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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

Date: Dec. 19, 2004             
Issue # 47 
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw

   Come Wednesday I’m off  to Virginia to spend Christmas with my son, 
daughter-in-law and grandson so there will be no Research Report in 
your mailbox next week.   To make it up to you I‘ve extended this one.   
Thanks for all of your support in helping “Unraveling the Secrets” 
become an overwhelming success this first year.  Plans are in the making to 
make this publication and our Web page even more informative and user 
friendly next year.  Have a safe and happy Holidays!  
Quote of the Week:

"All this time, the reports of incidents convince us that there is 
something going on that must have immediate attention...

“Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at 
high speeds in the vicinity of major US defense installations are of 
such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known 
types of vehicles." 
                        … H. Marshall Chadwell CIA Director of 
Scientific Intelligence, 1952.
(Source: Filer’s Files #52)
In This ISSUE:

By Mary Sutherland


Update: Worldwide ID Movement


UFO Updates &  Selected Short Subjects
Thanks to my long-time friend BRANTON all the back issues of this 
series of reports can be found archived at:

Visit BRANTON’S Underground Base & Hideout at:
NOTE:  Many of our sources do not leave their reports and stories 
available at the links provided by this report forever.  If a link does not 
work you might have to do a little searching to find it, or 
unfortunately, you might not be able to find it at all.  I advise that you read 
these reports ASAP and save any information that you might want to return 
to for future reference to a disc or your computer . 
Or you might be disappointed… Dennis

Due to the possible connections to events presented in to my upcoming 
book, “The Secrets of Dellschau: The Sonora Aero Club & The Airships of 
the 1800s” I am watching the current happenings in Sonora California 
with more than mild interest.  I suggest you visit this excellent sight 

Note: The release of the book “The Secrets of Dellschau” by Dennis 
Crenshaw & P.G. Navarro has been rescheduled for January 2005.
Source: Team

UFO cited in northwest China still baffling: 

Beijing, Dec 15: Police in northwest China's Gansu province are 
clueless about an unidentified flying object (UFO) which was sighted by 
hundreds of people, a media report said today.

The cause of the fireball seen streaking through the night sky on 
Saturday in Northwest China's Gansu Province has not yet been confirmed, 
'China Daily' said in a front-page report.

However, the Gansu Provincial Seismology Bureau recorded that an 
explosion took place in the suburbs, some 60 kilometres from downtown 

The strange burning object, or what remains of it, had not been found 
by police, who frantically searched for any telltale evidence, it said. 
Continue …
Source: India

Strange microwave and radio signals around the glacier at Kailash in 
India-China Himalayas - extra terrestrial signals?
Lara Mohani, Special Correspondent
December 14, 2004 

People in deep Himalayas in Chinese territory have recently reported 
strange microwave and radio signals. The signals are most prominent 
around a region called Kailash regarded by Hindus for thousands of years as 
the door to heaven and home of God Shiva. According to tourists and 
pilgrims the signals are real and no one knows where they are coming from. 
The region is beautiful and is a difficult place to go. China provides 
special permission to Indian Hindu pilgrims or the Western tourists …
Continue …
SOURCE: India Daily

More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts with Indian Government and 
Juhi Singhal, Special Correspondent
December 19, 2004 

According to Subhra Jain, a freelance reporter in New Delhi, she bumped 
into a very senior Indian Military official in a nightclub in New 
Delhi. While talking what she came to know will make the rest of the world 
sit up all night. 

According to her, Extra Terrestrials have been visiting India and the 
rest of the world for thousands of years. In recent days most of the 
super powers have been formally contacted. India is no exception in recent 

’They always contact through the ground radar stations of the 
military’, she says. Indian Himalayas and Ladakh (China-India) border is where 
they first made their recent contact. They want to let India know the 
laws and regulation of the multidimensional Universe. 
India is planning an un-manned moon and later an unmanned Mars 
expedition. India’s premier Space Research Organization (ISRO) has been told 
“dos and don’ts”. …
Complete report:
Source: CBC News

UFO spotted by dozens of Indonesians
Last Updated Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:06:19 EST 
JAKARTA, INDONESIA - An unidentified flying object was seen hurtling 
toward earth Sunday morning close to Jakarta, witnesses told a local 
radio station. 
The object left a tail of fire and dozens of witnesses claim to have 
heard several loud explosions. …
SOURCE: ABC News Online

Hobbit caught in academic crossfire
By John Stewart from a Lateline report

One of Indonesia's leading scientists has rejected one of Australia's 
greatest archaeological discoveries.
Last month, Australian scientists announced the discovery of a new 
human species after the remains of a small-bodied hominid were found on the 
Indonesian island of Flores.
The creature was quickly dubbed the 'hobbit' and heralded as one of the 
biggest finds since the discovery of the Neanderthal man more than a 
century ago….

