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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:
Date: September 9, 2004             
Issue # 34
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw
Does Weather Control=Media Control?
By Dennis Crenshaw
And Selected Short Subjects
Quote of the Week:
  "I am positive in my conviction that we can erect a plant of proper 
design in an arid region, work it according to certain observations and 
rules, and by its means draw from the ocean unlimited amounts of water 
for irrigation and power purposes.  If I do not live to carry it out, 
someone else will, but I feel sure that I am right." … Nikola Tesla
Second Quote of the Week:  
"United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen apparently stated in 
a press briefing, while commenting on new technological threats 
possibly held by terrorist organizations: "Others are engaging in an eco-type 
of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, 
(and) volcanoes remotely, using the use of electromagnetic waves." 
Dr Begich's news release adds: "While the Secretary of Defense suggests 
this capability might be possessed by terrorist organizations, the U.S. 
military continues to deny that they also control such technology."  … 
Dr. Nick Begich

Third Quote of the Week:
"We are not only seeing the deliberate decision to let disaster happen 
when it could be prevented -- we are seeing something much worse -- the 
deliberate use of this technology developed by minds that sought to 
help mankind being used as a means of destroying our homes and killing our 
people for the sake of "disaster-industry " profit and 
"national-emergency" power. … Dick Eastman M.S. M.A.

Does Weather Control = Media Control?
By Dennis Crenshaw
First, I’d like to thank all of you who sent me e-mail wishing us well 
as we prepared for Hurricane Frances.  Fortunately, except for 3 days 
without power, steady rainfall (which is still falling) and a few 
branches in the front yard we made it through with flying colors.
As we sit here in Florida waiting for the possible third hurricane in 
less than a month I remember something a friend of mine and I were 
half-joking about after another series of hurricanes passed Florida by and 
turned out to sea several years ago.  That time the highways, byways and 
interstates were clogged with traffic caused by the evacuation of most 
of Florida and the real nightmare wasn’t a hurricane but getting back 
home for millions of evacuees.  
Our comments at the time had to do with the fact that the government 
was probably controlling the series of storms … bringing them as close to 
Florida as possible then turning them out to sea … as a means of 
testing  their ability to evacuate Florida.
However this time it was not a test.  The storms are not making that 
last-minute turn and heading out into the Atlantic as they did that year, 
and the evacuation went off just as planned. 
Let’s look at the facts.  Bush had just finished his well-planned 
Convention … the swift-boat vets had just finished slamming Kerry…. And 
Charlie and Frances slams Florida
 (I’m with the swift-boat vets … I happen to be old enough to remember 
Viet Nam and the treason that bastard did our POWS firsthand.  While I 
am against the elitist NWO bunch led by the Bush Crime Family, I’m 
doubly against the Socialist branch of the Skull & Bones crowd led by 
"5-medals-in-4-months" John Kerry).
At any rate … back to the weather.  It seems awful fishy, knowing what 
I know about the ability of our Government to control the weather … as 
they did in Viet Nam … that these storms just "happen" to hit Florida 
at a critical time in the lead-up to the presidential elections to steal 
"Commie Johnny’s" thunder.
 Instead of submitting us to night after night of Kerry’s lies and 
flip-flops to all of the charges made against him during the convention the 
media has, and continues to cover the weather.  It couldn’t have been 
better if it had been planned.  Just a thought.  
With that in mind I did a few searches on the Internet and would like 
to share my findings with you.
Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025 
A Research Paper 
Presented To 
Air Force 2025 
Col Tamzy J. House
Lt Col James B. Near, Jr.
LTC William B. Shields (USA)
Maj Ronald J. Celentano
Maj David M. Husband
Maj Ann E. Mercer 
Maj James E. Pugh
August 1996 
EXCERPT from Chapter 2 of the Official Report
Chapter 2
Required Capability 
Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather? 
According to Gen Gordon Sullivan, former Army chief of staff, "As we 
leap technology into the 21st century, we will be able to see the enemy 
day or night, in any weather- and go after him relentlessly."3 A global, 
precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability 
would provide war-fighting CINCs with a powerful force multiplier to 
achieve military objectives. Since weather will be common to all possible 
futures, a weather-modification capability would be universally 
applicable and have utility across the entire spectrum of conflict. The 
capability of influencing the weather even on a small scale could change it 
from a force degrader to a force multiplier. …
Read the complete report:

The "admitted " research into Hurricane Modification:
"Project STORMFURY was an ambitious experimental program of research on 
hurricane modification carried out between 1962 and 1983. The proposed 
modification technique involved artificial stimulation of convection 
outside the eyewall through seeding with silver iodide. The invigorated 
convection, it was argued, would compete with the original eyewall, lead 
to reformation of the eyewall at larger radius, and thus, through 
partial conservation of angular momentum, produce a decrease in the 
strongest winds. …"
Secret research:
This Harp Is Not From Heaven
Lots of people know that Nicola Tesla patented weather influencing 
machinery before 1910, and explained how it could be used to control 
weather thousands of miles away. Not only can the technology be used to guide 
moisture laden air to drought stricken locations, but it can keep 
moisture away from droughts as well. 
