Fast and the
Furious, Sreet Fighter Alpha.

Favorite shows/series:
Final Fantasy:Unlimited, Street Fighter V II, Gundam
Wing, Friends, Buffy, Angel, Simpsons, King of the
hill, Futurama, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura,
Digimon, Pokemon(before), new Bubble gum crisis, The
5th Wheel, Jerry Springer (haha).

Favorie Food/Drinks:
Pizza, Macaroni and cheese, Shrimp Skampi, Beef stew,
Milk, All types of Juice, Soda.

Jenny Lee (a.k.a Kookie), Jenny Ko(a.k.a Wako)<---(my
Nutty Buddy's haha), Lloyd(a.k.a Wolf) Guerrerro,
Daniel(a.k.a Falcon) Guerrerro, Nicole Trafalgar,
Joshua Kaneakalau, Tiara Boloson, Tiera somthing
stomthing, Lori somthing somthing (haha i dunno there
last names >_<), Kapalena (a.k.a. Devil Sparda) Harris
and Tyler(a.k.a. High Times) Hall (cuzins),
Nalo, Iakona (a.k.a Shabam), Joe, Jeff.

Best Friends:
Jenny Lee and Jenny Ko (nutty buddy's) haha ^_^