Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 09:26:39 -0700
     From:    Save Address
     To: Alan deWalton <>
     Subject: Information Use

Good Morning Alan:
             No problem using whatever information you feel is pertinent and relevant with whomever you wish.  Just use Tau and not my name, not yet anyway.  The day is coming, and quite soon I'm afraid, in which (fortunately or unfortunately) almost everyone will recognize my name.
     That's good and that's bad, for I value my privacy a great deal. Interesting that you mention the chameleons.  We've run into them before.  Seemingly there are two types.  The sort usually encountered is the one that uses a mind screen to disguise their features.  My femine counterpart encountered one in, of all places, a Dairy Queen in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.  She can see through the mind screen without even trying and spotted this one at once (I wasn't there).  It was some sort of reptilian, but she had no experience with them at that time (this was in 1992) and doesn't know which brand.  From the description it didn't sound like a full blown Reptoid, but some sort of hybrid.  The creature became most agitated as she stared at it and quickly left the room.  She tried to follow it but it seemed to just disappear after it left the DQ.  Once you become identified they assign a threat level to you and treat you accordingly.  The most dangerous to them (as you are, my friend, so watch your ass) are those who manifest a strong will and sense of independant purpose.  They evaluate the degree of protection you manifest and conduct their surveillance accordingly.  Most of us are watched from afar.  Those with a strong alignment with the White Light of the Christ, higher dimension energies flowing through their energy fields, are mostly watched and not interferred with.  "Everyday" people who laugh at this are meat for the grinder.  Their failure to take even the most basic precautions do not stand them in good stead.
     I know there was a major effort about six years ago to replace those whom they could not control.  There was a lot of cloning going on in the early 90's.  There really aren't that many shape shifters around.  Most of it's done with smoke and mirrors, albeit some pretty sophisticated smoke.  Reagan was replaced.  Hinkley's bullet really scrambled Reagan's brain, so they duplicated him.  Some now say that Clinton and his wife were replaced too, that it was done during his "$200 haircut" that took almost four hours.  Clinton is now no more than a golem, a mindless puppet that does whatever he's told to do.  The man who "committed suicide," whose name I can't recall, supposedly found out what was going on and couldn't be persuaded to go along.  He wasn't worth the process of cloning, so they murdered him.  His diary has yet to be produced in the original form.  That one also had information concerning the CIA drug traffic operation that Clinton was part of in Arkansas.  He knew they were coming for him and tried to do something which would make his murder known, but they beat him in the "sanitation process" and covered the entire thing up.  They are very good at what they do.
     The process of cloning has risen to a high state of the art, but things go wrong sometimes, witness Boris Yeltsin's "heart problems."
     The Federation is VERY reluctant to do anything overt in the way of itervention. Plans are in motion, and plans within plans within plans.
     There are some very complicated things in motion.  Believe it or not, the replacement activity is not considered an overt act of interference, but a covert operation to mold and control, and that's not strictly against the prime directive as it's interpreted in some quarters.  You also have to realize that few races are chomping at the bit to re-engage in interstellar warfare.  It's unbelievably destructive.  Entire worlds and their populations are vaporized.  Such technology exists and the Draconians are certainly in possession of all the weapons of mass destruction capable of being created within the lower three dimensions of Creation.  There ARE races with a strong sense of freedom and honor, such as the Tau Cetians.  Start talking about repression and tyrannical oppression and some of them get absolutely rabid in their opposition.
     (I'm one of these for better or worse)  Something must be done; something will be done; something is being done; but a lot of Earth people are going to be hurt whichever way it goes.
     I see myself mirrored in your words.  Believe me, I know what you're feeling.  Just don't get yourself killed before it begins.  These are the most dangerous times for people like you and I.  Energy rushes to the apex, the flash point, from all directions. Each line of energy is a different operation, a different activity.  THEY rush to complete their plans for putting a stranglehold on the world, WE rush to move a counterweight into position to balance their effort.  Move - countermove.  Your "Midnight Ride" is far more important than anything else you might do a this time.  I'm sure you've seen the parallel between you and Paul Revere, but if you haven't, look closely, for you
carry much of that energy within you.  You'll get your chance to do
something more in the way of throwing in a monkey wrench or two, but
don't put the cart before the horse.  I certainly don't want to meet a
fully armed and conscious Reptillian Warrior before I'm ready, and I
don't think you do either.  If you haven't already done so, invest in a
good sword, like a real Katana, and learn how to use it.  Find a Kendo
dojo and practice.  It's good excercise, but it's also one way to kill
Reptoids.  Most reptoids have a battle sense of honor that will let you
challenge them in a one on one combat even when they have the absolute
upper hand.  It's a way to save your ass at the last minute.  They still value single combat.  More importantly, energy will be activated through the adept and transmitted through the sword and into the enemy when one learns how.  There's much more going on than meets the eye.
     Suffice it to say that nothing in the form of overt intervention will come along until mankind realizes what's going on and take some sort of action on its own.  It is not the purpose of any elder race to create a dependancy within homo sapien by acting prematurely.  If man is blind to wha's going on around him, then he must suffer the conscquences of his blindness, realize what is happening and take action.  If mankind just rolls over, I can almost guarantee than NOTHING will be done to help him.  But if the white hot flame of freedom, of independance, blossoms within the collective soul of man, if human kind takes the shot and comes back kicking, punching, biting and scratching, the entire Omniverse will rearrange itself to come to their aid.  And that's absolute fact.  Until something happens to shed some light on what's going on, most of mankind will remain passively impassive.  Maybe someone's going to turn on a few spotlights.  One just never can tell...

     Yours in a fun filled rebellion, TAU