What can be achieved is a barrier to wind flow called a stationary 
pressure front, which forces weather away from its natural destination. The 
modern name for a device of this type is an atmospheric heater, which 
works by beaming concentrated radiowaves tuned to heat some component of 
the atmosphere. Many people now know that a stationary pressure front 
has been sitting off the California coast since 19xx because it is 
blamed for droughts in recent decades, but few of them also know that 
stationary pressure regions were unheard of before 19xx, xx years after the 
USSR finished constructing an atmospheric heater. 
The Americans have now developed their own atmospheric heater, by far 
the most powerful one ever under constructed, under the name HAARP: 
High-frequency Active Aural Research Project. It is still being publicly 
disputed by scientists as an environmental hazard, but to deaf ears.

The Following 3 News Briefs come from the Cutting news site:
NEWS BRIEF: "Malaysia to Battle Smog With Cyclones", by Chen May Yee, 
Staff Reporter of the Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal, 
Thursday, November 13, 1997, page A19.
"KULA LUMPUR -- Malaysia's war on smog is about to get a new twist. The 
government wants to create man-made cyclones to scrub away the haze 
that has plagued Malaysia since July. 'We will use special technology to 
create an artificial cyclone to clean the air', said Datuk Law Hieng 
Ding, minister for science, technology and the environment. The plan calls 
for the use of new Russian technology to create cyclones -- the giant 
storms also known as typhoons and hurricanes -- to cause torrential 
rains, washing the smoke out of the air. The Malaysian cabinet and the 
finance minister have approved the plan, Datuk Law said. A Malaysian 
company, BioCure Sdn. Bhd., will sign a memorandum of understanding soon with 
a government-owned Russian party to produce the cyclone."
"Datuk Law declined to disclose the size of the cyclone to be 
generated, or the mechanism. 'The details I don't have', he said. He did say, 
though, that the cyclone generated would be 'quite strong'. Datuk Law 
also declined to disclose the price of creating the cyclone. But, he said, 
Malaysia doesn't have to pay if the project doesn't work."
NEWS BRIEF: The New York Times, September 24, 1992, reported that a 
Russian company which deals with weather modification sell Weather Control 
Electronic Equipment to certain people in Russia who want to manipulate 
the weather in a specific area. This weather control technology is 
being used by farmers to alter the climate for beneficial agricultural 
Then, the Wall Street Journal, on October 2, 1992, reported that a 
Russian company called "Elate Intelligent Technologies, Inc.," sells 
weather control equipment by using the advertising slogan, "Weather Made to 
Order". This motto is even on their business cards! The commercial 
Director of Elate, Igor Pirogoff, stated that "Elate is capable of 
fine-tuning the weather patterns over a 200 square mile area for as little as 
$200 U.S. per day".
Article in Popular Mechanics magazine:
UFO Defense Tactics
Weather Shield to Chemtrails
PR Highlights: Government Weather Manipulation as UFO Defense.
PHOTO Highlights: Black & White Photos Throughout.
Description: The existence of UFOs is a phenomenon that intrigues and 
captivates, yet it generates more skepticism than acceptance. Witnesses 
of unconventional craft are often disbelieved and even ridiculed. 
Belief in the existence of UFOs is obviously not yet mainstream, but that 
may one day change. Over the past few decades, reports of UFO sightings 
have dramatically increased in North America. Further, these sightings 
have been observed to be more blatant and even menacing. Some reports 
even imply that these craft are monitoring our planet. Interestingly, 
many of these sightings have taken place over military bases. In UFO 
Weather Shield, A.K. Johnstone, PhD., explores the details of numerous 
sightings from a scientific viewpoint, including descriptions of craft, 
luminous sheaths and fireballs. So what, if anything, is the United States 
government doing about it? Johnstone suggests that military and 
government agencies have the ability to manipulate weather electromagneti!
cally and with chemtrails to deter unconventional craft. This 
hypothesis also explains erratic changes in the weather in the last few years. 
Is the government creating a weather shield to deter UFOs from entering 
the earth’s atmosphere? Take a look at the evidence.
As we can see "Weather Modification" is not the stuff of sci-fi… it‘s 
hard proven fact.  I’m sure you can find many more sites on this subject 
yourself.  Happy hunting.
