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A Hollow Earth Insider EXTRA Report


The Durango Herald posted the following storied at 12:37 EST 3/21/04:

March 21, 2004
Chief UFO investigator dies
By Patricia Miller
Herald Staff Writer
Roy F. Craig, an investigator who worked on the country's largest, most systematic investigation of flying saucers, died Thursday, March 18, 2004, at his La Boca Ranch, south of Ignacio. He died after a struggle with cancer. He was 79. ……

March 21, 2004
Symposium: Is the UFO truth in Aztec?
By Dale Rodebaugh
Herald Staff Writer
AZTEC, N.M. - True believers and the curious gathered here this weekend for the seventh annual Aztec UFO Symposium to hear the latest information on the crash - or landing, according to some - of an unidentified flying object north of here in 1948.
"There is no smoking gun, but a lot of interesting documents about what happened here," Scott Ramsey said before his presentation Saturday. "I'm no evangelist. I just present the facts and let people make up their minds." ….

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