Chapter Seven
The Imp

Alfred's rescue had been difficult for Leahaana. She had neglected to ask her guides and guardian angels to replenish her physical and psychic energies as she used them and as a result her physical batteries were at low charge.

It was a general consensus among the three Circle workers to undertake a pilgrimage to the local Dairy Queen, the only source of hot fudge sundaes in all of North Battleford. Rural Canada in the winter time is not big on ice cream.

Forty-five minutes later, full of hot fudge, ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream, they decided to take Patrick, a visiting Texan, sight seeing in Battleford. Battleford is the original settlement in this part of Saskatchewan, the birthplace of North Battleford, and ten minutes from the Dairy Queen. There were several houses Leahaana was interested in looking at. The growing activities of the Rescue Circle and her psychic work as advisor and counselor would soon make her present home much too small to accommodate all the people interested in communicating with the deceased.

The tour of Battleford real estate was pleasant, but uneventful. They were all getting tired and decided to go back to Leahaana's house. Half way there Leahaana's body suddenly lurched violently to one side. A low growl escaped from her lips. Leahaana was driving. Patrick and Linda stared at her in mild shock. “Bad fudge?” He asked innocently.

“Take the wheel,” she gasped. “Quickly, just take the wheel.” Reaching out and holding the steering wheel in his left hand, Patrick steered the car as it continued to hurtle down the road. Leahaana fought for control as another spasm wracked her body, making her again lurch to one side.

Finally she took the steering wheel again. “We've got to go back into the Circle,” she said. “Now! There's something in here with me. That demon thing, or Imp or whatever it was jumped hosts. It was trapped with Alfred in his seconds of energy and now I've got it.” She stared into Patrick's eyes. “Or its got me.”

Fifteen minutes later they were seated in a triangle in Leahaana's living room, once again approximating as best they could a circle. Leahaana was sitting on the couch, her body jerking continuously as the thing inside her fought for domination and control.

“This thing is some kind of miniature demon,” she said. “It's covered with tiny red scales. IT LOOKS LIKE A REPTILE, only different. It walks on two legs and doesn't like being in the Light. It scorches him, burns him.” A contraction of her spine forced her body to arch upward, lifting her above the couch, her body supported by her heels and her neck. A gravel sounding grunt, a noise not supposed to come from a human throat forced its way in-between her lips.

“What can we do? Do you need anything?” Linda and Patrick felt absolutely helpless. Silently, Leahaana shook her head.

“Send her Light,” Linda said. “Send her more Light energy.” Together, Patrick and Linda focused their wills, their abilities, on the form of Leahaana and to the Leahaana who dwelled within. Both saw the light surround her, permeate her being. Patrick sent a telepathic request for Sananda, He who was Jesus, to be with them, to lend His support to Leahaana. But Leahaana had already summoned the Master of Light. Already did He stand at her side.

Calmer now, Leahaana relaxed against the cushion and spoke with them. “Sananda came at once. He showed me how to control the Imp. It's called a Bottle Imp, by the way. This one is a Red Imp. It's the thing that created all the stories about lamps and bottles and genies. Apparently they can also be black, or green, or blue. The black is the worst, so we're lucky in that this is only a second class terror.” She laughed, delighted at what she had achieved.

“Sananda showed me an image of a golden ball of light surrounding the Imp. I asked him how to do it and He said, 'Just do it.' So I did.” She shivered a little.

Like the man said, that is one very pissed off demon, second class or not. He's furious at falling into what he thinks is a trap.”

“It was trying to take control of my body. It kept shooting these strands, like pieces of kite string, only sticky, all over me. Every once in awhile it would lock onto some part of me and jerk it. It used the strings to get control of whatever organ it was shooting at. That's what those little body thumps were. It was trying to take over.”

“I put a ball of light around it and that was that. The instant the ball was in place those tendrils vaporized, vanished. They couldn't exist without the Imp to energize them. The rest was easy. I just kept the lid on and it was helpless.” Leahaana smiled delightedly and laughed. “Jeez he's mad.”

