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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

July 17, 2004               
Issue # 29

Editor - Dennis Crenshaw


Top Government Scientist Reveals Information about Polar Regions.
By Fritz Springmeier: 



 A Look Back at “The Hum”

With: Selected Short Subjects
From our CURRENT NEWS: UFO News as it Happens


Posted on Thu, Jul. 15, 2004
Seeing lights, seeing the light
By Alfred Lubrano

Inquirer Staff Writer

Everything was normal in Lynne Kitei's life until the UFOs showed up. …
Read her story at:



New Software Puts Space on Your Desktop
By Tariq Malik
Staff Writer
posted: 12:30 pm ET
08 July 2004

“Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope often build 
spectacular space images based on the raw data taken by the orbital 
instrument. But new thanks to some new software that power can sit in the hands 
of anyone, not just scientists, equipped with a computer and a digital 
imaging program.
“The software, called FITS Liberator, is actually a plugin application 
for the imaging software Adobe Photoshop and is now available free at 
the Hubble's European Website. The plugin allows space image enthusiasts 
to piece together in Photoshop the same raw data that were once 
reserved for astronomers with highly specialized imaging tools could touch. …”
Read about it

Go get it:

From Popular Mechanics:

These UFO sightings continue to defy science and the skeptics.

Skeptics say it is easy to make a UFO crash. Just poke it with a 
pointed question. Consider the legendary Mantell incident in which a UFO 
supposedly shot down a F-51 Mustang in broad daylight. Ask if any other 
military aircraft were aloft over Kentucky that fateful Jan. 7, 1948 
afternoon. You will discover that Capt. Thomas F. Mantell Jr., a pilot in 
the Air National Guard, died after running out of oxygen while chasing 
the Sun's reflection off a then-secret Navy Skyhook balloon. 

Radar has proven as fallible as the human eye, producing headlines 
describing fleets of UFOs over Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and sensitive 
military installations. In each case the real invaders were overlapping 
radar signals, air masses of differing densities, or flocks of birds 
that suddenly tightened formation. Each anomaly can cause multiple 
targets or blimp-size objects to appear one second and disappear the next. 
At times, differences in interpreting the "facts" of a case can make 
ufologists and skeptics seem like members of warring tribes. There is, 
however, one point on which they agree: Most UFO sightings are aircraft, 
planets or other natural phenomena. 
Most sightings doesn't mean all sightings. And while government 
investigations have repeatedly assured the public that UFOs pose no danger to 
national security, the very same reports also detail dozens of 
sightings that neither science nor the skeptics can adequately explain. Among 
these cases are six sightings that are more puzzling now than when they 
were originally reported. 
POPULAR MECHANICS offers no opinion on whether these mysterious flying 
machines originate from secret military airstrips here on Earth or 
spaceports somewhere "out there." We do, however, feel comfortable making 
one prediction: When the shell of security surrounding UFOs finally 
cracks, it will be because one of the sightings we present here provided 
the wedge. …
Read the complete report:

Posted By: mailbag
Date: Monday, 21 July 2003, 6:10 p.m. 

The Colonel who gave this interview was from the Inner Earth

My name is Colonel Billie Faye Woodard, of the United States Air Force 
whereby after working at the Pentagon, I began my duty at Area 51, 
Nevada, Jan.28, 1971. 

Arrival and Indoctrination 
I was first stationed at Area 51, Nevada, and Jan.28, 1971 through 
1982. In that period of service I visited the Hollow Interior of the Earth 
six times, 800 miles deep. 
Upon my arrival to Area 51 I was indoctrinated to the existence of 
tunnels beneath Area 51, and soon after I met several of the Underground 
Shuttle Operators that have a stature of 13 to 14 feet in height. These 
tunnels, that transverse the world, are built by a species of beings who 
have existed here before we, a very long time….

