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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

Date: Dec. 4, 2004             
Issue # 45  
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw
As you may or may not have noticed there was no “Unraveling the 
Secrets” last week.  Unfortunately my computer crashed and I had to wait on a 
Restore CD from the manufacturer.  As the once popular bumper sticker 
reads …  “Stuff Happens.”
Quote of the Week:
"If you think outside the box, the box goes away …”  
universal_heartbeat2012 (David)
In This ISSUE:

A Classic Hollow Earth Book Available Again … REAL Soon!

Explorer Calls Route to South Pole 'Terrible' Idea

The “Money Pit” @ Oak Island … 

&  Selected Short Subjects
NEW FEATURE!!!  Thanks to my long-time friend BRANTON all the back 
issues of this series of reports can be found archived at:

Visit BRANTON’S Underground Base & Hideout at:
Rare Hollow Earth Book available again. … Real Soon!

The folks at Inner Light Publications have informed me that the 
out-of-print, damn-near- impossible-to-find, book by the late Brinsley Le Poer 
Trench, “Secret of the Ages: UFO’S From Inside the Earth” will be 
re-issued in January 2005.   It will be updated and re-published under a new 
name … “Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth.”  

In an email report  the well known publisher, researcher and writer 
Timothy Green Beckley wrote, “I think this information would be welcome to 
a new generation of readers.”  As this is my favorite Hollow Earth 
book, I couldn’t agree more.

I also want to take this time to thank Tim for inviting me to write the 
new Introduction to this most important book.  With a high regard for 
Mr. Beckley’s dedication to unraveling the secrets over the years, and 
my feelings about the late Mr. Trench and his place in the history of 
exploring the subject of UFOs and the Hollow Earth, I feel truly honored 
to be invited to be involved in this project.  Thanks Tim.

You can read my farewell tribute to a man I respected immensely , 
“Brinsley Le Poer Trench: 1911 - 1995 -- The Open Minded Skeptic” at:

The Earl of Clancarty by Gordon Creighton


From: Filer's Files #50 – 2004,
 Skywatch Investigations 
George A. Filer, Director MUFON Eastern
Vice President of Skywatch International 
December 1, 2004, Webmaster: Chuck Warren 

UFOs were seen over Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, North 
Carolina, Ohio, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Sightings were 
also reported in Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, India, and the United 

SONORA -- Another low-flying, glowing object was videotaped over Sonora 
last night, November 16th. Two clips of this object have been posted 
here: . This is the second 
glowing object that was observed last night. The first was very fast and 
disappeared quickly and, while videotaped, the second object was more 
spectacular, as it moved slowly and directly over Lyons Bald Mountain 
before disappearing behind the treeline to the Northeast. Thank you, and we 
hope you will continue to support our efforts to bring to you this 
strange and ongoing phenomenon by donating to the Sonora Sightings website. 
Your donations will help maintain our website as we attempt to document 
these sightings. Thanks to Mark A. Olson, D.M. 

Dear Readers - Filer’s Files has been brought to you free on a weekly 
basis for seven years. As of January 2004, I have been requesting a 
donation of $24 per year to continue with Filer’s Files. These files cannot 
exist without your help. Donations can be sent to: for You may 
use Paypal, Visa, American Express, or Master Charge. You can also mail 
your check to George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055. 


Are you a believer? Video might make you wonder
December 2, 2004
By Dan Tilkin and KATU Web Staff 

Trout Lake, Wash. - Mount Adams has become a hotbed for UFO believers 
who claim to have witnessed extraterrestrial travel there night after 
The people are led by a man named James Gilliland who owns a retreat at 
the base of the mountain and has spent years capturing his encounters 
on video. …
Read or watch the report at:

Posted by: vosstech

Found this article today, perhaps what we are seeing here is the 
remains of a high-tech surveillance probe?  No telling who's though since 
reverse engineering programs are so abundant!

Strange Metal Orb Found in Texas
By Roger Arrick

This strange metal sphere was found washed up on the banks of the 
Colorado River south of Brownwood Texas in July, 2002 after some flooding. 
My cousins found it and thought it was weird so they took a picture of 
it and sent it to me. My response: 'What the heck?!!'. The more I looked 
at it the more curious I became so I asked them to go back and get it 
and on Sept 7, 2002 they let me 'borrow' it. On Sept 9th I took it to an 
industrial X-Ray shop in Dallas to find out what's inside. …
Complete investigative report w/photos at:


From : The Arizona Republic
The Lights, Sights of West Texas
By: Zofia Smardz
Washington Post
Nov. 28, 2004 12:00 AM 

WEST TEXAS - The sun was gone, the sky getting inky. The wind had 
started to whip. I hunkered deeper into my jacket and jiggled for warmth. 
Behind me, my 16-year-old son loped restlessly back and forth, lupine, 

Suddenly a long lanky arm thrust past my face. "There's one!" he cried, 
pointing at the horizon. "And over there!" his younger brother echoed a 
moment later.