Forwarded by: spoofer33
Source: BBC NEWS
New 'moon' found around Earth
By Dr David Whitehouse 
BBC News Online science editor

An amateur astronomer may have found another moon of the Earth. Experts 
say it may have only just arrived. 
Much uncertainty surrounds the mysterious object, designated J002E3. It 
could be a passing chunk of rock captured by the Earth's gravity, or it 
could be a discarded rocket casing coming back to our region of space. 
It was discovered by Bill Yeung, from his observatory in Arizona, US, 
and reported as a passing Near-Earth Object. 
It was soon realized, however, that far from passing us, it was in fact 
in a 50-day orbit around the Earth…. Continue:

Mars Rovers Top Science List

The conclusive discovery by a pair of wheeled robots that Mars once had 
vast pools of water and possibly could have harbored life was chosen by 
the editors of the journal Science as the most important scientific 
achievement of 2004. …
No Safe Place for Satellites

A pocket of near-Earth space tucked between radiation belts gets 
flooded with charged particles during massive solar storms, shattering the 
illusion it was a safe place for satellites. …


The Undiscovered Monkey: Researchers Identify New Species of Macaque
By Sarah Davidson
Staff Writer
posted: 16 December 2004
02:49 pm ET

Scientists in India have found what they believe to be a new species of 
macaque monkey.
The simian was first observed on Aug. 19, 2003 in the extreme 
northeastern area of India’s Arunachal Pradesh territory, and is believed to be 
a different Macaque taxon, or group biologists identify as being 
separate from a similar species.
“We thought it was a new taxon because it looked unusual, unlike any 
other macaque known to science,” M.D. Madhusudan, a primary investigator 
of the monkey told LiveScience in an e-mail interview from India. “We 
also realized that it may be a new species because it combined 
morphological traits of two species, and was therefore not a subspecies of an 
already known macaque species.” …

Scientists Amazed at Mount St. Helens' Growing Dome

An unusually smooth and swiftly growing lava dome within the crater of 
Washington state's Mount St. Helens volcano is an extraordinary and 
perplexing event with an unknown outcome, geologists said Tuesday. …

Group Releases Mouse Brain Genome Data

The Allen Institute for Brain Science has released a major chunk of 
data from its mapping of the mouse brain genome, hoping the information 
will help researchers understand how the human brain works….
Posted by:  canttakemyrest

Mystery of 'chirping' pyramid decoded
By: Philip Ball
Published online: 14 December 2004

Acoustic analysis shows how temple transforms echoes into sounds of 

A theory that the ancient Mayans built their pyramids to act as giant 
resonators to produce strange and evocative echoes has been supported by 
a team of Belgian scientists.
Nico Declercq of Ghent University and his colleagues have shown how 
sound waves ricocheting around the tiered steps of the El Castillo 
pyramid, at the Mayan ruin of Chichén Itzá near Cancún in Mexico, create 
sounds that mimic the chirp of a bird and the patter of raindrops.

The bird-call effect, which resembles the warble of the Mexican quetzal 
bird, a sacred animal in Mayan culture, was first recognized by 
California-based acoustic engineer David Lubman in 1998. The 'chirp' can be 
triggered by a handclap made at the base of the staircase….
Continue at:

Idaho State University Researcher Coordinates Analysis of Body Imprint 
That May Belong to a Sasquatch
Posted by:

Idaho State University Press Release
Written by: Glenn Alford

Pocatello – Dr. Jeff Meldrum, associate professor of anatomy and 
anthropology at Idaho State University, is a member of the scientific team 
examining a plaster cast of what may be the first documented body imprint 
of a Sasquatch.
The imprint of what appears to be a large animal's left forearm, hip, 
thigh, and heel was discovered Sept. 22 in a muddy wallow near Mt. Adams 
in southern Washington state by a Bigfoot Field Researchers 
Organization ( expedition in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.
The investigating team, including Meldrum; Dr. Grover Krantz, retired 
physical anthropologist from Washington State University; Dr. John 
Bindernagel, Canadian wildlife biologist; John Green, retired Canadian 
journalist and author; and Dr. Ron Brown, exotic animal handler and health 
care administrator, all examined the cast and agreed that it cannot be 
attributed to any commonly known Northwest animal and may represent an 
unknown primate.
Meldrum, whose research includes comparative primate anatomy and the 
emergence of human walking supervised the careful cleaning of the cast, 
and will coordinate its analysis by a scientific team. He first became 
actively interested in the question of the existence of a North American 
ape after examining fresh Sasquatch (popularly called Bigfoot) tracks 
in 1996.
“While not definitively proving the existence of a species of North 
American ape, the cast constitutes significant and compelling new evidence 
that will hopefully stimulate further serious research and 
investigation into the presence of these primates in the Northwest mountains and 
elsewhere,” Meldrum said.
Dr. LeRoy Fish, a retired wildlife ecologist from Triangles Lake, Ore., 
with a doctorate in zoology from Washington State University; Derek 
Randles, a landscape architect from Belfair, Wash.; and Richard Noll, a 
tooling metrologist from Edmonds, Wash.; discovered and cast the partial 
body imprint during the BFRO expedition.
More than 200 pounds of plaster were needed to produce the 3-1/2 x 
5-foot cast of the entire impression, which was reinforced with 
researchers’ aluminum tent poles. Other Sasquatch evidence documented by the BFRO 
expedition includes voice recordings and indistinct 17-inch footprints.
Trace evidence attributed to Sasquatch is usually footprints, but 
impressions of other body parts, including hands, knuckles, and buttocks, 
have occasionally been found. This unique instance of a partial body 
impression provides further insights about this elusive ape species’ 
anatomy. Preliminary measurements indicate its body dimensions are 40 to 50 
percent greater than those of a six-foot tall human.
After the cast was cleaned, extensive impressions of hair on the 
buttock and thigh surfaces and a fringe of longer hair along the forearm were 
evident. Meldrum identified what appear to be skin ridge patterns on 
the heel, comparable to fingerprints, that are characteristic of 
The ridge characteristics are consistent with other examples from 
Sasquatch footprints Meldrum has studied in collaboration with officer Jimmy 
Chilcutt, a latent fingerprint examiner with the Conroe, Texas, Police 
Department. The anatomy of the heel, ankle, and Achilles tendon are 
also distinct and consistent with models of the Sasquatch foot derived by 
Meldrum after examining hundreds of alleged Sasquatch footprints.
Hair samples collected at the scene and from the cast itself and 
examined by Dr. Henner Fahrenbach, a biomedical research scientist from 
Beaverton, Ore., were primarily of deer, elk, coyote, and bear, as was 
expected since tracks in the wallow were mostly of those animals. However, 
based on characteristics matching those of otherwise indeterminate 
primate hairs collected in association with other Sasquatch sightings, he 
identified a single distinctly primate hair as “Sasquatch.”
Sasquatch is a species of North American ape suspected to inhabit the 
mountainous forests of the Northwest. Its existence remains 
controversial despite numerous eyewitness sightings and the discovery of enormous 
More information about the Skookum Cast can be found at the web site 
for the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization: 

