Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 10:08:32 -0700
To: Alan deWalton
Subject: SPEARS


Good Morning.

Would you please send me some information on your SPEARS organization?

I've encountered it in two places, now, and would like to know more about it.

Is information made available to SPEARS that isn't dissiminated over eaglenet?

These are most critical times. We stand on the edge of change so profound, so all encompassing, that it may be an understatement to say that the earth as we know it shall, indeed, passaway.

In answer to your question about Utah, there's something going on there.

It's a huge staging area. More than one regressive element has sent in their "troops," although not many of them plan to actually "take the field." There are a number of the Ciekar (aka "Mothmen" or "Pterodactoids" - Branton), the drak royalty, there. It would seem that Utah is going to be a problem area. Many humans and non-humans are joining forces. The death toll will be high from that area, for they will not surrender to the Force of Light, even when certain defeat is stareing them in the face.

There is an underground movement, albeit a small one at the moment, within the Ciekar to stop their agressive behavior and "go with the Light." Several months ago a Ciekar "princess" was escorted for 45 minute visit with Leahaana. Leahaana was in NYC at the time. This "princess" stated that there were a few others like herself, beings who did not want to see the destruction of their race, for if they keep on going the way they are they shall, in effect, destroy themselves. One of the missions now underway is to reach as many of the draks and their allies as can be reached and bring them into the Light. The necessary force to destroy the drak empire is already in place. We are extremely reluctant to use this force, however. The destruction of Lifeform is most repugnant to most of those sitting on the Council.

More later... Roy

Oh, I almost forgot. I've been urged to use the nom-de-plume of "Tau" in my communications. So Tau it is.