The Tunnels and Shuttles 
The Walls of the Tunnels are very smooth. If you were to pull a hollow 
tube through a ball of clay you can get an idea of how smooth. The 
walls have what is likened to a marble finish, which are made of a metal 
substance, impenetrable; the surface of the walls can not be penetrated 
even by a diamond drill nor will a laser penetrate the surface …

Hollow Earth Vortexes 
The Hollow Earth residents have the ability to split the ocean floor 
and create a vortex, as is shown with the Bermuda Triangle. There are 7 
different levels in these vortexes, and equipment and beings are brought 
in and placed corresponding to these different levels. 
The vortexes act as doorways for entrance or exit to the hollow 
interior of the Earth …

Seeking Entry 
In order to locate an entrance to the Inner Earth, wherever you are 
underground, all that you need is your compass. The compass will spin as 
if you are standing at the North Pole at the tunnel entrance to the 
Inner Earth.  …

Read this complete incredible interview at: 


“Buzzed Off”
By Dennis Crenshaw
Originally Published in The Hollow Earth Insider, Volume II Number 1. 

Most reports of unusual buzzing or humming noises usually never make 
the national news and are only reported by local media.  Such a case 
carrying the above headline was featured on the front page of the 
“Lifestyles” section of the Friday, July 23rd, 1993 edition of the “Anchorage 
(Alaska) Daily News“, under the byline of Doug O’Harra, Daily News 

Mr. O’Harra begins his report:

“For years, Don Couillard has heard a buzz.  A mysterious and almost 
inaudible droning that has no apparent source or explanation

“From the day Couillard began building a log home among the cottonwoods 
on a hillside overlooking the base of Mount Susitna nearly 20 years 
ago, he has heard the noise - threading through the forest like the hum of 
a high-voltage power line.”

The report goes on to tell us that some days it is loud, and other days 
it fades to nothing.  The Daily News reporter wrote, “Some people have 
heard it, including his former wife and a few neighbors.  Some haven’t, 
including his nephew and two journalists from this newspaper …”

Further into this detailed report Mr. O’Harra tells us;
“Couillard isn’t alone in hearing such a noise.  Hundreds of people all 
over the world have apparently been hearing some sort of low frequency 
sound for years.  A large number of them live in Taos New Mexico and 
near London England …”
                                         …Submitted by the ever 
vigilant “Doug” in Alaska.

Unlike the Alaska buzz, the humming heard in Taos, N.M. was reported in 
the national media.  It was picked up from the Knight-Tribune News 
Service wire by the (Jacksonville) Florida Times-Union on July 24th, 1993.  
The story appeared on the front 
page under the headline:

‘The Hum’ disturbing
The Sounds of Silence
By John Donnelly

“Taos, N.M - When the wind is still and the nearly meadowlark silence, 
Stephen Walters’ back yard falls quiet.
“Too Quiet.
“So quiet that he hears the hum.
“It sounds like a great, big American car engine that’s on idle …”

Mr. Donnelly tells us that Mr. Walters isn’t alone in hearing this hum.  
Hundreds of people are hearing the noise.  Besides Taos, Albuquerque 
and Santa Fe also reportedly have the same problem.  However, New Mexico 
doesn’t have an exclusive on the phenomenon either.  Donnelly reports 
of complaints coming from Florida, Vermont and Washington State about “A 
similarly mysterious low-level frequency of hum.”  He sad that many of 
the people suffered from the noise “frequently described [the noise] as 
a diesel engine idling in the distance, or a low throbbing, or a 
sputtering generator.”

The report also tells us that thus is “not a new phenomenon” and “that 
more than 2,000 people in the London and South Hampton areas of Great 
Briton have reported hearing sounds dating back to the 1940s.”

[Naturally, like all of the media reports of “humming noises” over the 
years not a mention that the origin of these sounds has been know for 
years … they come from underground … Dennis].

According to Donnelly “in recent months the New Mexicans have been 
taken seriously.  Prodded by a once-skeptical congressman, the U.S. House 
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is investigating whether any 
federal site is the source.”
There is also “an eight-member team of unpaid engineers and physicists” 
from the University of New Mexico who have “lugged geophones, 
magnetometers and electromagnetic antennae to Taos for measuring acoustic, 
electromagnetic and seismic signals.

“a second team of ear experts is about to test the hearers.”

The article tells us of one lady who has heard the hum for 3 ½ years 
and has had six ear exams.  “None of the doctors pinpointed the problem.”

However, Mr. Donnelly reports; “New Mexico’s first round of research so 
far has found no answers … no one predicts a quick resolution.”

