This is an update of the "Tau" situation as of November 9th, 2004. After a few years of being out of contact with Tau (due to my auto accident and recouperation), I recieved some sad news from a friend of his. I will not provide the name or email address, but simply pass on what this individual had to say in their post.

Consider this a post-script to the "Tau" material:


"...The original? No. I'm sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings. The one you knew as "Tau Ceti" was killed, we believe, by an agent of a Canadian shadow force, something equivalent to MI6 and MI5, yet neither group. Tau was run off the road in Saskatchewan, about 40 miles to the south of North Battleford. The roads were icy and it was called an accident. There's no proof, of course, and since Tau was a US citizen, there isn't even a mention of the incident in Canadian records. We believe the operative's name was MacKenzie (or MacKensie) and carried the rank of Sargent, now Inspector. We're still searching for his "marker."

"Tau" is still around, although not in corporeal form. He comes around periodically to "do what I can."

Tau had mentioned you several times and I thought you might like to know that he valued the correspondence you shared.

Many in the Federation fear an all out war; they've seen the magnitude of destruction that can come from such a path. They decry the great loss of life that such a mis-adventure can result in. We reproduce at a much slower rate than the reptoid faction and a prolonged war could destroy us. Those who council non-action are in the majority, seemingly, for we wait, and do what we can. If you would like, I can try and answer some of your questions, but I am not in the position that "Tau" held, and thus not privy to much that he had access to, although that may change in the near future. He's still missed in the here and now.
