Good Morning Alan. 

I have indeed received and read your four e-mails.  The attachments came through just fine, although not every message had an attachment for some reason.

I apologize for the delay in replying.  This took some time to accumulate.  I had a lot of help with it.

Some things just have to be put down as they appear.  I've been doing some "looking" anent the problems the Ashtar Command is having with elements of the Sirius-B contingent.  Your information is apparently correct. 

This is not for general dissemination.  I've learned that within and upon the physical/astral dimensions the Regressives and the evolutionists are pretty much at a standstill, a stalemate if you like.  Bad guys win some, good guys win some.  A build up of force has occurred at the Sirius-B system.  This force is heading our way.  If nothing changes, Earth will be lost.  The regressive is placing a 110% effort in drawing a line in the sand, and Earth is the line.  If permitted full sway, aggressive activity without interference from off-world sources, the incoming force when combined with what's already here will most probably win full control of the Earth, the Moon and the entire star system within 72 hours.  It's that big, that massive. 

(Some sources on the Internet have claimed that the government has sighted a huge "armada" heading our way from Sirius-B, however these government officials have decided not to tell the common people of this, in order to prevent "panic", and have decided instead to develop SDI or Strategic Defense Initiative weapons to combat the invading force. - Branton)

Something else is also true.  Someone with the consciousness of Sananda, and there are more than just "a few" who express that level of awareness, can instantly "see" what a person is.  There is no subterfuge, because camouflage is impossible.  In ancient Egypt the Pharo would hold court for whomever wished to be seen or who had committed a crime.  Always was one of the High Priests present.  The High Priest could "see" the person clairvouantly and instantly know if one spoke the truth or lied.  That process is still viable.  NO ONE can hide their inner self.  Maybe here it's an accepted thing to hide and play games with words, but oh so very shortly now that will all change forever.  Truth is truth... but how it's perceived by the individual can appear to create separation and difference.  In fact, it's all within the Eternal One.

The Regressive is proceeding as though nothing will change, nothing will alter the balance of power already in place.  They are wrong.  Egotistically the Regressive is invulnerable, invincible.  They anticipate a relatively harsh, but quick victory.  Then they launch their own 1,000 years of blissful, from their point of view, reign.  It's the negative side of the Millennium; the other side of the coin.  They literally see themselves as the most powerful force in the universe.  They believe what they've been told by Lucifer and his cronies.  They cannot see their defeat.

When the Divine Pulse of energy was set into motion by that which we call God, the first Regressive element it encountered was vaporized.  That Pulse entered into Creation at the highest level, the highest dimension, and started to descend through Creation, passing through each dimension, each level of Being.  It is now entering onto and into the Physical Universe.  Throw a pebble into a still pond and watch the ripples.  This energy wave is like the ripple, expanding outward from that point at which it entered into the universe.  Regressives have been running before that wave, fleeing for their very existence. 

Because Man, the Human Race on Earth, is what and who it is, the Reptoid and every other Regressive is terrified of his (man) attaining it's God Self Realization.

(What is meant by this may be what Christianity teaches... basically that we are able through the work of Calvary and the "Divine blood transfusion" to become "cells" in the "Body of Christ" or God, who is the LOGOS or the LIVING WORD of the Almighty Creator. This does not necessarily make us "gods" ourselves since being part of the "Body of Christ" is a gift from outside of ourselves. Even a physical "cell" in a human body turns to dust once the body has died and the spirit which animates it departs, however a "cell" in the body of God never dies, but experiences "resurrection" into an immortal being. Being created in the image of God, God the Father perpetually emanates the "Word of Life" which is Christ and the "Spirit of Life" which is the Holy Spirit that the WORD OF GOD describes as the "Water of Life". So since the Almighty is a three-in-one being and we are created in His IMAGE, then we are created with a Spirit body, a Soul body, and a Physical body... each of which is a distinct expression of a single being, or three beings in one. It is our spirit which has the image of God, however our soul is the real "us" and the real decision-maker, and our spirit is what provides us our individuality amd life-force, however our egos as opposed to our conscience tends to seek out the will of the fallen "flesh" which seeks out the Hive or Collective mentality controlled by the fallen reptilian species. The WORD OF GOD says that "the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak", and talks much about the war for our souls between the individual spirit and the colective flesh, and that through the work of Jesus the Christ at Calvary we are able to crucify our flesh with Christ, and cause our Spirits to be revived and renewed - Branton)

