(NOTE: Apparently the beggining of this message has been lost, so we continue where the message is again readable - BRANTON)

...that has to be kindled in the heart of every man, woman and child on this planet. It may sound corny, but FREEDOM is the only thing in this entire creation that means anything at all.

It's something that gets me so emotional I get tears in my eyes every time I just start thinking about it. Freedom. Liberty. "Live Free or Die" isn't just the Vermont state motto or words on their license plates. These green scaled mother f**kers and their little gray slime balls aren't anything new. We've seen them for a million years in every sort of tyrant you can imagine. Lots of humans gladly traded their divine heritage for a black heart and pair of jack boots. Until Gabriel plays his solo we're going to have to fight for our freedom, not rights, not privileges, but for freedom. No one has any rights.

They never did. There's only a single, solitary individual standing on his feet and crying out to a universe that doesn't seem to care most of the time whether he lives or dies, "I stand here. I take my life and do what I choose to do. I AM THAT I AM. God said it was so, and saying it - I AM!" And any mother f**ker that tries to make it any different had better look to his guns, because you can take my life, BUT YOU CAN NEVER TAKE MY FREEDOM! And until every swinging d*ck on this planet gets that firmly planted in their souls, we're in trouble.

And that's the name of that tune... Death to tyrants, my friend. And let us hope quickly so.



Sat Jun 28 18:28:20 1997

Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 20:27:17 -0700
To: Alan deWalton
Subject: response#2


Hello again - do the same thing for this attachment if you can't save it to a document file. more later


Hi Alan.

It's around six, Saturday evening, June 27, 1997. I'm not quite sure what to make of the following, but I'll give it to you exactly as it was given to me. A very good friend of mine is a 66 year old lady from Belize with a most extraordinary gift for predicting what's around the next corner, the one in tomorrow. I've found her to be about 85% right 75% of the time and 100% right the other 25%. She too is a part of this, although not so much actively working with the Feds as with Leahaana. She's a very good friend of Vashti, the Tau Cetian murdered by the good little boys in the black bag operation working with downed UFOs. Both she and Vashti were incarnated on the Tau Cetian home world together. She came here and Vashti remained behind. With that little preface, here's what she said:

"I saw a ball of fire strike the Earth. It set the world on fire, but not every place was burned. There were some places where the fire would not burn.

Dark smoke poured out of the Earth, as though the ground itself was burning. I saw men and women fighting. I heard their screams and saw unspeakable crimes committed against each other. Men slew their wives and mothers ripped their unborn children from their bellies. Dark, faceless things came from beneath the Earth to drag hapless victims into their caves. Many, many lines of people, hundreds of miles long, led from the burned places to the safe places. Men who had become monsters, demons, attacked the refugees. They ate those whom they murdered. Then I saw huge ships coming from space. All shapes and sizes, some of them hundreds of miles across. They went to the burned places and landed in the middle of the black smoke and flames. People, men and women in silver and gold armor came out of the spaceships and attacked the monsters who had come from inside the planet. Saint Michael Himself was there, leading His troops into battle again. This time, as before, a call went out telling the monsters that if they came to Him now, they would not be harmed, they would not be killed.

(NOTE: Could this be in part a fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of REVELATION, chapter 12, vs. 7-9: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him..." - Could this "dragon" which fought the armies of Michael in the heavan's be nothing other than the "dragon" or "serpent" race which has warred against the Andromedans, Pleiadeans, Procyonese, the Tau Cetians and their allies for so long? that is the Pterodactoid "mothmen", the tall lizard-like "reptiloids", the saurian "greys", and the "amphiboids"? - see also: Genesis 3:15 - Branton)

Some of the dark things did come, but most remained in the shadows.

Then Michael raised His flaming sword and the battle began. Some of the dark things were not without courage and fought bravely, most of the time. Many of the silver and gold knights went down, but whenever one fell, two more were standing behind him, ready to step into the place of the fallen one. Finally the surface of the land was clean again and the Army of Light entered into the underground lairs of the monsters. Then the killing began. No one could hide, no one was spared, yet quarter was given when asked for by one truly repentant of its ways. That didn't seem to happen very much. Finally Michael burst through the last wall and confronted the Evil of Evils, Lucifer himself. It was like something from an old movie. Just the two of them squared off and they began to fight. Magic against magic, sword against sword. No casting out this time. No running away to fight again later, to spread some more evil here and there around the cosmos. Michael killed Lucifer once and for all, hacking him into several parts in the process. Then all the pieces of Lucifer were collected by Michael's lieutenants and taken to the surface. Michael called up a whirlwind, only the whirlwind was really a black hole. All the dead monsters and all the pieces of Lucifer were thrown into the black hole. Then the survivors of the fire, the last men and women on Earth, began to go back to the blackened lands that had once been their homes. The space ships landed in the ruined areas and began to teach the survivors how to reclaim the land, the air, and the water. They taught them about God and that each and every one of them were part of God...

(By this, 'Tau' no doubt refers to what is written in the book of Colossians, chapter 1, versus 16-20, concerning the divine life-blood transfusion that the author of LIFE offers to those who will recieve it. And since these believers have the pure life-blood of Christ flowing through their veins through faith, they are part of the "Body of Christ". We are created in the triune image of God with a Spirit, a Soul, and a Body. The BODY is the "tabernacle" through which they relate to the physical world, the SOUL is one's essential being, and the SPIRIT is the potential 'container' for the essense of LIFE which is given by God... the Word of God says that "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak..." however it is the SOUL which chooses which is in charge of it, the collictive-minded "flesh", or the "spirit" which God gives to us, and along with it the gift of individuality" - Branton).

could call themselves God when they had merged their consciousness with that of God. Then the earth exploded, or seemed to. It burst into a thousand million lights of blue and white and gold. The land and the sea fell into the sky. When it began to quiet down again, the world as we have known it had passed away, changed forever by the Hand of God. Of the people who had lived on Earth only two in five remained. Of the monsters and their acolytes, none remained."

That's how she sent it to me. She said that this little scenario has already begun. She doesn't think we have even until the year 2000, targeting 1999 as the year it all gets down and dirty.

(Apparently, God has given this world a reprieve... at least for now. - Branton)

Something else... You've seen the movie Braveheart with Mel Gibson. That's the sort of fervor, the unquenchable super...

(NOTE: Here again the message seems to be corrupted and the final part of the message is apparently missing... this is the final message that I have on file, from "Tau"... - BRANTON)