From Misty3 and
The Eltanin Enigma
In 1964, an Antarctic research vessel photographed a mysterious and 
unidentifiable object on the seabed. In the first of a two-part 
investigation, PETER BROOKESMITH explains how the ‘Eltanin antenna’ generated a 
soap opera from another Universe. …
Between 1962 and 1979 the NSF [National Science Foundation] Polar 
Research Vessel Eltanin surveyed Antarctic waters, studying the ocean and 
ocean bottom. In 1964, the ship photographed an unusual object at a depth 
of 13,500 feet [4,115m]. At the time, there was no submarine that could 
have carried a piece of technology to this depth….
The object appears to be a pole rising from the ocean floor with twelve 
spokes radiating from it, each ending in a sphere. The spokes are at 15 
degree angles to each other. It is located approximately 1,000 miles 
[1,600km] south [sic] of Cape Horn, beneath some of the most inhospitable 
seas in the world. [...]
The complete extensive report:
From  BBC News:
Antarctic craters reveal strike
Scientists have mapped enormous impact craters hidden under the 
Antarctic ice sheet using satellite technology. …
The following report comes from:
Journalists in US Face Jail for Refusing to Reveal Their Sources
By David Usborne
The Independent U.K.
Saturday 21 August 2004
The right of journalists in the United States to withhold the identity 
of their sources has come under unprecedented assault, with reporters 
from several of the country's most prestigious news organizations now 
under threat of jail and punitive fines from judges and the Justice 
The sudden onslaught, prompted by published stories that have since 
triggered investigations and civil lawsuits, is spreading alarm through 
the profession. Presently, the ability of reporters in this country to 
protect their sources is based somewhat flimsily on an interpretation of 
the US Constitution.…
Complete Report:
Fahrenheit 451.2:
Is Cyberspace Burning?
Read this important report at:
From our very alert One World Government watchdog comes the following important report:
Bush’s CIA nominee has alarmed civil libertarians with a plan that 
would authorize the agency to arrest U.S. citizens.
Newsweek | August 12 2004
By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball 
Updated: 6:39 p.m. ET Aug. 11, 2004
Aug. 11 - Rep. Porter Goss, President Bush’s nominee to head the CIA, 
recently introduced legislation that would give the president new 
authority to direct CIA agents to conduct law-enforcement operations inside 
the United States—including arresting American citizens.
The legislation, introduced by Goss on June 16 and touted as an 
"intelligence reform" bill, would substantially restructure the U.S. 
intelligence community by giving the director of Central Intelligence (DCI) 
broad new powers to oversee its various components scattered throughout the 
Visit the Iron Clay Website:
Who were the ‘First Americans’?
'First Americans were Australian' 
The first Americans were descended from Australian aborigines, 
according to evidence in a new BBC documentary.
Issues and Evidence Relating to the Peopling of the New World
The Center for the Study of the First Americans
Mystery of the First Americans
The History of Native Americans
Did first Americans arrive by boat?
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus Wanted poster
Icelanders discover Greenland & Vínland (North America)
The Irish Discovered America
1421 : The Year China Discovered America
China not sure it 'discovered America'
Ancient Hebrew Explorers Discovered America
South Wales prince Madoc Morfran sailed in 562AD and made the 
The Muslims who discovered America
The Portuguese discovered North America BEFORE. Columbus was born!
The Voyages of Brendan the Navigator
They All Discovered America
Source: elvenastrorider
Ancient Astronauts and the Search For Planet X
See the full set of 90 slides I showed recently at MUFON in Los Angeles 
where I discussed the information "Past and Present" for a Planet X.
Here is the largest collection of Sumerian artifacts online. More data 
has just arrived from the British museum.
Sitchin and the ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS  …
The Search for Planet X timeline:

In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying 
machines that are generally called Vimanas. India's national epic, The 
Mahabharata, is a poem of vast length and complexity. There are no 
physical remains of ancient Indian aircraft technology but references to 
ancient flying machines are commonplace in the ancient Indian texts. 
Several popular ancient epics describe their use in warfare. Depending on 
one's point of view, either it contains some of the earliest known 
science fiction, or it records conflict between beings with weapons as 
powerful and advanced as anything used today. …
The ‘Dean of Hollow Earth Research on the Internet" writes:
I would like to make a comment on this short piece from your Insider 
Report #33:
Ohio - Underground UFO Interference 
FOSTORIA -- George Ritter has been able to take video of UFOs near 
his home on a regular basis. The video taken on August 22, 2004, 
shows a UFO over a nearby farmer's field. Many of the videos appear 
to show the craft entering and leaving the field. The Fostoria area 
is known to have many underground caverns that could provide a base 
for these craft. The electrical interference is apparent in the 
image. Often when UFOs are present there are interruptions of 
electrical service and television interference. The field is now 
under development for new homes. Thanks to George Ritter. 