Off in the distance, about a quarter-mile away, a bright, star like 
light glimmered into view just above the horizon, followed quickly by a 
second one. As the first flickered out, a third took its place, 
materializing out of nowhere. ….
Complete report:
Posted by:  burlingtonnews

Between the years 1996 to 2002 an Australian researcher, Ronald Pegg 
studied "hidden 
messages" in Ancient Manuscripts, and during this research he came  
across what he termed a 'Map Scroll'. It had seven seals. What he  
unearthed from within the world's manuscripts using this Object as a point of 
reference is almost unbelievable. …
Visit the site:
Posted by: jayne_seymour34

I found this site really interesting and wanted to share it with 
everyone. There are quite a few good UFO photos here. …
The research and writings of “TAL”

ONLY ONE SKY TO FLY IN : Embracing the Reptiles
Jacqueline Maria Longstaff 
Quester publications 
5.5x8, soft bound, 250 pages,
Price: $17.95 & shipping 

The much updated edition of Jacqueline's latest book (American edition) 
is now available from :

“It is important that you, Jacqueline, tell the other side of the story 
– tell about the evolution of the ‘good’. It is important to tell that 
not all of the reptiles are against humans and that there is now a 
breakaway group which is working for ‘us’.”
--Jacob Norkov Friis

A few quotations from the book:


I often say that if you cannot embrace yourself, you cannot embrace the 
universe. I also say that whatever applies individually also applies 
collectively and as people individually learn to accept and embrace the 
individual shadow, humanity collectively prepares to accept and embrace 
the collective shadow. This shadow includes the reptiles."


"The reptiles" is the popular name given to an extraterrestrial race or 
genetic stream that is said to have been controlling Earth and humanity 
for thousands of years. It is said that, in one form or another, their 
genetic bloodlines are manipulated into positions of power and have 
infiltrated every structure on this planet - political, religious, 
military, media, economic etc. 


Message given to Jacqueline from higher dimensional reptilian 

"It is important that you, Jacqueline, tell the other side of the story 
- tell about the evolution of "the good". (This is the expression that 
was used. Normally I do not talk about good and bad as ultimately both 
"sides" play their parts perfectly. However I feel that on this 
occasion I must use the words I was given.) "It is important to tell that not 
all of the reptiles are against the humans and that there is now a 
"breakaway group" working for "us". They are working with us to help 
prevent the fulfillment of the reptilian agenda. One of the challenges and 
possibilities on planet Earth is to develop a conscience and a group of 
the reptiles have done this and will now work for the upliftment of 
consciousness on the planet. 
"There is only one sky to fly in 
only one sky
There is only one sky to die in 
only one sky" 
This sky in which the so-called ego dies and we can then fly free, is 
this vast inner emptiness. In it, everything one thinks one is - all 
false identities - simply dissolve and the creative flow of life or God is 
experienced. In this sky the pain and the joy, the light and the dark 
are not weighed or judged. They are simply recognised as experiences 
emerging from and dissolving back into the divine play of consciousness."

Topics include: Challenge of the reptiles, the Ruby Red Reptile, 
British Royal family, shape-shifting, Sirius, Mayan calendar, real spiritual 
development, ayahuasca and much more. 
Two new exciting chapters have also been added: "Visions in the Jungle" 
and "Embraced by a Reptile".

Official Proof Of Moon UFO Mystery Base?
From: Steven Kaeser <steve.nul>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 14:31:16 -0500
Fwd Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 07:53:31 -0500
Subject: Official Proof Of Moon UFO Mystery Base?

....this is a moon shot that is purported to be one of many recently 
by NASA and gives the impression of two large towers.

Antenna Towers on the MOON ! 
PHOTO at :

Subject: Re: Official Proof Of Moon UFO Mystery Base? 

It now appears that the answer to the above question, is...NO.  Where 
are the shadows, if these are actually "Antennas" rooted in the ground ? 
There should be shadows on the same side as those shadows on the 
craters.  If you look carefully at the photo at 
you will see that it is a composite of two photos.  The Antennas are 
antennas...BUT, they 
are NOT "on the Moon". They are "on the Craft" taking the Photos.   The 
'towers' are a protrusion near the camera lens that is sticking into 
the side(s) of the photo(s). 
The artifacts are lit incorrectly to be located on the moon surface, 
and since they both appear in
the same location in the mosaic images (coming from the extreme right- 
side edge, the case for something protruding into the camera field of 
view is strong indeed.)
Kyle King 
....these alleged massive "towers" on the Moon are actually protrusions 
of a boom-like structure (with a helical cable around it) on the 
spacecraft itself.