“Okay, you got him. Now what?” Patrick leaned back, crossed his legs and relaxed. If Leahaana was confident that the Imp was bottled, he wasn't worried either.

Leahaana stared at him. “I don't know,” she said slowly. “I just can't keep him there. It takes a lot of concentration and energy to keep him all wrapped up. If I ever let it slip, he'd be out in a second.”

“You have to take him into the Light.” Linda's eyes were closed as the silent words directed through her from another dimension flowed through her. “You must take the Bottle Imp into the Light. Carry him there and deposit him into the hands of those who have chosen to assist the fallen ones, angels who will be waiting for you. You must enter the gate and return, Daughter of the Light. You must enter the Light and return. At present there is no one else, there is none presently incarnated upon this planet who may do this thing in full waking consciousness. Have faith and have courage, for this you may do, beloved. This you must do.” Linda fell silent. It was Leahaana's turn to stare in open mouthed amazement.

“That was Sananda,” Patrick said. “I recognized the signature of His energy.” Leahaana nodded. “I know,” she said. “I did too.”

Leahaana closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. A deep breath, and she was gone, her consciousness projected to a place Patrick and Linda could not follow. Patrick closed his eyes too, seeking the slender thread of psychic vision which would permit him to see, to feel, what was going on.

Linda made it easy for him. “Um,” she began. “She's just crossing the bridge, just going into the Light. Someone, Anne I think, met her just inside the entrance into the Light.”

Anne was a deceased friend of Ariana Sheran who had chosen to lend her energies, her assistance, to the efforts of the Rescue Circle centered in North Battleford. Anne met each returning soul, greeting them and welcoming them through the Gate of Heaven. Anne will also assist any Circle calling upon her to do so.

“She's inside now,” Linda related. “I can't see very much beyond the gate.” Her voice trailed into silence. For what seemed like half an hour they waited for Leahaana to return. Patrick periodically checked to see that Leahaana still breathed, that her heart still beat. Their experience had universally been that if anyone went into the Light, they stayed there. Going and returning was unheard of, until now.

Patrick laughed out loud. “If anybody can do it, she can.” Linda laughed too, but cast very protective and worried glances at her sister every few seconds.

Abruptly, Leahaana sat up. She opened her eyes and had trouble focusing for a moment. Linda and Patrick waited patiently, knowing full well the disorientation which could result from a prolonged bout of astral activity.

Finally. “Hi, guys.” Leahaana smiled, the most beautiful smile either Patrick or Linda had ever seen. Light radiated from Leahaana's face. Her eyes glowed with a silvery luminescence. The air around her shimmered with translucent vitality. She didn't say anything more, just looked at them with love oozing from every pore. It was like being basted with love. Every cell in their bodies was warmed.

Five minutes later, Leahaana spoke to them again. Patrick and Linda were speaking of something inane, like who was on tonight's episode of Star Trek, The Next Generation. Leahaana suddenly had their full and undivided attention

“Well hi, guys,” she said. “What's up?”

“What's up? Just 'what's up'? Nothing else?” Linda folded her arms across her chest in exasperation. “What happened?” She all but shouted the question.

“Oh, that.” Leahaana's eyes sparkled with humor, but with something else too. Something neither Linda or Patrick had seen before. “Well, I carried our little friend into the Light without any real problem. The Light kept getting brighter and brighter the closer I got to the gate, and that made the Imp really frantic. The intensity of the Light was burning him quite badly. Imps and demons and the like have lived for so long in darkness, both literal and figurative, that any exposure to the Light of God is almost instantly fatal for them. They can't exist within the higher dimensions without some help.” Like pulling a cork from an upended bottle, it all came in one long rush.

“Anne and some others were there to meet me. They took the Imp and put him to sleep right away. They took him to a building where all the ones with problems or bad Karma to work out, things that made them less than angelic while in human form. Impy is going to sleep for a very long time, but he'll begin to heal while he's sleeping and maybe when he wakes up he'll be in a better frame of mind to go along with The Program.”