You know, UFO occupants have been described as being able to pass 
through walls and as being able to pass their abduction victims 
through walls. 
Apparently, they know the technology of adjusting the frequency of 
physical bodies such that the molecules comprising one do not affect 
the molecules comprising the other. The body passing through, so to 
speak, becomes subtle. All fine and dandy.
What interests us is that this man witnessed the craft passing into 
the ground. Some research has been done in the Brazilian state of 
Minas Gerais, near the town of Passa Tempo, and the traditional 
folklore on the matter of UFOs also tells of them "burying 
themselves" into the ground. In other words, this is typical behavior 
for flying saucers. 
I can never get over the fact that the whole flying saucer phenomenon 
is attributed to Extra Terrestrials and nobody realizes that they 
come up from below. Cavern worlds exist! Th3e entire UFO movement is 
led around like sheep and is off kilter, really off kilter. This is 
incredible, because they UFO community thinks that it is on the 
cutting edge.
Join Deans very active group at:
Visit Deans Hollow Earth sites.  Start Here:
Read Dean’s excellent book, "Hollow Earth in The Puranas".  I highly 
recommend it:
_______________________  of the
I've added a new "In the News" section to our web page. Enjoy!
Revealing Neglected Science
By The Bone Digger
A frail old man stood before an audience of scientists and engineers 
and gave a demonstration. He had a thick brass wheel with about a 5-foot 
long shaft housed in a pipe frame. After plugging in the device he 
brought the brass wheel up to R.P.M. Sliding this device along the floor in 
an arc the whole device levitated off the ground. As he slowly rotated 
it in an arc, this heavy piece of equipment was perpendicular to his 
body. This frail old man manipulated the equipment with such ease you 
would have thought he was holding a piece of Styrofoam. Who was this old 
man and what was the secret of his discovery? He was the man who 
invented the magnetic levitation train. This new form of levitation would have 
meant a major break through in science, but everyone seemed 
uninterested and just walked away. 
Try This Simple Experiment 
Experience the levitation force for your self.  Take the front wheel of 
a bicycle and pull out the bearings. Buy a piece of round stock about a 
foot long and slide it in the wheel. Tack-wield the round stock so it 
stays in place. Remove all the rubber from the wheel. Get a pair of 
leather gloves and your ready to do the experiment.
Hold the wheel firmly and give the wheel a good spin. Hold the spinning 
wheel in-front of your body and using the upper half of the wheel as a 
point of reference, spin your body around in the opposite direction. If 
you do this you will experience the levitation force.
One Type of Saucer Craft
If you have four of these wheels all rotating in the same direction 
attached to a frame that rotates in the opposite direction of the upper 
arc then you essentially have the propulsion system of one type of saucer 
A lady loaned me videotape that she said she purchased from Nexus 
Magazine. This tape showed several free energy machines running. One of 
these machines was the Joseph Newman Machine. An engineer examined the 
machine and reported it to be 628% over unity. Comparable to this is the 
Adams Motor. Mr. Adam applied for a patent and the government turned 
around and informed Adams that the machine is now classified and belongs to 
the government. Adams was infuriated. 
Think what you would have if you linked the Adams Motor to the 
propulsion system mentioned above. You in theory you would have a saucer craft 
capable of leaving the Earth. With an acceleration of 32 ft per sec. 
squared. You could go to the planet Mars in only four days. Two days 
would be spent accelerating then the craft would rotate 180 degrees and 
begin its de-acceleration. The acceleration would simulate gravity. All 
the technology is right before our eyes; all you have to do realize it. 
The Bone Digger
Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7
The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news 
reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while 
the web along with information from our files which, until now, has not 
been available on the web.  
Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the mix just to wake up 
the nodders.
All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is 
given for 
all snip-bits and links used. If you find anything in this publication 
you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and feel that 
you are 
not given proper credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it 
takes to 
correct the mistake. 
Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always 
those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone 
have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters which we look 
into. We 
want THEI to be that place. 
"Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your thoughts and research 
just as important as anyone here. This is a "free press" area, and 
turn this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates 
might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as 
attempt to Unravel the Secrets.  But, please pass them along unedited. 
However if you only want to send part of it to someone, please do so. I 
only ask that you include a link to our site.  (and if you want you can 
do a little raving about how great THEI is when you do).  <grin> … and 
I ain‘t bashful either.
If you received this Insider’s Report by e-mail from a friend and you 
what you read please join our list so you don’t miss another issue. 
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Hope you enjoyed this report. 
Until next time, see ya’ll!
Dennis Crenshaw