Note that this identical boom-like structure appears in the middle 
right part of the two pictures which were joined together to produce the 
single image in your second URL.
Nick Balaskas 

Chance, Not Conspiracy, In The Death Of JFK 
Kenneth A. Rahn 

Excerpts follow : 

We Americans have been deluged for decades by tales of conspiracy in 
JFK’s assassination on November 22, 1963. As a result, most of us believe 
that it happened that way. But the facts are very different—Lee Harvey 
Oswald shot Kennedy alone, then two days later Jack Ruby shot Oswald 

Parallel strands of chance brought President Kennedy and Lee Harvey 
Oswald together. Oswald moved to Dallas just when the Texas School Book 
Depository was hiring seasonal workers. He needed work badly, and one of 
his wife’s neighbors had a brother who had just started work there. She 
suggested that Oswald try it, too. His wife’s landlady got him an 
interview the next day, and he was hired. He began on October 16th, weeks 
before a motorcade through Dallas had been decided on. 

Kennedy was brought to Oswald by three strokes of chance. The first was 
the last-minute cancellation of Kennedy’s honorary degree by Texas 
Christian University in Forth Worth. That created a slot only partially 
filled by a breakfast event there. To complete the schedule JFK decided on 
a motorcade in Dallas, the second stroke of chance.
The third stroke was choosing the venue for the luncheon on the 22nd. 
Kennedy and the Secret Service preferred one location, but Governor 
Connally insisted on the Dallas Trade Mart and won out. With the first 
location, the motorcade would have passed through the middle of Dealey 
Plaza at high speed and with Mrs. Kennedy between Oswald and JFK. The new 
site required driving slowly along the edge of the plaza, in the 
opposite direction and right in front of the depository. This brought Kennedy 
within easy shooting range and made him a slower, unshielded target. 
The route first appeared in the papers only three days ahead of time.

Oswald and Ruby were also drawn together by parallel strands of chance. 
Oswald was brought to Ruby by two unforeseeable delays in his 10 a.m. 
transfer from City to County Jail, one for an hour’s further 
interrogation by the chief postal inspector—who skipped church at the last minute 
to see whether he could help the police—and another by Oswald’s 
last-minute request for a dark sweater for TV.

Ruby was drawn to Oswald when he decided to close his nightclubs for 
the weekend because of the assassination. That threw his dancers out of 
work. One of them called him Sunday morning for $25 for food and rent. 
Ruby went downtown to wire her the money. With his favorite dog Sheba in 
the car, he left home an hour after Oswald should have been 
transferred. He wired the money and walked over to the police station, where he 
had noticed a small crowd outside. Arriving just as a truck came up the 
ramp and distracted the guard, he ducked into the basement. When Oswald 
appeared a minute later, Ruby lunged forward and shot him with the 
pistol he routinely carried to protect the large amounts of cash he usually 
kept on his person ($2000 that day). Save for every event in these two 
unplanned series, Ruby could not have killed Oswald. Extraordinary 
sequences to be sure, but with no room for conspiracy.

Clearing Oswald and Ruby removes the major impetus for thinking 
conspiracy. But couldn’t there have been some level of conspiracy? If not, 
then two important predictions follow. All evidence offered for conspiracy 
will fail, and conspiracy theories proposed anyhow will vary widely in 
specifics because they are all ungrounded in reality.

The evidence for conspiracy has in fact failed.

JFK’s dramatic rearward lurch (Oliver Stone’s famous “back and to the 
left”), purportedly caused by a shot from the Grassy Knoll, starts too 
late and develops too slowly to be from a bullet. The “magic,” or 
“pristine,” bullet, too “undamaged” to pass through both men, was deformed in 
precisely the manner expected for jacketed bullets hitting flesh. (It 
also had such overwhelming penetrating power that it was used for 
decades to hunt elephants.) The ephemeral shooter on the knoll turns out to 
be the product of echoes, confusion, and overactive imagination applied 
to single grainy print. 

Also as predicted, conspiracy theories have been all over the map. In 
more than 100 conspiracy scenarios over the last 40 years, theory-makers 
have claimed there were anywhere from 3 to 10 shots fired by 2 to 6 
gunmen working for 30 to 40 different combinations of instigators. They 
fired rifles, pistols, and even poison darts out of umbrellas. They shot 
from the depository, the adjacent Dal-Tex Building, the knoll, the 
railroad overpass, the roofs of at least two buildings, a storm drain, the 
curb, and even from inside the presidential limousine. They worked 
independently or in teams under radio control. Nearly 70 people were said 
to be in Dealey Plaza for nefarious purposes, leaving room for hardly 
anyone else. Sponsors include Cuba, Russia, China, North Vietnam, South 
Vietnam, Great Britain, Israel, the Jews, the Protestants, the 
Catholics, the Mafia, oil-rich Texans, the FBI, the CIA, the left wing, the 
right wing, and the “invisible Nazi substructure.” Such chaotic think!
ing is the hallmark of ungrounded fantasy. It should come as no 
surprise that the JFK conspiracy case is going nowhere, despite loud claims to 
the contrary. After 40 years of unremitting search, the critical 
evidence remains largely as it was days after the assassination: JFK was 
killed by two bullets fired from Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle.

Forty years of failed speculation are enough. It is time to admit there 
was no conspiracy and there was never any serious evidence for it. The 
real story of the assassination is this: Kennedy was killed by one 
misfit guy, a cheap but effective rifle, a good vantage point from the 
building where he worked, and a run of fortuitous events.
It is over. We must realize that this horrible event was not some evil 

It was the product of chance, not conspiracy.