Prayer, as you know, is thought set into motion.  God has heard the prayers of ALL the races throughout the Omniverse.  The cry for "MORE LIGHT" has not gone unheard.  This Pulse is the response.  God says, in effect, "EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE COME CLOSER!"  This Divine Pulse, this Will of God Energy, is designed to do just that, to bring everything and everyone closer to the realization of Godhood expressed within each speck of divine matter in existence, which in effect IS everything in existence.

The Regressives, in the form of a reptilian, cold blooded evolution, will do their "thing" amid violence, pain, terror and horror.  They're very good at what they do.  They've been doing it for a long, long time.  They view man as their private hunting preserve, their cattle ranch.  They also want the RNA/DNA material found in earth-human-man.  They believe, and not without reason, that if they can incorporate the DNA of mankind into their own they can breed a new and superior Reptoid.  Again as you know full well, they've been trying to do this for centuries. 

The Will of God Energy is not a weapon.  But it can be seen that way, especially if you're on the receiving end.  We've already stated that only two things can happen when anything encounters the Will of God Energy.  One, it changes and goes along with the Divine Program, or two, it is destroyed, redirected into other forms or returned to Source.  Every attempt made by the Regressive to capture and harness the Will of God Energy has resulted in complete obliteration of the group attempting to harness it to their own ends. 

IF it comes to the point where serious damage to the Earth is imminent, that the obliteration or complete domination of human kind is about to occur, the Will of God Energy will be pointedly directed against the Regressive element.  The resultant action will destroy, obliterate, annihilate, their very being.  They and their creations will cease to exist.  Their collective energies will become dissolute and without form.  It will then be returned to the Creator Source.

We cannot, we will not interfere in the business of survival for man, until the very last moment, not in a major way.  Yes, help will be there on an incident by incident action.  But man must stand alone, he must LEARN to stand alone and call upon that which sleeps within him.  One does not learn or profits if someone else does the work and only the rewards are experienced. 

Did not the Master Jesus say, "Ye are as sleeping gods," and again, "in My name ye shall do greater deeds than I?"  A thousand thousand hints have been given to the human race.  Some have seen and heard, most have not.  That which you fear will come to pass unless a great change occurs, and at this late hour, that change is all but impossible. 

I don't know what's coming next, nor how it shall take form, but I do know that a tremendous "cosmic show and tell" is about to begin.  People are going to be given the entire truth.  Whether or not they believe it is up to them.  "Lead a horse to water" and all that stuff.  YOU my friend, are right in the middle of this.  Again, I don't know how or to what degree.  But you're supposed to "get ready" for whatever comes next.  I have no idea what that means.

I understand what you've been going through.  I won't say that I feel your pain, but as an empath, I really do feel some of what you've felt.  The following came straight from the "top," whatever that is.

Alan, you chose the path and the experiences you have walked and felt these many years.  Your Higher Self, your I AM Self, selected the precise place for you to be born into this world in order that IT may accumulate the needed elements for ITs own completion.  IT also selected the Path you walk in order that you may be of the greatest service to Mankind and to the Creator Source.  That's difficult to swallow sometimes.  Earth was never intended to be a place of darkness and suffering, but that seems to be the manner in which mankind progresses the most rapidly.  The double life you find yourself leading is "possession," electronically enhanced, but possession nonetheless.  You realized that a long time ago. 