“After Anne took the Imp and handed it to some other people, she offered to give me the cook's tour. It was difficult to see clearly at first. Everything had a hazy, misty quality to it, even after I became accustomed to the brightness. Everything radiated light. It's difficult to remember some of it.” She shook her head as though trying to jog loose her memory.

“There were buildings, beautiful buildings. Temples and towers and huge domed buildings. Some of them reminded me of old Grecian style buildings, but different, somehow more modern. There were grassy hills and fountains everywhere, but very few sidewalks. People walk wherever they wish, but many choose to fly. I saw some people just floating through the air like balloons.”

“I met lots of people who wanted to help us with the Rescue Circles. I recognized some of them, and many others wanted me to deliver messages to friends or relatives still living on Earth. It was incredible! Absolutely amazing! I saw hundreds of angels, huge beings of light that seemed to be everywhere.” She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the experience still flooding through her.

“The one thing that came through above and beyond all else was the feeling of love that permeated everything. That's all that really matters, guys. The love is all that ever matters.”

“Did you meet Jesus, or even see Him?” Linda was on the edge of her seat.

Leahaana shook her head. “No, but I wish I had. I've seen Him a thousand times when we channel, but this was different somehow. They wouldn't permit me to go too far from the gate. They were watching me very closely, seeing how I'd react, I suppose.” Her smile got even bigger, if such a thing were possible.

“Oh! It's fading!” She said. “It's all going away! It's like a dream, like I just woke up from a wonderful dream.” Leahaana's intense disappointment was reflected in her face. She looked like a little girl who had just dropped her ice cream on the sidewalk. Like mist in the morning, it faded into obscurity.

Finally all that remained was the feeling of love that permeated everything, a love more intense than anything she had ever experienced before, a memory of what awaited us all when our time to die arrived.

A person who receives intuitive insight and knowledge without having prior knowledge about the subject before attention is turned to that subject is called a “Knower.” Knowers receive input from the causal dimension, the level of being wherein all knowledge is available to anyone seeking to know. A channel, a conduit opens once that alignment between the higher and the lower dimensions is achieved. Through years of practice and experimentation, Patrick was such a Knower.

“You aren't supposed to remember,” he said. “All the memories are there, you just can't access them right now. A day is coming when all your memories will be made available to you. You'll reel off the memories of your visits to both heaven and hell for large audiences of curious spiritual seekers.”

“Even now the memory of the quality, the love you felt is with you. This you will carry always, for it reminds you of that which is your heritage, of that which is every human beings heritage. All we have is the Love. It's when we deny the love, cover it up and refuse to share it with the world around us that our problems begin.”

He smiled and patted Leahaana on her arm. “Don't worry about it. If you really want to reclaim your memories, ask to be permitted to return for other visits.” He stopped speaking and seemed to listen for a second. “I love it when it does that,” he said laughing. “You've an open invitation to come back whenever you wish.” He listened again.

“There's something else.” He leaned forward, suddenly very serious. “Sananda's here,” he said.

Leahaana immediately began speaking as Sananda overshadowed her body and voice.

“The dark ones, those of the lesser light, have held a meeting this night. Apparently your activities have caused quite a stir, quite a panic among them. Until tonight they did not know that anyone of Leahaana's capability was presently incarnated upon the Earth. Even now an exceptionally large number of them have gathered at the outermost edge of the Light which surrounds this house and these activities.”

Patrick had been aware of them for some time, but had said nothing for fear of worrying Linda unduly. For the moment they were effectively stymied, and very, very pissed off, and for some reason he thought that was riotously funny. Images of little demons jumping up and down in frustrated rage, gnashing their teeth, foaming at the mouth, doing all sorts of things in helpless anger, flowed through his mind. Several times he almost giggled.

“For now they merely watch and report. When the Imp was carried into the Light they panicked. Widespread terror, great consternation swept through their ranks in seconds. Their meeting is akin to the Summit Meetings Earth leaders attend. Satan was there as were his aids, both human and nonhuman.”