The author is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rhode Island. 
Co-signed by Steve Barber, John Cahill, Jean Davison, Joe Durnavich, Joel 
Grant, Martin Kelly, David Reitzes, Rob Spencer, and Larry Sturdivan 
(in alphabetical order). The group represents 200 years of study into all 
the facts of the JFK assassination.

Myths about the JFK Assassination : Example # 8
The "Storm Drain Theory"...
It has been suggested that JFK was shot by a shooter  in the Storm 

FACT : From inside the storm drain you could not of 
even seen the vehicle till AFTER the fatal shots were ALREADY fired.

Bill Bonanno, son of Mafia leader Joe Bonanno wrote a book "Bound by 
Honor", published in 1999. (Currently available in Paperback) In the 
book, he states that he met a man in jail by the name of Johnny Roselli. He 
quoted Roselli, that he shot JFK from the storm drain. BUT...."The shot 
that killed Kennedy was fired before an assassin in the sewer would 
have been able to see his target to aim". The fatal head shot could not 
originate from the storm drain.
Exiting the TAL Zone


Himalayan UFO Story Won't Quit
01-Dec-2004 has run two stories about an unusual UFO situation 
in the distant Himalayas, and our subscribers have enjoyed an interview 
with Skywatch International's Jim Hickman in which he states that 
contacts of his in India are telling him that there is definitely something 
strange happening in the region. Now India Daily has published 
additional reports of more activity in the area. …
Complete report:

Is Our World Real? Maybe Not...

The question of whether or not our world is real has been debated since 
the time of the ancient Greeks. Recently, films like the Matrix have 
suggested that 'reality' could be an entirely artificial construction. 

Now two scientists are saying that it might just be true. Physicist 
Martin Rees and mathematician John Barrow speculate that the world that we 
know might be the creation of a gigantic computer located, perhaps, 
outside of the universe. …[or inside our globe? … Dennis].
Complete report:

Artificial Gravity: A New Spin on an Old Idea

Over the decades, artificial gravity research has been an on-again, 
off-again proposition. But in the last few years, and propelled by NASA's 
new Moon, Mars and beyond exploration mandate, artificial gravity 
studies are now being developed, this time with a new spin.
Full report:


Sinkholes: New Study Digs for Deeper Understanding
By Robin Lloyd
Special to LiveScience
posted: 24 November, 2004
9:00 a.m. ET

Beneath the lolling terrain of Kentucky, Illinois and Virginia lies 
chemically tortured bedrock that combines with farming practices to wreak 
havoc on drinking water. 
Armed with electronics this past summer, Benjamin Schwartz drove his 
four-wheel-drive truck out to a field in McCoy, Virginia, during 
Hurricane Ivan to do battle. 
First, he hooked his laptop and an electricity sensor to his truck 
battery. Then he sank metal pins into the ground and wired them up to 
create an electrical field under the soil. 
Measurements of how and where electricity flows allowed him to create 
an underground map of precisely when and where flooding rainwater 
entered and pooled in hidden pits and fissures, called sinkholes, in bedrock 
beneath the surface soil, down to as deep as 15 yards. Hydrologists 
need to know how water flows in sinkholes because they lead to the deeper 
layers of limestone that store water. …
Continue report:


Explorer Calls Route to South Pole 'Terrible' Idea
posted: 29 November 2004
10:12 am ET

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) _ New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary, the 
first man to climb Mount Everest and the first to drive a vehicle to the 
South Pole, described a U.S. highway to the pole as "terrible.'' 
Work on the 1,020-mile "ice highway'' from the Antarctic coast south of 
New Zealand to the South Pole is currently in its third season. 
The project will enable hundreds of tons of supplies and equipment to 
be hauled across the world's most inhospitable wilderness to 
Amundsen-Scott Base, a U.S. research station. It's planned for completion by the 
end of the 2006 polar summer. …
Continue at:

Posted by: vosstech

Scientific maverick's theory on Earth's core up for a test.  
Controversial view sees vast uranium field that serves as natural reactor
By:  Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer
Monday, November 29, 2004

According to comic-book folklore going back to the World War II era, 
Superman escaped as a child from a planet with an unstable uranium core 
that exploded in a super-atomic blast

Now science is imitating pop art: Researchers are preparing to test the 
highly controversial theory of a San Diego scientist, J. Marvin 
Herndon, who thinks a huge, natural nuclear reactor or "georeactor" -- a vast 
deposit of uranium several miles wide -- exists at Earth's core, 
thousands of miles beneath our feet. …
Complete report:

Posted by: autodelete66

Oak Island, The Money Pit & the Knights Templar

Oak Island

The Discovery

In the summer 1795, Daniel McGinnis, a teenager, was wandering about 
Oak Island, Nova Scotia when he noticed a curious circular depression in 
the ground. Standing over this depression was a tree, whose branches 
had been cut in such a way that it appeared to have been used as a pulley 
mounting. Aware of the legends of pirates in the locale, he determined 
he would return with friends to investigate further.