Copyright © 2004 

SOURCE: Kansas (Kansas City Star)

Bigfoot museum a fresh look at mysterious `creature'


Knight Ridder Newspapers
Posted on Sun, Dec. 19, 2004

SAN JOSE, Calif. - (KRT) - To a nation fed on checkout-line tabloids, 
"Bigfoot" and "hoax" go together like chips and dip. Mike Rugg, the 
proprietor of a Bigfoot museum in Felton, Calif., respectfully - well, 
somewhat respectfully - disagrees.
"People are sent to death on less evidence than we have for Bigfoot," 
Rugg said….
Complete story:

Make sure to stop by and sign up for your FREE membership to both 
the magazine and community! 

Haunted Times Magazine… Your Connection To The Other Side!
Preview Issue #3 of Haunted Times Magazine is up at


Posted by:  michaellongo

HI All, have any of you seen the audio video presentation that Maurice 
Osbron has made on his site about crop circle history, the arosevo (sp) 
message to ET and its reply? If not, you should by visiting the links 
Save them to you hard drive 1st and then play them from there.

More information can be found here:

I found Maurice Osborn's presentation concise in respect to decoding 
the Crabwood 2002 and the Chilbolton Radiogram crop circle messages.
I was captivated by the Free Energy Technology. I ask you all to view 
the footage as it suggests the door is open of open communication with 
our ET friends, and with something as simple as a rented crop field, you 
too may be able to strike up a dialog with the ones we watch the sky 
for, our ET or star visitor friends. There are two parts to the footage 
and the second one will give instructions on the language used and the 
hope for said correspondence. On the third link above is the site that 
even includes a program he wrote that will let you compose a message in 
the crops, bravo Maurice! Have fun composing your message to Mr. ET! 

Michael Longo

Posted by:  JMAHANEY

The Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment
First Underground Interview !!!
Rare Salvaged Video Descriptions
With Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron
The only 3 Known Survivors of the Eldridge Tell All Publicly …

SOURCE: Nova Onlive

Welcome to the companion Web site to "Lost at Sea: The Search for 
Longitude," originally broadcast on October 6, 1998. Based on the 
bestselling book Longitude by Dava Sobel, the program tells the story of how an 
unknown genius, John Harrison, discovered the key to navigating on the 
open seas and thus solved one of the thorniest problems of the 1700s …
Visit the site at:
Update: Worldwide ID Movement
Posted by:  orgonegal

Legislation sets stage for uniform driver's licenses 

The anti-terrorism bill to be signed by President Bush on Friday opens 
the door for people across the nation to have similar driver's 
licenses, a plan that is fueling a debate over whether security concerns will 
lead to what amounts to a national identification card. The bill, which 
largely is aimed at improving the nation's intelligence-gathering 
operations, instructs the departments of Homeland Security and 
Transportation to meet with the nation's governors and state motor vehicle 
administrators to set uniform security standards for driver's licenses within 18 
Such measures could include difficult-to-duplicate holograms, encrypted 
magnetic strips and other embedded security features. A few states have 
begun including such features on licenses; Minnesota unveiled a license 
this month that includes a digital "watermark" and fine lines that are 
visible only under ultraviolet light.

Drivers licenses may become national ID's 

Drivers licenses may become national ID's that will let you board 
airplanes more easily than you could without a license. 
A driver's license is the closest thing there is to a national 
identification card. The trouble is, different states have different criteria 
and they don't share all of their data. This means that it's easy to 
have a bunch of different licenses from different states. House Judiciary 
chairman James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin says that early in the new 
Congress the House will pass a bill that begins to fix problems like 

“You MUST show me your papers, old man!”
Posted by:  orgonegal

National ID Red Alert! 
by Steven Yates

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little 
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
~ Benjamin Franklin

