Chapter Twelve: My One True Friend


The Savior


I am chained to a post in the woods.  It is dark.  They had dressed me in a white cloth.  Somehow, I don't know how or why, my death was eminent.  I was weak.  I heard a crack in the clouds and a lightening bolt flashed.  Then I heard a voice command; "Thou Shalt Never Fear Me."  He came over to me very, very saddened.  "You are very special to me.  It is not right for you to suffer this."  He loosened me and lifted me into His arms.  He was crying.


I felt the love in his heart lift my body and spirit so that I had no fear.

I knew he had saved my life.  I felt in my heart that He loved me so much he would have given his life to spare mine.  In a way, He already had.  In the next moments somehow I was home, not asleep, but in my bed looking out of my window.


I believe the memory as a dream or as a physical occurrence is real.  I know in my heart from all the miracles I have experienced in my life that Christ does love me.  Those miracles will be saved for another book.


I know that God lives.  In His Mercy and Grace He brought me these memories, in part and in whole to help me heal from my past.  And as a gift to him I Seal up this Book as a Witness and Testimony that, yes, He does Live!


For those of you in recovery, go forth with faith that you are loved and you will be.  Go forth with knowledge that you are never alone, for you are not.  Go forward in time gleaning the good things you are given from your Heritage and God will bless you with all the Blessings of this Earth.


Thank you for reading my book.


In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.