Over the next several days McGinnis, along with his friends, John Smith 
and Anthony Vaughan, explored the hole. Two feet below the surface they 
found  a layer of flagstones covering the pit. At ten feet they 
encountered a layer of oak logs spanning the pit and again at twenty feet
and thirty feet logs spanned the pit. Time and energy exhausted, the 
group took their leave resolving to return at a future time.

Eight years later, they returned with the Onslow Company, formed for 
the purpose of the search. They made progress down to ninety feet, 
finding a layer of oak logs every 10 feet. 
At forty feet a layer of charcoal was found, at fifty feet a layer of 
putty,  and at sixty feet a layer of coconut fiber. At ninety feet a 
stone inscribed with the following inscription was found …  
Continue at:

The Knights Templars

There is also evidence that the  Templars fleet traveled to North 
in 1398 (almost 100 years before Columbus) with the Sinclairs, and
settled there at least temporarily.

Connections are made between the tower (Newport RI) ruins along the 
eastern coast of the United States,
Further Research:

[ The Oak Island mystery has long been one of my personal favorite 
continuing stories.  For those who want to delve further here are some of 
the sites I have collected on the subject: … Dennis]. 

Where in the world is Oak Island? Maps:

FREE PHOTOS of Oak Island

See rare photos from Oak Island (They Want 5 Bucks for these)
Or buy a video $15.95 plus S/H

What lies at the bottom of the money pit?

Sir Francis Bacon Involvement?

The Oak Island Treasure forum - discuss the latest theories and play an 
active role in research and future digs.

The Mystery has Been Solved

Investigative Files
The Secrets of Oak Island
Joe Nickell 

It has been the focus of "the world's longest and most expensive 
treasure hunt" and "one of the world's deepest and most costly archaeological 
digs" (O'Connor 1988, 1, 4), as well as being "Canada's best-known 
mystery" (Colombo 1988, 33) and indeed one of "the great mysteries of the 
world." It may even "represent an ancient artifact created by a past 
civilization of advanced capability" (Crooker 1978, 7, 190). The subject 
of these superlatives is a mysterious shaft on Oak Island in Nova 
Scotia's Mahone Bay. For some two centuries, greed, folly, and even death 
have attended the supposed "Money Pit" enigma.
Read the complete, well researched but highly opinionated  report:


Posted By:  ourbillofrights

by Lloyd Pye


Media everywhere have recently carried banner stories about the 
discovery in Ethiopia of fossil bones deemed the oldest yet found of the 
primate species that eventually evolved into humans. Worldwide news outlets 
for TV, print, radio, and wire have trumpeted the inexorable march of 
science back to the moment when the so-called “common ancestor” of apes 
and humans will eventually be unearthed. Such reports are given as if 
no other result is remotely possible; it is simply a matter of time and 
circumstance. But is it? 
The new fossils average 5.5 million years old, neatly fitting within 
the range of 5 to 7 million years ago that is the accepted window for 
when humans and apes diverged from the common ancestor. However, that 
window is heavily fogged with assumptions rather than provable 
calculations. Geneticists have made broad assumptions about mutation rates in the 
mitochondrial DNA of great apes, which just happens to dovetail in the 
window with equally broad assumptions made by physical anthropologists …

Insider “michael.altherr” writes:

Dear Dennis,

Why don't we launch an aerial expedition to the South or North Pole to 
the opening to the inside? Anthony Robbins would be coming with us too.



Michael Altherr
Wallisellenstrasse 259
CH-8050 Zürich
Tel: +41-(0)43-5345424
Mob: +41-(0)79-3909416 

I have been asked this question many times over the past 30 some-odd 
years.  My answer is still the same.  I will give you all the support and 
coverage in my writings that I possibly can and will travel with you in 
spirit 100%.  However,  I don’t believe in the possibility of finding 
the elusive openings at the North or South pole AT THIS TIME  .  But 
believe me, I thank you whole heartedly for the invite.

 I do however believe there are other openings available today 
scattered around the world.   But at this time in my life I am too old and out 
of shape to try for one of those.  (The one time I did investigate a 
possible opening I was warned off by two Native Americans with 30-30 
caliber long guns).  But,  most importantly of all … I’ve grown to like my 
creature comforts.

Once again I thank you for the invite and will fatefully publish any 
updates of any planned expedition to reach the Inner Paradise by anyone 
who is brave enough to try.. And I urge anyone who is interested to 
contact Michael.
Your ‘Hollow Headed’ Friend,
produced by Mary Sutherland, BUFO Productions

I have two new videos that I produced. One is one hour video of Paola 
Harris and the other is a 5 hour video on the documentary of the UFOs 
over Phoenix.