The year 2005 is now less than two weeks away. It might be the year 
what is left of Constitutional government in America faces its greatest 
test yet. 
The specific day most likely to live in infamy in 2004 was December 7. 
That was the day our ex-Trotskyite controlled Congress passed the 
so-called National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 (S.2845) – also called 
the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 – another of 
those multi-thousand page tomes all but unread by the vast majority of 
those who signed it. The Intelligence Reform bill was put together 
ostensibly in response to recommendations by the 9/11 Commission. Its 
official title as introduced: "A bill to reform the intelligence community 
and the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United 
States Government, and for other purposes." Inquiring minds want to 
know: what other purposes? One thing we can be sure of: this horrid bill 
contains things those in power have wanted for years, the things Claire 
Wolfe once called "land mine legislation," some of which were beaten 
back by public outrage in the pre-9/11 world. 
A de facto national ID card, for example. 
That’s right. The National Intelligence Reform Act orders the 
Department of Homeland Security to begin issuing "uniformity regulations" 
requiring that all driver’s licenses and birth certificates meet certain 
federalized standards, along with biometrics for "security" purposes. The 
provisions can be found in subsections 7212 and 7211 of the bill 
respectively. States will be ordered to include personal information about 
every individual, and this information will be used to build a huge 
federal database – giving unelected federal bureaucrats access to your 
information. In other words, your privacy – already severely eroded by the 
federal behemoth – will become a thing of the past in 2005. Control over 
the issuing of social security numbers (subsection 7213) will also be 
federalized. Also, the bill directs the Department of Homeland Security 
to establish separate standards for national ID used to board airplanes 
(subsection 7220). The ramifications here go well beyond the tran!
sformation of airports into fortresses we have seen since 9/11. It is 
just possible that as a result of this legislation, the feds will see 
themselves as having a green light to begin setting up road block check 
points. Below we will encounter reason to believe an "internal passport" 
to travel freely in this country is in the works. This could be one of 
those unstated "other purposes." If this runaway train is not stopped, 
be prepared to have to "show your papers," just like the cannon fodder 
that populated the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. …
Read the complete frightening Report: 
 Great Britain
Posted by: orgonegal

Source: Iluminatti News
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 03:40:32 AM 

Big Brother & the Beast
- by Hazel W.M. MacKinlay

Big Brother is encroaching on the United Kingdom 

Biometric I.D.’s are not compulsory yet, but failure to obtain one and 
furnish the Police State with your DNA and retinal details will be 
penalized by a large fine or prison, I’d call that mandatory. In the 
fledgling democracy of Iraq, the penalty is certain death. What, no chip 
citizen? You must be a subversive… BANG!
Heaven might be preferable to this psychotic Brave New World where the 
rulers are out of control and unaccountable for incalculable crimes 
against the inhabitants of Earth. The laws we are compelled to obey are so 
stringent they would make Draco cringe, but when applied to a ‘chosen 
few’ these same obligations become null and void. …

Posted by: burlingtonnews  (Mary Sutherland)

By Mary Sutherland

Alan Eisenberg Show
WLIP 1050 AM
with Mary Sutherland 

Today’s Show brought to light the unsolved mystery behind the death of 
William Cooper. 
Bill Cooper died in a 'reported' gun battle with the Apache County 
Sheriffs Department in the White Mountains of Arizona.

Evidence now coming forward indicates that the deputies report 
concerning Cooper’s death may have been falsified to cover-up the cold blooded 
assassination of Bill Cooper by these Apache County Deputies. 

Craig M. Pradarelli, former 20 years plus veteran licensed private 
detective. determined, after reviewing the autopsy report, that Cooper was 
shot in the head at a distance of no more than 3 feet. He drew this 
conclusion based on the gunpowder residue. As the bullet entered through 
the area of the ear and proceed to travel downwards, he determined that 
who the shooter was had to have been standing over Cooper at the time. 
Cooper was 6 ft. 2 inches and may have been in a kneeling position when 
he received this shot. 
Craig found it interesting that the shot to the head was done before a 
shot to the heart as there was a great deal of subarachnoid hematoma. 
The heart had to have been pumping for sometime for this to have 
One of the other shots took out both the left and right ventricles of 
the heart. Many seconds, after the head shot.

Official William Cooper’s Autopsy Report:

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Hello all;

I have noticed a few posts about EagleNet and the "Nazi Invasion" 
I am the author of the Nazi Invasion articles and the president of 
From time to time we experience technical difficulties, but rest 
they are only temporary... check back in a day or two and the site 
should be 
back up. In the meanwhile you might wish to enter my own WebNet 
Network) which can be accessed through the link in the "signature" 
BRuce AlaN walTON

[EagleNet can be  accessed through BRANTON’S link above. … Dennis]. 
Posted by: orgonegal

Greetings & Welcome! The purpose, desire and passion behind What’s Up 
On Planet Earth? Is in bringing a higher level of planetary and human 
awareness to souls, who are summoning this energy, and to connect and 
assist us during the now rapid ascension process we are 
Visit the Website:
From:  Rodney M. Cluff, author
World Top Secret: Our Earth Is Hollow!

To All Interested Scientists, Explorers and Tourists of our Voyage to 
Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise, 

***** Sixth Expedition UPDATE ***** 
RE: Our upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise, 
scheduled for June 26 - July 19, 2006. 

