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Thank yous to my friends

ok this little section of my page is for me to thank my wonderful friends!!

Amanda- Thanks for always making me laugh! Thanks for making my senior year so much fun. Thanks for teaching me how to count to 3. Thanks for the exploding pop bottles.

Matt-Thanks for the exploding pop bottles. Thanks for not slapping me when I play with your gear shift. Thanks for thinking of totally random things. Thanks for making senior year so much fun.

Mandy-Thanks for not throwing me out of the car in summersville. Thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to. Thanks for the playgirl experience.

Jason-Thanks for listening. Thanks for being insane. Thanks for watching out for me when I was a freshmen. Thanks for fixing my computers all the time.

Mary-Thanks for all the fun in Mythology class. Thanks for the poetry stuff. Thanks for 4am!

Sarah- Thanks for being as insane as I am. Thanks for showing me the greatness in flamingy. Thanks for all of our crack hat moments.

Ok if your name isn't listed above it just means that I haven't had a chance to get your name and stuff up there yet and I am really sorry! I still have tons more people to ad and I love you all the same even if you name hasn't been listed yet!!

I want to thank all of you(even those not listed) for being wonderful friends. You listen to me. You put up with me. You support me. You put up with me. You laugh with me. You put up with me. You just simply make life great. I love you guys. -Jessi

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