Paola Harris
Mary Sutherland presents Paola Leopizza Harris, author of 'Connecting 
the Dots.. Making Sense of the UFO phenomenon' In this one hour video, 
you will be able to watch and listen to
Paula talk about her ufo interests, share a small clip of the Italian 
Interview with Dr. Michael Wolfe, author of 'Catchers of Heaven' and 
watch the lecture she did at the Roswell UFO 2003 Conference. Paola speaks 
on such important researchers as Colonel Phil Corso, Sergeant Robert 
Dean, Leo Sprinkle, J. Allen Hynek, Sgt. Clifford Stone, Richard Hoagland
and Michael Wolf.  Paola has a mission. A mission to inform and bring 
truth to the
general public about the alien presence here on Earth. She is an 
Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of UFO 
research and paranormal phenomena.
She has studied UFO phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with 
many of the leading researchers in this field. Paolo has written for 
Nexus, UFO Magazine, Notizario UFO and Dossier Alieni.
From 1980 - 1986 she assisted Dr. J. Hynek with his UFO investigations.

In her book, 'Connecting the Dots..Making Sense of the UFO
Phenomenon' , she includes 25 informative, personal interviews with the 
most authorities searchers for extraterrestrial intelligence. You will 
learn about
Col. Phillip Corso's encounter with Ets, learn from NASA about the 
objects that observe
the space shuttle, learn how the Vatican is preparing for ET 
contact...and much much more.

Price 9.99 plus shipping and handling.

'They're Back'
Film documentation of UFOs over Phoenix
April to November 2004
5 hours worth of UFOs and Jets chasing them out of the Phoenix Air 
Documented by jeff Woowine.
After watching this video, it leaves no room for doubt that these UFOs 
are trying to make contact!

produced by Mary Sutherland, BUFO Productions
Two videos
Price 14.99 plus shipping and handling

For more videos produced by Mary Sutherland
go to
 LONDON -- ID Card or Prison?

Posted by:  orgonegal

Hmmm...I'd call this compulsory! 

'Martyrs' who fail to register for ID cards face £2,500 fines

London Independent/Nigel Morris and Ben Russell | November 30 2004
Comment: Even if you believed the government was really introducing 
this to 'protect us from the terrorists' the only people who don't have to 
take the card are foreigners who are in the country less than three 
months (the terrorists).

People who refuse to register with the planned national identity cards 
database will be fined £2,500, the Government said yesterday.

There will also be penalties of £1,000 for those who fail to renew 
their ID cards or forget to update their details when they move home. The 
fines will be levied when it becomes compulsory to co-operate with the 
controversial ID cards scheme, expected to happen by 2012.
With polls saying 20 per cent of the public oppose the plans and an 
anti-ID cards group claiming to be signing hundreds of new supporters 
daily, it raises the prospect of "ID card martyrs" embarrassing a future 
Labor government.

Phil Booth, spokesman for protest group NO2ID, said: "The penalties are 
outrageous. Millions of people oppose the plans; people are telling us 
that they would rather go to prison than sign up."
In an effort to reassure civil liberties groups worried about the 
impact of the Identity Cards Bill, which was published yesterday, the 
Government announced swinging penalties for abuse of the register that will 
underpin the ID card scheme.

Anyone caught tampering with it will face up to 10 years' prison, while 
officials who improperly reveal confidential information face up to two 
years in jail. Fraudulently using an ID card will carry up to 10 years' 
imprisonment, as will creating a false entry on the National Identity 
Register. Dishonestly obtaining an ID card, or altering one, will carry 
up to two years in jail.

Tony Blair insisted identity cards would "protect, rather than erode, 
civil liberties", arguing the scheme would make Britain's borders safer, 
combat crime and prevent fraudulent use of public services.

The Bill also disclosed that ID cards could become compulsory sooner 
than previously thought. Ministers had said they would wait until 80 per 
cent of adults had registered for a voluntary scheme - estimated to be 
about 2012 - before it becomes compulsory. But the Bill left the 
Government with the option of pushing through the final phase at an earlier 

The first cards will be issued on a voluntary basis from 2008 when 
passports are renewed at a cost to travelers of £85, although the eventual 
figure could be slightly higher.

They will carry "biometric" details, such as fingerprints or an 
electronic scan of the iris of the eye. These details - along with a 
photograph, signature, date of birth, address and nationality - will be stored 
on the central register.

David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, defended ID cards in the House of 
Commons yesterday as he opened the penultimate day of debate on the 
Queen's Speech. He pledged to listen to proposals on the measure and 
attempted to reassure MPs, declaring: "We don't intend to hold any more 
information than we currently hold on a whole range of requirements 
including driving licenses and passports."

He added: "To remove fear of difference we need to strengthen hope ... 
Strengthening our identity is one way of reinforcing confidence and 
people's sense of citizenship.

"Knowing your true identity and being able to demonstrate it is a 
positive plus. It is a basic human right, so reforming the identity system 
... is absolutely crucial."
David Davis, the shadow Home Secretary, said the cards posed "very real 
threats" to civil liberties, especially given Labour's record.