And many do not believe the government is really looking for an answer 
very hard.  Mr. Donnelly continues;
“ … Bob Saltzman, 48, a photographer who has heard the sound 
continuously since May 1991, with the exception of the month of July 1991 … 
detects a stalling. At worst, he believes a DoD-concocted conspiracy is 
trying to derail the investigation.

“He says that a scientist on the House Science, Space and Technology 
Committee who earlier spoke out about DoD involvement in the Taos Hum 
lost his job within the past month.  And he says [U.S. Rep. Bill] 
Richardson [D -N.M.] has suddenly seemed to back away from the investigation 
and won’t return his phone calls.
“Richardson says Saltzman’s imagination is running a little wild.
“Saltzman doesn’t think so,”

Regressive Knowledge

Mr. Saltzman may be closer to the truth than even he knows … this is a 
perfect example of what I call “Regressive Knowledge.”  If the Keepers 
of the Secrets what to hide information from the peons they simply get 
everyone involved returning to the same question every time the problem 
comes up.  In this case, “where do those noises come from?”

The keepers realize that people as a whole have a short attention span 
and that it will not be long before people loose interest in this 
strange phenomenon and move on to something else until the next time the 
underground hum breaks into the limelight.  Then once again everyone will 
be running around asking the question “Where do these noises come 
form?”  Regressive knowledge.

As for conspiracy.  I’m sure the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee 
on Intelligence has access to at least as much information as I do 
regarding these “elusive” humming noise.

England Hums Like Taos Do

In the best researched, best documented hollow earth study I know of, 
“Secrets of the Ages: UFOs From Inside the Earth “ (1974) by Brinsley Le 
Poer Trench, Mr. Trench devotes an entire chapter to the humming sounds 
reported by over 2,000 people in England documented in both of the 
above quoted newspaper articles.

Chapter 24 of Secrets of the Ages is entitled “Humming Sounds from 

Mr. Trench reported:
“During the past two decades strange humming noises which seem to those 
who have heard them to be coming from underground have been reported 
from different parts of the country,” (Page 176).

He tells us these annoying humming sounds were first heard in the 1940s 
at Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, and that “The persistent humming at Chalfront 
St. Giles began in September, 1953, but by the end of the year the noise 
had a deep vibration was becoming very loud. …” (Page 177).

Mr. Trench documents other English hums such as:

*  December 5, 1963 from the “Evening Star” --- a report of  “a 
mysterious humming sound that was causing people to be unable to sleep in a 
block of flats at Southfields.”  The sounds were also heard “about a mile 
away in Upper Richmond Road, Putney …” (Pages 177-178).    

*  Mid-1960s in Kent … many people “heard the hum which persisted for 
such a long period that some residents were unable to put up with it any 
longer, and actually moved from the area.”

*  June 18, 1972 a report printed in “The Sunday Times” told of the 
sounds being heard in Bournemouth.  Trench tells us the newspaper article 
went on to report that one of the victims of the noise, Mr. Paul 
Wallace, “Was so desperate after hearing the noise for five years, that he 
has spent nearly 2,000 pounds of his savings to pay an expert to find out 
what is causing the hum. (Page 178).

Mr. Trench concludes his report on the English Hum:

“Now what does it all mean?  Local authorities, electrical companies, 
the army, the air force, local factories, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, deny 
being the cause of the hated hum.
“These humming sounds seem to come from somewhere underground.  A 
fantastic idea occurs to me.  Could it be that the inner earth people are 
re-activating some of the Atlantean tunnel systems? (Page 178-179).

Guarding a Secret

As we can see from the research of those reporting above there is 
definitely some kind of hum heard by many people in different areas of the 
world.  Early studies have found that these humming sounds probably come 
from underground.  However, the ‘powers that be’ would rather ignore 
this fact.  They feel the questions that would be asked would conflict 
with their plans if the existence of the ancient tunnel system became 
common knowledge.  So when the question of the hum returns, a search for 
an external place of origin is encouraged instead of looking in the most 
obvious place… underground.  It makes an intelligent person wonder … 
just exactly what Is going on under our feet, anyway?

Several weeks ago someone asked me in an email if I knew of any Hollow 
Earth or related stories about Australia.  Although I’ve had many 
contacts “down under” for many years, I can remember only one underground 
report.  And it comes from New Zealand.