On November 30, 2004, I did an interview with a Journalist from Greece, 
Ioannis Moutsos, with the ALTER Channel, regarding the Hollow Earth 
theory and our upcoming expedition, Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition 
Cruise. He had some interesting questions to ask. His first question 
Where does the theory of the Hollow Earth stem from? 
I related to this Greek journalist that the Hollow Earth theory is a 
very old theory. I just received in the mail today a book written by 
Dorothy Leon, Quest for Inner Earth, from TGS Publishers, in which she quotes many of these 
ancient hollow earth theorists and explorers. 
The very first hollow earth explorer we have any record of was Enoch. 
Enoch lived before the world-wide flood of Noah. In fact, Noah was 
Enoch's great grandson. Enoch was a prolific writer, writing many dozens of 
books, only one or two of which have survived the centuries for us to 
read. He was a prophet of God, leader of the City of Zion, who defended 
his people by the word of God, from all the armies of the world. In 
Moses 7.13, we read, "And so great was the faith of Enoch that he led the 
people of God, and their enemies came to battle against them; and he 
spake the word of the Lord, and the earth trembled, and the mountains 
fled, even according to his command; and the rivers of water were turned 
out of their course; and the roar of the lions was heard out of the 
wilderness; and all nations feared greatly, so powerful was the word of 
Enoch, and so great was the power of the language which God had given 
him." So effective was his teaching that his people became so righteous 
that eventually he and his city were taken alive -- buildings and al!
l "up into heaven," to the Heaven of this earth -- to the Inner Sun of 
Our Hollow Earth. 
Enoch's City of Zion has actually been seen by some who have died, who 
were then later medically resuscitated. While out of the body, one such 
person described being taken through a dark tunnel through the earth's 
shell, and coming out into the brilliant light of the Inner Sun. She 
said, "I went through this dark tunnel...I went into the black tunnel and 
came out into brilliant light...A little bit later on I was there with 
my grandparents and my father and my brother, who had died...There was 
the most beautiful, brilliant light all around. And this was a 
beautiful place. There were colors -- bright colors -- not like here on earth, 
but just indescribable. There were people there, happy people... People 
were around, some of them gathered in groups. Some of them were 
learning... Off in the distance...I could see a city. There were buildings -- 
separate buildings. They were gleaming, bright. People were happy in 
there. There was sparkling water, fountains... a city of light I !
guess would be the way to say it... It was wonderful. There was 
beautiful music. Everything was just glowing, wonderful... But if I had 
entered into this, I think I would never have returned... I was told that if 
I went there I couldn't go back (to life on earth) ...that the decision 
was mine." (REFLECTIONS ON LIFE AFTER LIFE, by Raymond Moody, pp. 
Jesus Christ had great admiration for Enoch and quoted from him several 
times as recorded in the gospels of the Bible. Yet none of Enoch's 
books were included in the Bible. Fragments from ten of Enoch's manuscripts 
were found in the caves of Qumran in Palestine in the Dead Sea Scrolls 

One Book of Enoch, written in the Aramaic language of Jesus' time has 
survived the centuries, and was translated by R. H. Charles. In this 
book, Enoch wrote, "And I went from then to the MIDDLE OF THE EARTH, and I 
saw a blessed place in which there were trees with branches abiding and 
blooming." (Chap 26:1) He speaks also of the ABYSS in the earth -- his 
word for the hollow of our earth. He spoke of "columns of FIRE" that 
struggle "together to the end of the ABYSS" referring to the solar wind 
from the inner sun that emanates out through the polar openings to light 
up the auroras at the polar ends of the earth. (Chap 21:4-5) He speaks 
of the four rivers that come out of the Garden of Eden that "take their 
course in the CAVITY OF THE NORTH" indicating that he knew the north 
polar opening exists and within the earth is located the lost Garden of 
Eden and its four rivers that flow to the four points of the compass 
thus giving the earth "four corners" that the scriptures speak of!
. (see Isa 11:12). Enoch knew that the righteous dead are taken to the 
inner sun Paradise or Heaven of the Spiritual World of this earth 
saying, "and thus have the spirits of the righteous been separated. Namely, 
by a CHASM (the hollow), by WATER (the earth's shell covered with 
oceans), and by LIGHT (the inner sun) above it."(Chap 22:9-10). 
In the Book of Moses, revealed to the American prophet Joseph Smith, in 
a passage about Enoch is recorded, "And it came to pass that Enoch 
looked upon the earth; and he head a voice from the BOWELS thereof saying: 
Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of 
the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from 
the filthiness which is gone FORTH OUT OF ME? When will my Creator 
sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my 
FACE?" (Moses 7:48) 
Enoch knew, as was revealed to Job, that our "Mother" earth has a WOMB 
from whence our first parents emerged to outer earth. The fresh water 
icebergs of the Arctic also emerge from Inner Earth through the North 
Polar Opening. To Job, the Lord asked, "Out of WHOSE WOMB came the ice? 
and the hoary frost of heaven, who had gendered it? The waters are hid 
as with a stone (icebergs), and the face of the deep is frozen." (Job 
37:14,15) Many exotic animals from Inner Earth have been found entombed 
in the Arctic ice on Arctic shores, such as the woolly mammoth, hairy 
rhinoceros, giant deer, and lion, that, according to Hollow Earth 
explorer, Olaf Jansen, fell into inner earth rivers that freeze over in the 
Arctic winter where they instantly died, frozen and subsequently washed 
out to sea ending up on the shores of Siberia. 

From the Forgotten Books of Eden, in the Book of Adam and Eve, we learn 
that our first parents were inhabitants of Our Hollow Earth, and 
journeyed to outer earth through communicating caverns from the Garden of 
Eden within. When the Lord expelled them from the Garden of Eden, he told 
them to go dwell in the Cave of Treasures, where they got lost. After 
wandering many, many days in the cavern they emerged to our outer world 
and remarked that our sun was hot and more brilliant than the soft 
light of the inner sun that shone in the Garden of Eden of the Inner World. 
Chapter XVI says that, "Inasmuch as while he was in the garden and 
heard the voice of God and the sound He made in the garden, and feared Him, 
Adam never saw the brilliant light of the sun, neither did the flaming 
heat thereof touch his body." 