"Frankly, why should anyone trust this government, of all governments, 
to treat the information it holds about them with respect and 

The Labour MP Glenda Jackson said her constituents in Hampstead and 
Highgate, north London, opposed the scheme as an infringement of civil 
liberties and warned it faced technical problems. Mr Blunkett told her he 
was happy to undertake further consultation during the passage of the 
Bill through Parliament. 
ID Cards Will Fail

Now here's an interesting comment ... "ID cards will fail" is the 
overall comment and some may consider this evidence that the World Wide 
Biometric ID Card System may not be the actual Mark of The Beast. 

However ... where in Scripture does it say that the Mark of The Beast 
actually works? 
All I see is that one cannot travel to and from their labour market 
safely and without harassment. That's all there is as far as the use of 
the actual Mark of The Beast. 
So here is more evidence that the UN / BEAST OWNED or "of the Beast" 
Marking system that includes an image of the holders face, and must be 
carried, which gives authority to travel and attend your market place (or 
labor market) is in fact your problem. 
I say your problem because once you recognize that you have the damn 
thing in your pocket you have one of two options. 

Continue to hold it with the knowledge of what it is and accept your 

Reject it under the term "receive" (see my web site) and repent of your 
wicked ways. 
The third option does not exist. This whole thing is designed to knock 
the fence sitters off the fence. 

Choose ye this day whom you will serve. 

ID cards will be government's latest techno white elephant 

WATCH out, there is a new Millennium Dome about. That’s what I thought 
as I looked at the government’s slightly amended identity card 
proposals earlier this week. The plans have got "overspend" written all over 
them, and I remain less than convinced that the cards will achieve 
anything useful.  It was also probably not the most auspicious time to launch 
another massive state IT project. News had gradually been filtering out 
about a network crash that had left 80 per cent of the staff at the 
Department of Works and Pensions without computer access for most of last 
week. That followed the resignation of the head of the Child Support 
Agency after it transpired that its expensive computer system was partly 
responsible for only one in eight single parents getting the correct 
awards. These are big systems, but they are dwarfed by the ID card plans. 
A cost of £3.1 billion was suggested earlier this year, but no 
large-scale IT project ever stays within budget. That is especially tru!
e when what is being attempted has never been done before anywhere in 
the world. At its heart is a national identity register which will store 
biometric information - probably fingerprints - and other data about 
every person in the UK. 
Leaving aside the civil liberties concerns, does anybody actually 
believe this will work and be used? We have had machine-readable passports 
since 1988. Even in these times of heightened terrorism awareness, has 
your little maroon book ever been subjected to anything more than a 
cursory inspection at an airport?  The new identity cards are not just 
planned to be passport replacements, they could also serve as proof of 
entitlement to healthcare, benefits or library books. That means a 
biometric card reader in every doctor’s surgery, benefit office, 
library and other public building - each at a cost of, maybe, £750. 
Nobody really knows because no such machines exist. 

The basic technology is there, but the contract to maintain that much 
equipment will be worth winning. And the cost will be many times more 
than will be saved in benefit fraud. But David Blunkett, the Home 
Secretary, and the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, are convinced ID cards will 
stop ID theft. If  that is the case, it is interesting to ponder why the 
banks have not introduced something similar. "Identity theft" generally 
means the fraudulent use of somebody else’s credit card or bank account 
details and banks nearly always cover the losses. One problem is that 
biometric tests are not 100 per cent accurate. There are difficulties 
with fingerprints, for instance, from the calloused hands of manual 
workers, growing teenagers and people from some ethnic backgrounds. 
Suggesting an innocent person is up to no good is bad for a bank’s business. 
And if somebody’s committing fraud online, a biometric ID card is not 
going to be much use, is it? 

Unclear aims, unproven technology and a general election coming up, it 
sounds like a good time to be identity card consultant. I am not so 
sure it is a good time to be a taxpayer 

Visit my Website at ... 
See my "Why Come Out" page here ... 


Searching for the Florida 'Skunk Ape’
Monday, 15 November, 2004

When Jennifer Ward drives through the Green Swamp these days, she makes 
sure she has a camera in her car. She hopes she'll get the chance to 
capture for others an image is already seared into her memory, and she 
knows only a picture will persuade others that she really did see 
something bizarre one evening a few months ago. "I've heard about Big Foot and 
stuff," Ward says. "I didn't really think it existed, but I'm convinced 
now." Ward, 30, was driving on Moore Road in northern Polk County a few 
days after Hurricane Charley's passage through the area when she 
glanced to her left and saw something she says has haunted her ever since. 
She describes it as a creature with a human form that was covered in dark 
hair or fur and had whitish rings around its eyes. Ward says the 
mysterious animal stood erect in a drainage ditch along the road, and she 
estimates its height at 8 feet. Based on her description, it might have 
been foraging in the ditch when she surprised it." It looked li!
ke it was doing something; it was focused on something," Ward says. …

Posted From:

(From UFO Updates)

Wendy Connors <>

Ufology, as a science, actually exists. Here is why it has grown from a 
small group of open-minded people with an interest in the subject to a 
massive number of people that spans into the hundreds of millions 

All sciences focus on specific subjects of interest. Thus, Physics, 
Astronomy, etc. are subjects of those groups who share a common interest, 
whether amateur or professional, over time.