The following report was first published in The Hollow Earth Insider 
Volume II #2.

“This month we are fortunate to have long time Canadian researcher Gene 
Duplantier joining our expanding network of Insiders.  The following 
report from Number 7 of his informative newszine “The Delve Report” adds 
another location to our ongoing research about the underground hum.

The “Noise in New Zealand”
By Fred and Phyll Dickenson

What you call “The Hum” is called “The Noise” in our country … New 
Zealand.  It still continues here too, some nights it is more predominant 
than others --- possibly because it is quieter at night but it can still 
be heard in the daytime.

It is strange but once one has heard it, it’s never forgotten.  Yet it 
takes a lot of people quite a time to kind of tune it in.

Another peculiar thing about it is … younger people cannot hear it or 
rather ‘tune it in’, it appears ‘older ears’ are more inclined to pick 
it up.

In some of our travels in the countryside, if there is a quiet spot 
along the road, especially in quiet country and in road cuttings with high 
banks of hills on either side, the noise seems to be amplified.

We noticed this once when we got out of the car to look at some rocks 
in a cutting and were immediately struck with the intensity of THE HUM 
and we looked around for possible electric power lines, which could 
possibly be the cause, but none were in sight.

We were actually in wide-open country with no power lines for miles.

When I was working and coming home in the early hours of the morning I 
use to sit in the car when I reached the carpost and with windows 
closed would listen to this loud hum.

The closed car confines, seemed to amplify the noise.  Getting out of 
the car it could still be heard, and just standing there, turning to all 
points of the compass, the noise was still there, in other words it had 
no fixed point of origin … 

An in-depth investigation into the cause and adverse health effects of 
this obnoxious low frequency noise which has plagued the lives of 
Over the years the media have given the Hum local names such as the 
Bristol Hum, the Taos Hum, the Hueytown Hum the Largs Hum, Kokomo Hum and 
many others. 
From the 1000's of reports received it is abundantly evident that they 
all produce the same effects and have the same root cause. The purpose 
of this web site is describe the effects of the Hum, to show its cause, 
and to show that despite 1000's of pleas, the authorities refuse to 
help or even to acknowledge the existence of the problem …



The 'Taos Hum' is a low-pitched sound heard in numerous places 
worldwide, especially in the USA, UK, and northern Europe. It is usually heard 
only in quiet environments, and is often described as sounding like a 
distant diesel engine. Since it has proven undetectable by microphones 
or VLF antennae, its source and nature is still a mystery. …


Sourcing the Taos Hum
By Thomas Begich, Staff Writer

Three years ago Congress directed scientists and observers from some of 
the most prestigious research institutes in the nation to look into a 
strange low frequency noise heard by residents in and around the small 
town of Taos, New Mexico. For years those who had heard the noise, often 
described by them as a "hum", had been looking for answers. No one was 
sure when it began, but its persistence led first a few and then many 
of those who heard it (called "hearers" by each other) to band together. 
In 1993 they found their way to Congress.
The investigation Congress requested consisted of a team of a dozen 
investigators from a number of scientific institutions. Joe Mullins of the 
University of New Mexico and Horace Poteet of Sandia National 
Laboratories wrote the team's final report. Other New Mexico research 
organizations involved included Phillips Air Force Laboratory and the Los Alamos 
National Laboratory. Concern by hearers that the hum might have been 
caused by the Department of Defense ensured that the investigation was 
conducted in the open and that a large number of persons were contacted. 


by Dennis Crenshaw

During the 80s and 90s there was a secret war going on here in America 
… it was a war of information … an intrusive “government” VS the 
“America Firsters” or what was more popularly known as the Patriot Movement.  
These Patriots, brave men and women all, tried in every way to wake 
America up to the gradual takeover of our government by the New Worlders … 
those who would take away Americans freedoms and lead us into a New 
World Order.  These freedom loving people … these true Patriots … were 
spreading the word  peacefully, waking up one American at a time through 
education.  Many were broadcasting this information through the airwaves 
via radio shows on AM and short wave.  Others were holding town 
meetings and living room get-togethers.  The movement was growing, and like no 
other time in history people were learning about what our country was 
suppose to be as apposed to what it had become. …

Then the riff-raff showed up..  