Hollow Earth researcher, Bruce Walton, made an excellent case that 
I-AM-THE-MAN of the book, ETIDORPHA, was actually William Morgan, an 
initiate of Free Masonry who decided to publish their secret rites in 1826. I 
have a copy of his book. For publishing their secret rites, the Free 
Masons had him thrown in jail for a small debt. They then kidnapped him 
out of jail and threw a dead body in a lake saying it was William 
Morgan's, but actually took him to a cavern in Kentucky and condemned him to 
a journey with an Inner Earth Guide to Our Hollow Earth through 
communicating caverns. Many years later, I-AM-THE-MAN returned with a 
manuscript of his journey to Our Hollow Earth which was published by John Uri 
Lloyd as ETIDORPHA OR THE END OF THE WORLD in 1896. That cavern in 
Kentucky most probably is the Mammoth Cave, the most extensive cavern system 
in North America. It is reported that the end of this cavern system has 
not been found. Perhaps it was through this cavern system that !
our first parents, Adam and Eve, emerged to our outer world from the 
Garden of Eden from the world within. 

Throughout the centuries, as explained in Dorothy Leon's book, 
explorers have reached Our Hollow Earth, and many authors have written about 
this Secret of the Ages. The Epic of Gilgamesh, from the Myths from 
Mesopotamia, by N. K. Sanders, Peguin, MD, 1960, an explorer reached Inner 
Earth through communicating tunnels (probably built by the 
anti-deluvians). The epic relates, "After nine leagues in the TUNNELS, he felt not 
the wind on his face, but the darkness was thick...After eleven leagues 
the dawn of light (Inner Sun) appeared. At the end of twelve leagues 
the (inner) SUN streamed out...There was the Garden of the Gods." 

Among those authors and explorers that have proposed our Earth is 
Hollow, interestingly enough, were some highly respected scientists of the 
early Industrial Revolution. In 1692, British astronomer Edmund Halley, 
theorized that our earth is hollow with several inner concentric shells 
to explain the earth's electromagnetic field which curiously is not 
aligned with the earth's rotational axis, as logic would indicate it 
should. Author Augus Armitage wrote, "Halley, in fact conceived the Earth as 
consisting of an OUTER SHELL with two magnetic poles, and an INNER 
NUCLEUS, concentric with the shell and possessing two poles of its own. The 
magnetic axis or shell and nucleus were INCLINED TO EACH OTHER (they do 
not coincide) and to the axis of the Earth's diurnal rotation, about 
which the two components TURNED AT SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT RATES; this 

The rotational orientation of the Inner Sun is different that the 
rotational axis of the Earth -- causing the magnetic poles to be located 
half way between the two axis. Since the Inner Sun rotates slowly -- 
taking about 700 years to make one rotation, this causes the earth's 
magnetic field to rotate slowly around the earth. Scientists estimate that the 
North Magnetic Pole, presently located in Northern Canada moves 
northwest at about 8 miles per year. The different rotational rate of the 
Inner Sun as opposed to the earth's shell, both having electrical charges, 
is what gives rise to earth's strong magnetic field. 

Another scientist, a Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler, theorized in 
1741 that the Earth is hollow with an interior sun and is inhabited 
within. Euler was a famous mathematician and his formulas in engineering 
are still taught in universities today. 

A Scottish scientist, Sir John Leslie, in the early 1800's theorized 
that the earth is hollow, but proposed that it contains two inner suns 
orbiting about each other. 
In 1913, and again in 1920, Marshall B. Gardner, wrote a book, A 
Journey to the Earth's Interior, Or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered. 
His book was very well researched. He sent it to the United States 
government and challenged them to check out the hollow earth theory. Most 
likely, the government DID take Gardner up on his challenge, and sent 
Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd to check the theory out. In 1981, I took my 
family and we flew to Fairbanks, Alaska to check out the hollow earth 
theory. While there, I met John Gagne, who had gone to Alaska several years 
previously searching for evidence of Our Hollow Earth. He related to me 
that while working as a Radio Anchorman in Juneau, the Alaska capitol, 
one weekend he was out with his friends up a canyon near the city, they 
saw a UFO light up on the top of a nearby mountain. It presently turned 
red and zipped off into space. Back on the radio station he brought up 
the subject of the UFO he and his buddies had seen. Shortly af!
ter that, he related, a woman named Sylvia Darvell came into his office 
and told him about her dear friend, Admiral Richard E. Byrd's 
discovery. She said she had been involved in Alaskan politics for many years and 
was a close friend of the Admiral. She said that after the Admiral had 
made a flight into the Arctic in the winter of 1947, he had come to her 
and told her what he found. The Admiral told her that after flying 
beyond the pole he had come to open ocean, then a continent covered with 
lush vegetation where a mammoth was sighted wandering below. He reported 
that soon he was sided by flying craft that have since come to be known 
as flying saucers, which took control of his craft and landed him near 
an inner earth city. He was taken into the inner earth city and 
interviewed by a government official of that land beyond the pole, who gave 
him a message to return to the United States government. The message was 
that the Inner Earth government was concerned about our use of!
 nuclear weapons, and that they don't want us using nuclear weapons. We 
had just blown up Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan the year before and the 
Inner World peoples told Admiral Byrd that they don't want us using 
nuclear weapons anymore. Admiral Byrd was then taken back to his airplane 
and put back in the air. When he returned to outer earth, he delivered 
the Inner Earth message to Washington, where he was put under strict 
orders not to reveal his discovery to anyone. But Admiral Byrd just 
couldn't keep his discovery a secret. He tried time and again to let people 
know about the greatest discovery of all time -- that Our Earth IS 
HOLLOW and is inhabited by a very far advanced race of people that know all 
about us of the outer world. The Admiral confided his discovery to his 
close friend Sylvia Darvell of Alaska. He let his family know of his 
discovery, and they say that he even wrote a book about his discovery and 
had it in the bookstores, but they were all confiscated by gove!
rnment agents. John Gagne told me that the Admiral's close relatives 
let him know that they have a copy of that book, but keep it constantly 
under lock and key. Admiral Byrd died a very sad man because he was not 
allowed by our government to disclose his discovery that Our Earth is 
Hollow to we, the people. 
Other scientists have proposed that not only is Our Earth Hollow, but 
also our Moon. In the mid 1970's Vasin and Shcherbakov from the Soviet 
Academy of Sciences suggested that our moon is hollow. Author Don Wilson 
picked up on their theory and wrote a very well documented book, Our 
Mysterious Spaceship Moon, showing that evidence from the Apollo moon 
missions indicate that our moon is a hollow planet also. 