Ufology then has one of the prerequisites in being a science. It is a 
subject of people and groups who share a common interest, whether 
amateur or professional, over time. Thus, Ufology has over half a Century of 
time that it has been a subject of common interest.

Sciences are built upon a portion of those who share the common 
interest.  Those who actively participates and devotes the majority of their 
time and efforts to the knowledge base. A knowledge base that is always 
in flux as the sciences develop.

Built upon decades of data basing, trace collecting, on-site 
investigation, recordings, photographs and witness statements, from all 
professions and walks of life, that gives testament to the legitimacy to Ufology 
being a dedicated science. This massive knowledge base is always in 
flux as the science develops.

For those groups interested in a scientific subject who may not be able 
to devote the majority of their efforts to exploring the subject in 
detail, each science teaches and informs at all levels of interest the 
knowledge base, by lecture, published works, recordings, etc. This allows 
for everyone interested to participate in the advancement of the 
science by the professional.

In Ufology there are only a few that actually make monetary gain from 
their professional standing. Money has nothing to do with being a 
professional in any science. Being a professional is learning a large amount 
of information regarding the science and then producing tangible data 
to add to the knowledge base. If support monies are available from the 
interested group,
it is available to the sciences by individual or group contributions. 
These are the patrons of science.

Within Ufology is a knowledge base that was painstaking assembled by 
specialists in the subject for over half a Century.  It has been refined 
from raw data gathered by the professional who ensured field 
investigation and professional reporting.  Professionals devoted to ensuring news 
clipping files were preserved for reference or who began the databases 
that today hold hundreds of thousands of cases world-wide. Those 
professionals specializing in giving legality to the science of Ufology, 
maintain the documents. There are professionals maintaining the trace 
elements from cases, etc. This knowledge base is shared as in any science.

Ufology teaches and informs at all levels of interest the knowledge 
base, by lecture, published works, recordings, etc.  This allows for 
everyone interested to participate in the advancement of the science by the 
professional. If support monies are available from the interested 
group, it is available to the science by individual or group contributions. 
These are the patrons of scientific Ufology.

Halls of Science literally means that each discipline developed over 
time a structured system. This was in the form of research centers and 
schools to teach future generations and maintain the centers. Funding 
comes by governmental needs or needs of commerce. At the bottom end comes 
the funding by those interested in the subject who buy books, attend 
lectures and events. They stay informed and continue to participate by 
supporting various researchers.

Ufology doesn't have a Hall of Science. Yet. It has evolved to the 
stage that individual archives are being assembled and the knowledge base 
is becoming more cohesive. Over time the archivists, or historians of 
Ufology, will continue to integrate the knowledge base into a research 
center.  Specialists are teaching the subject and Ufology, as a science, 
continues to

I wonder who will command the first Chair of Ufology when it comes. 
Perhaps you will be the one. Yes, you. With your eye on the sky, wonder in 
your heart, your mind open and your God given imagination intact.

Wendy Connors <>
Posted by:  universal_heartbeat2012

Water is not an essential ingredient for Life, scientists now claim 

Billions of dollars are pumped into extraterrestrial exploration each 
year in the search for the ultimate prize - the discovery of life on 
other planets. But are we looking in all the right places? Prof Steven A 
Benner, who is working with NASA on the design of the next generation of 
Mars probes, believes that life could flourish without any need for 
water. In the December issue of Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, he 
and his colleagues at the University of Florida describe how organisms 
could survive in exotic environments such as on Saturn's moon Titan. 

Benner and colleagues identify just two absolute requirements for life 
to exist: a suitable temperature range to allow chemical bonding, and 
an energy source (for example, the sun or radioactive decay). This 
contrasts with the common belief that life absolutely requires liquid water. 
Indeed, the authors speculate on the possibilities of life emerging in 
cold, icy environments, just like that of Titan, which meets both 
requirements and many 'weaker' ones. "Life may even exist in more exotic 
environments, such as the supercritical dihydrogen-helium mixtures found 
on gas giants," speculates Prof Benner, referring to the large gaseous 
planets such as Jupiter and Saturn. He even wonders if we may have 
missed exotic forms of life here on Earth. "This question is not as absurd 
as it might seem," says Benner. "Just 50 years in the deep 
ocean was not known." …
Complete Report:

Dear Friends, 
Here's the latest from UFO Casebook. 
UFO Sighted Near Federal Base Of The Aerostat - Puerto Rico 
Gigantic UFO Near Cardiff, Wales 
New Mexico - New Roswell Evidence 
Love and Light. 

Fight Back against those NWO RED LIGHT CAMERAS … Make your car tag 
Not an endorsement …Information offered as a Public Service to our 
readers ONLY..
  This product has NOT been tested by the “Unraveling the Secrets” 
staff . (We don’t run red lights).    C;>)

Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7


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Until next time, see ya’ll!

Dennis Crenshaw