Using the horror of the Oklahoma Bombing the government and the 
controlled press took the opportunity to paint anyone claiming to be a Patriot 
as a hate fill zealot.  The true piece loving patriots went home and 
kept their mouths shut.  Of course, the nut cases still roamed about, but 
the movement was over. 

 The government has been on the fast track towards their planned 
destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights ever since.  “The Patriot 
Act”, The latest in a long line of clamp-downs, was given that name to 
symbolically slap those who participated in the Patriot movement hard 
in the face. by  This legislature contains the most intrusive 
unconstitutionally group of laws since the early days of the CIA created “Drug 
Wars” and will someday be used on any future “Patriot Movement” that 

After tying the OK bombing into the fringes of the Patriot movement the 
government then started picking off the leading voices against “big 
brother“ type government.  My close friend Tom Donahue, whose popular 
nationally syndicated radio show was growing in leaps and bounds as he 
moved into one radio marked after another was waking people up to the 
Federal Reserve Scam and keeping a critical eye and presenting evidence 
daily exposing Washington’s shenanigans.  The last time I saw him was at a 
protest he was leading in front of the Federal Reserve Bank here in 
Jacksonville Florida.  He told me at that time that he expected to be 
silenced someday soon.  He was.  

After being arrested on “conspiracy” charges for teaching people how to 
change their Federal Reserve Notes into legal tender …gold coins he was 
placed in “loose” confinement, but under guard, at a government 
facility.  Then one day they “lost him.”  They said he just walked away and 
disappeared.  Tom hasn’t been seen since.

One of the loudest voices warning us about the taking away of our 
rights was William Cooper.  Government officials gunned him down in a good 
old-fashion western shoot-out like a mad dog.

Then there was Fritz Springmeier.  Fritz probably knows more about 
mind-control, the secret societies and the powerful families and people 
that run the world than anyone alive today.  His Insider connections were 
some of the best in the nation.  I was in close contact with Fritz 
throughout most of the 90s and his information on the secret societies and 
the NWO is some of the best I received during that period.   

Of course, in the end, “they” got Fritz too.  But we‘ll look at that 
sad state of affairs at the end of this report.  First one of Mr. 
Springmeier‘s very informative reports.

Top Government Scientist Reveals Information About Polar Regions
By Fritz Springmeier

Reprinted from The Hollow Earth Insider Volume III Number 6
Nov.-Dec. 1995

For those who do not know me, my name is Fritz Springmeier, and I have 
been investigating and exposing the Illuminati during the ‘90s.  I have 
kept a low profile while writing the secrets, of the highest levels of 
the New World Order.  Essentially everyone who is in the Illuminati or 
high up in the New World Order’s Network is under some type of control, 
and many of these people are under total trauma-based mind-control when 
the victim is not even aware that he or she is under mind control.

Recently I spent 2 days debriefing a government engineer who worked at 
Area 51 in Nevada, this government scientist had one of the highest 
security clearances available.  He had a level 3 clearance.  The MJ 
clearance of Majesty 12 was right above his security clearance.  He is 
turning against the New World Order and revealing all he knows.  I will 
nickname him Cranston Jr.

Very few people understand the true mind-control this man and his 
c-workers have been subjected to.  It is trauma-based mind-control also 
called Monarch Mind Control.  I have written and am trying to disseminate 
lots of information about this grotesque form of total mind-control.  
This man himself still does not realize that he is still under mind 
control.  Because I have been helping deprogram this type of mind-control, 
when these mind-controlled slaves speak, I have an idea of what is 
disinformation and what is legitimate information.  When this geologist 
spoke to me about indentations at the Polar Regions which are inhabited, I 
believe that he was sincere in what he told me.

I have also spoken with a pilot who worked on the periphery of the CIA, 
and he had proof that he flew many times at low levels over the North 
Pole.  This man is also trying to fight the New World Order and I 
believe he is honest.  He states that he never saw any indention at the pole 
and he flew at low levels in daylight many times in the area.  
Obviously, that leaves a person like me in a quandary.  Who does one believe?