Patrick and Linda were shown the pictures, the images of what Sananda was referring to as He spoke. Images of the dark meeting flooded their consciousness.

“They have agreed to place a price upon your heads. For the one who recruits or destroys Leahaana or Patrick, her spiritual twin, Satan will grant any request asked of him.” Linda's head came up. She hadn't been included. An audible sigh of relief could be heard.

“You mean they put a out contract on us?” Patrick was first incredulous, then outraged.

Leahaana/Sananda nodded. “Yes. That is exactly what they have done. It is, as you say, open ended. No time limit.” Leahaana/Sananda smiled. “Fear not, My friends. Nothing shall harm you, nothing shall even approach you, for you are all beloved of My Light, of My Family. It would be better that any who would seek to harm you not be born, not be created, rather than place any thing, any effort into motion which might bring you to harm. There is a terrible wrath waiting to fall upon all who seek to bring mischief unto you or any others to whom I have given My mantle.” He was gone as quickly as He had come.

Linda's eyes were big and round. “Well, shit,” she whispered. “Anybody want to sleep with me tonight? Can I sleep with you tonight? I wonder what they're doing in Hong Kong right now?”

Leahaana looked at her curiously. “Hong Kong?” She echoed. Linda nodded. “Yeah. That's about as far away from here as I can think of on short notice.” They all laughed, but Linda was looking nervously into the darker corners of the room.

Patrick smiled confidently. “Linda, you haven't a thing to worry about. There is more angelic artillery around this house and around each of us than you can possibly imagine. There are angels on every level of astral, mental and causal dimensions, and they're not your average every day angels either. These are the Warriors. The ones that Michael puts into action against the enemies of the Light throughout all of God's Creation. These guys even outshine Jael.”

He suddenly stopped, a surprised look on his face. “Jael says, 'Want to make a bet?' And no bets. Anyway, they're all reinforcing what Sananda told us. As long as we do and use what we've been taught to do, nothing can harm us. It's when we begin to doubt what we know, when we begin to lose faith in ourselves and the power of God incarnate that we open the door to letting them inside our defense barriers.” He shrugged. “No problems.”

That was the beginning of a running game of cat and mouse, check and counter check. The wraps came off the dark force. No more “look and wait and see.” The dark forces began to stalk all who practice Rescue Circles with a vengeance. It still goes on.




Good Morning Alan -

The guys upstairs emphasized that you need this information right now. The urgency sorta' surprised me.

In 1992 something was encountered by the Rescue Circle operating from northern Canada which I think needs repeating here. As you know, a Rescue Circle concerns itself with finding and releasing those souls trapped or "stuck" on the Astral Plane. We were led by out angelic guides and guardians to a man who had committed suicide. Contrary to what most of the Christian dogma says, no one automatically goes to "Hell." Everyone goes to "Heaven," including murderers, et al, including suicides. Once there (Heaven) a period of sleep, unconsciousness, occurs in which the new arrival heals and rebuilds what has been corrupted by negative based actions on the physical plane. A conscious act of will by the one who died will keep them within the Astral Dimension. Someone who firmly believes that they are not going to Heaven for one reason or another, will, indeed, not go. They wander aimlessly, or just remain where they died, locked in a frozen instant of time by their own mind. In a way Rescue Circle contact is time travel, for the group returns to the moment of physical death of the victim, regardless of the time period. I've attached 2 chapters of the book I wrote on Rescue Circle activity that explains in detail the contact with this particular suicide.

Whether we call them demons or Reptoids, they remain the same thing. You understand this. Their intent was to destroy the future by destroying the children of man. So far they're doing a pretty good job.

Let me know if you think the book is interesting enough to sell to someone. I tried for a few months to find an agent but no one was interested. Then my job called for me to travel and I had to drop it. Somehow I never got back to it. I've most of the tapes we made of the Rescue Circles, the actual Circle sessions.