Evidence indicates that all planets are hollow. On my website I have a 
photo of the North Polar Opening of MARS, taken by the Space Hubble 
Telescope, showing what looks like a giant crater at the north pole of 
Mars. If you look closely, you can see the clouds down inside the 
depression on the sides of the polar opening into the interior of Mars. Not 
only is Our Earth Hollow, and inhabited within, but our Moon is hollow, as 
well as Mars. Evidence continues to accumulate that all the planets, 
moons, and even the Sun are hollow planets, and most likely all inhabited 

In our upcoming expedition, Voyage to Our Hollow Earth, we are inviting 
any of you interested scientists, explorers, tourists and journalists 
to join us in a real life attempt to discover Our Hollow Earth. We 
intend to prove the validity of this theory. We are chartering a Russian 
nuclear icebreaker, the Yamal, to journey to the north pole from Murmansk, 
Russia, through the ice, and then south on the 141st Meridian towards 
84.4 N latitude where we estimate the North Polar Opening is located. We 
will attempt to enter therein and visit the friendly people of Inner 
Earth. We invite all interested voyagers to join us on this -- the 
greatest expedition of all time, by we, the people of outer earth. 

Steve Currey, our expedition organizer, met this past week with a 
potentially interested sponsor of our expedition. We are STILL accepting 
interested voyagers. We have room for 108 people, all with port hole views 
of the Arctic Ocean, in very comfortable heated cabins on the Yamal, 
one of the most powerful nuclear icebreakers on the planet, with the 
utmost in comfort and amenities, attended to by a very well experienced 
You can find a full color expedition brochure in Adobe PDF format 
online at 

Join us today on our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth! 
Next Year In Eden,
Rodney M. Cluff, author
World Top Secret: Our Earth Is Hollow!
Steve C. Currey, President 
Steve Currey's Expedition Company 
To reserve your place on the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth expedition 
cruise, call Steve Currey toll free at 1-800-937-7238, or fill out and mail 
in the reservation form on his website at: 
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call Steve or write him at
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Posted by: truththatweknow

The Webfairy <webfairy@t...> 
Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:53 am 
Subject: Moon Hoax, revisited

The latest trick up the sleeve of the Sheepsingers of the 
movement is to claim that anybody who believes the "nonsense" about the
Moonhoax has no credibility.
They are using this debunker bunkum against Eric Hufschmid, author of
Painful Questions.

So it's a good time to review the moonhoax, and see how similar the 
calling and excuse making is to that offered to prop up the Official
Stories and Alternative Official Stories of 911.
Deve McGowan also does an excellent job exposing the moonhoax:

By Nathan Tregillus

Many have argued about whether or not we have landed on the moon. With
stories and shows, such as Fox EntertainmentÂ’s special Conspiracy
Theory: Did We Land on the Moon, it is easy to see why some do not
believe NASA’s explorations to that far off glowing planetoid we call
the moon. Listed below are some websites I have compiled to discuss 
theory, both agreeing with NASA, and those opposing it.

Was Moon Landing Faked? For Hoax

Through out this page, the author links back to Ralph Rene, author of
Mooning America.   Listing things like how can the flag be fluttering?

And why would the photos be faked whether or not we went to the moon?
give a disturbing accusation against NASA.

Listed in a single page, photos and their descriptions for deception 
shown. But after these, are emails to the author, trying to answer
questions given at the end of the page author section. All in all, the
page is more for the conspiracy than for the debunking of the theory.\

Why America Never Landed on the Moon: For Hoax

Short, but to the point, the page lists 4 major points used by most
conspiracy theorists:

1. Why would a fake be plausible (why would faking the moon landing
would be more plausible than actually going there)
2. Pictures looked faked. NASA never negated or made excuses for
these claims.
3. Radio transmit ions MUST have been faked because in all recordings
of the radio transmissions have no 2 second pauses, in which radio
transmissions should have taken to get to the moon.
4. Radiation should have fried the astronauts in their Lander like
over sized microwave.

Why America Never Landed on the Moon: For Hoax

Short, but to the point, the page lists 4 major points used by most
conspiracy theorists:

5. Why would a fake be plausible (why would faking the moon landing
would be more plausible than actually going there)
6. Pictures looked faked. NASA never negated or made excuses for
these claims.
7. Radio transmit ions MUST have been faked because in all recordings
of the radio transmissions have no 2 second pauses, in which radio
transmissions should have taken to get to the moon.
8. Radiation should have fried the astronauts in their Lander like
over sized microwave.

http:// <>

Was Moon Landing Faked? For Hoax

Through out this page, the author links back to Ralph Rene, author of
Mooning America.   Listing things like how can the flag be fluttering

And why would the photos be faked whether or not we went to the moon?
give a disturbing accusation against NASA.

Listed in a single page, single photos and their descriptions for
deception are shown. But after these, are emails to the author, trying
to answer questions given at the end of the page author section. All
in all, the page is more for the conspiracy than for the debunking of
the theory.