You have been presented to us (I'm not certain that there are enough of us to call a "group") as an additional test.  Leahaana is rapidly becoming something hoped for, but never before realized in Earth's long history.  She is fast approaching the moment when she shall embody the Feminine principle of the Christ Consciousness manifesting upon and within the physical universe.  Sort of Jesus' sister.  Sananda's feminine side.  Look at the planet.  Gaia is feminine.  Mankind is the feminine balance to the Devachanic masculine for the Earth Chain of Being (the Earth on all levels of reality, every dimension).  We all need to sit down together, in a circle, and see what's what.  This will occur, if you're willing, sometime in late August or September, certainly before the end of the year.  A lady named Veronica will also be there.  Many others will also be there, but you may not be aware of them since they aren't in physical form. 

(I was not able to contact Tau in person, for shortly after this I was in an automobile accident wherein I was thrown into a coma for almost a week, I was in intensive care in a hospital for nearly three months, and was later placed in a care center for a year-and-a-half, and then in an assisted living center for several months. I do not recall the accident nor the events leading up to it, which is probably a blessing in disquise. However when I was able to once again work on the internet, I tried contacting "Tau", however his email address which I had was no longer active, and all of my attempts to use search engines to find anything else on him were futile... - Branton)

The impression I receive is that a tremendous surge of 5th Dimension energy will be focused on you, specifically the section of the brain wherein the "devices" (implants placed there during abductions - Branton) are located.  It seems to be hoped that this will overload and burnout the implants.  Apparently this has not been attempted before.  It is, of course, entirely dependent upon whether or not you wish to volunteer for such an effort.

You are also asked to prepare for this effort.  Begin to practice the given visualizations in earnest.  Do them regularly and religiously.  Thought empowers energy to assume a specific form and quality.  By engaging in the given exercises you activate the Kundalini Energy in a safe and benign manner as well as attracting elements of the Will of God Energy to yourself.  A sufficiently powerful energy shield placed around yourself by your mind may, in fact, erect a barrier to any signals sent to the "device" within you.  This part is up to you.

It is also suggested that you back off a little.  Become less intense in seeing the threat against yourself and mankind.  That doesn't mean not recognizing it, but it does mean releasing some of the tension energy you hold so tightly against yourself.  It's much akin to the "chill out" saying so common a few years ago.  You hold a fixed point of tension which has the direct consequence of closing out much of the higher dimension energies directed to you. 

This next issue may not sit so well with you, but hear me out.  Don't well overly much on Biblical implication and interpretation.  What you do is to intensify the barrier you've erected around yourself.  It serves as a wall which prevents some of what you wish to happen from happening.  Kick back and observe for awhile.  You can't do anything more than you have, and the words you've written are a singular example of tremendous effort in waking people up.  "Horse to water" again.  Now you must look at yourself and what needs to be done in order to take the next step in preparing for what comes next.  The visualizations will do more for you than you realize. 

As you place energy of a certain frequency into motion in conjunction with a heartfelt prayer for guidance and assistance, a corresponding energy is released from Source.  You open the door when you exhibit action and accompany that action with a sincere request.  "ASK and the door shall be opened."  What you're doing is really utilizing higher dimension physics and applying it to third-fourth dimension reality.

One last thing.  We're not here to "save everyone."  That isn't how it works and that's not how the Earth was set up.  It's up to each and every person on this planet to choose for themselves which way to go, how to get there and what to do along the way.  Yes, some will be evacuated.  Yes, there are those whom we watch and monitor constantly, those whom we shall permit no harm to come.  They aren't as many as people believe.  What happens to you, to me to a certain extent, and to everyone else is dependant upon the choices we make and the paths we walk.  There is not going to be a big bail-out from the "friendly aliens." 

At present a huge debate rages on the level of intervention needed, permitted and to be engaged in.  It ain't over yet...

Worry about yourself for now.  By the end of the year you can be a "new man" or dead.  '97 is the year of change for all of us.

Light to you always,          


(Roy Grady)