Investigator Challenging NASA: For Hoax

This page also lists a link to Ralph Rene’s paper, but basis more
accusations from his own investigations. Jim Collier, the page’s 
describes his exploits. One of which was a call on a radio show by a 
trying to explain the feather & hammer test (though the page is
obviously trying to make more of a point of destroying the man’s
credibility than argue the point).

The page, using Colliers story, goes over photo discrepancies,
atmospheric manipulation of light on the moon, cover ups on the Moon
Lander’s designs (lost), and other mysterious circumstances.

A Funny Thing happened On The Way To The Moon For Hoax

This is a unique sight, because they state they have footage filmed by
Buzz Aldrin falsifying photos 31 days into their moon trip. Another
specific “fact” they bring to the table is the radiation fields that
surround the earth which would fry the astronauts in their ship heading
to the moon. Using videos and pictures, this page describes the most
exotic evidence yet.

Apollo moon landing hoax accusations For Hoax

this is the only page which describes the accusations that the
disbelievers bring to the table, but looks at them with only a critical
eye. There are no facts or positions listed against the hoax idea, but
there are a few new confusing facts” which are listed, such as a
 A secret approach” to Stanley *Kubrick*, director of 2001: A Space
Odyssey to direct the faked moon footage. Stanley *Kubrick* was
supposedly enticed with access to alien artifacts, and area 51, and 
threatened with the threat of publicly announcing that his brother was 

Some more new theory was the idea that NASA had a few people killed to
silence them. Here is a few listed:

Ed Givens (car accident)

** Ted Freeman (T-38 crash)
* C. C. Williams (T-38 accident)
* Elliot See and Charlie Bassett (T-38 accident)
Virgil "Gus" Grissom (an outspoken critic of the Space Program)
* (Apollo 1 fire)
* Ed White (Apollo 1 fire)
* Roger Chaffee (Apollo 1 fire)
X-15 pilot Mike Adams (the only X-15 pilot killed during the X-15
flight test program - not a NASA astronaut, but had flown X-15
* above 50 miles).
Robert Lawrence scheduled to be an Air Force Manned Orbiting
Laboratory pilot who died in a jet crash shortly after reporting
for duty to that (later cancelled) program.

Moon Landing Conspiracy: Debunk

Thought the listed pages, the author lists the Conspiracy theorist
facts” and goes through the logical steps which answer their mistrust,
describing reasons for mysterious circumstances used to discredit the
moon landing.
The first page goes over the general improbability of the 3 major
theories, of; all NASA employees and contractors were invested in the
faking of the Moon landing, only the top NASA employees, and the
astronauts know of scam, or the possibility of a situation between 
probabilities. After this listing, most of the biggest evidence used
against NASA is discredited, from dust clouds being improbable, to 
flairs being removed from photos.

Fox TV and the Apollo Moon Hoax: Debunk

Created solely to correct assumptions and falsehoods given in the Fox
entertainment special Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?” Phil
Plait's web page, called The Bad Astronomer, sets Fox straight. With a
great list of the TV show's arguments; a link to each is given to 
navigate to Phil's simple but hard nock responses to the Fox 

New angles covered in this page include:

* Why the flag stands out like it was waving
* How the Lander coped with changes in center of gravity
* Non-parallel shadows
Many, many, MANY others

A Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory: Debunk

A page listed to deflate the Fox Entertainment Moon Hoax hour special.
While listing some repeating information from many other sites, this
site discredits the accusation about photo film which should have 
on the surface of the moon. They describe the special contract NASA had
with Kodak for developing a film which would only melt under 500+ 
tempters. It also describes how heat transfer is completely different 
space, and how, while the sun is shining WAY hotter than on earth, that
heat can only be transferred through the materials the

Fox Special Questions Moon Landing But Not Its Own Credulities: Debunk

this article is from the magazine Skeptical Inquirer. This magazine
describes it self as the scientific community’s views on paranormal
occurrences in a non-sensationalist tone.” In this article, the author,
James Scotti, attacks the fox special’s credibility, and its choice in

At the end of the article, he lists the fox specials main claims and
lists their flaws. Most of these have been exposed by most, which make
Scotty’s seem more plausible.*moonhoax*/

Moon Hoax: Debunk

As the most exhaustive site I found, you can find a link to discredit
almost every accusation against NASA’s moon landings. Some of the 
described in this page included: reasons space satellites can’t check
the moon for us to end the debate, why we haven’t gone back, why there
wasn’t a crater under the LEM when it landed, and many other good

Moon Landing Conspiracy: Debunk

Thought the listed pages, the author lists the Conspiracy theorist’s
facts” and goes through the logical steps which answer their mistrust,
describing reasons for mysterious circumstances used to discredit the
moon landing.

The first page goes over the general improbability of the 3 major
theories, of; all NASA employees and contractors were invested in the
faking of the Moon landing, only the top NASA employees, and the
astronauts know of scam, or the possibility of a situation between 
probabilities. After this listing, most of the biggest evidence used
against NASA is discredited, from dust clouds being improbable, to 
flairs being removed from photos.

This was the most intensive page on the radiation problem, and has the
information to discredit the whole idea of the fried astronaut.” With
actual pictures of NASA documents with their radiation readings and the
plans that NASA developed to maneuver through the radiation belts 
the planet, Steve Troy gives very meticulous look at the whole 
911 The Ultimate Conspiracy

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  From the Live Science’s Image Gallery
 Under the Sea -- Life in the Sanctuaries

Something to help you relax…. (I know you need it about now).
Explore the way of life of creatures in the deep blue sea.
Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7


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Until next time, see ya’ll!

Dennis Crenshaw