I have been fascinated by the Antarctica since I was a boy.  I have 
studied everything I could read about it.  In fact, there is a man named 
Springmeyer that worked for the government in the Antarctica.  The 
public has been told that there is a station at the South Pole that is 
inhabited by men.

There is a lot more that could be written in this article than this 
article can contain.  I am going to try to keep it straightforward and 

For years this geological engineer helped the New World Order build 
massive underground installations, which now number 132.  When he finally 
grasped that he was helping to enslave the human race, and the NWO 
killed his friend, he declared war on the NWO.

Cranston Jr. brought suitcases of documents, alien metals, photos, etc. 
to back up his story.  As a researcher there was no doubt that he was 
who he said he was.  In fact as a researcher, I already knew someone in 
government who knew him.  As with most people who have worked at that 
high of a level, he is a programmed multiple, who has a photographic 
memory which runs throughout his entire alter system.  I have interviewed 
in the past government people (CIA, NSA people) who are trying “to 
expose the NWO” who were programmed multiples … so I have an idea of how to 
separate the bogus from the real.  Most of them are bogus … but 
Cranston Jr. impressed me with his sincerity.  His photographic mind works 
vastly different that most people’s mind, but it is a tremendous asset for 
the researcher like myself who wants detail.

After two days of interviewing with me, and after hundreds of 
questions, I asked this man about the Polar Regions.  Before you read Cranston 
Jr.s answer, it would be worthwhile to enlighten readers again as to why 
I would even ask about the Polar Regions.

A number of puzzling things had occurred over the years.  Most of us 
would probably pay no attention to these anomalies, and would shrug them 
off because they don’t fit into our expectations of what reality must 
be (or at least what the system’s school books spoon fed us).

NASA’s Dynamic Explorer I & II, the DODGE satellite, ESSA-7 and other 
satellites orbiting the earth have sent back photos showing a large 
circular indentation at the north pole, or what looks like a sliced off top 
of the globe when viewed from above the equator.  What is this 
indentation, and why should it show some photos that have been released -- but 
not all of them?  The ESSA-7 weather satellite photos of the northern 
circular indentation were taken 11/23/68 for the Environmental Science 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.  Either the NWO is trying 
to play an elaborate hoax, or we have indentations at the earth poles.

Why did the famous Admiral Richard Byrd who was an early explorer of 
the Polar Regions say things that would lead someone to think that a 
lush, green world is located at the North Pole?  Time-Life put out a book 
“Mystic Places” in their Mysteries of the Unknown series that talks 
about the clues Byrd gave that he’s seen a different world at the North 

I have some of the word for word enigmatic statements of Byrd that hint 
that he discovered great new lands at both the north and south poles 
that were iceless.  Admiral Byrd went to the North Pole in ’56 and died 
the next year leaving a widow Marie and a book “Alone” which purports to 
be the story of his experience at the Antarctica/South pole.  The book 
“Alone” may be a cover story if his purported diary is legitimate.   

 [The Diary is a fake as my research has unquestionably proven.  Read:
“The Missing Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact or Fiction?” …Dennis].

Why is there a constant stream of contradictory and fresh ideas about 
the inside of the planet earth?  A cast in point, is “Time” magazine, 
2/22/93 that states that a “nuclear blast reveals a subterranean 
continent.”  According to “Time” a Chinese .66-megaton nuclear blast revealed 
that a continent was laying 80 miles deep under the surface.  At first 
glance, it may seem that science has an understanding of what is below 
the surface of the earth, but a closer examination reveals many 
contradictory ideas within the scientific community.  Such scientists have 
claimed the interior is more like cheese -- with holes running through it. 
(And this according to my high level intelligence source is correct).

Why did Jules Verne, who did such an excellent job of basing his novels 
on scientific fact, write “Journey to the Center of the Earth”?

Why have so many occult leaders, Illuminati members (such as Hitler, 
Rudolf Hess, other leading Nazi’s like Heinz Fisher) and other pagans 
like Lord Bulwyer Lytton, Marshall B. Gardner believed in the Hollow 
earth?  Why have other people such as William Reed, Ray Palmer, Richard 
Shaver, Raymond Bernard, Harley Byrd, Capt. John Symmes, William Bryan II, 
Norma Cox, Dennis Crenshaw and others believed in a hollow earth?
At first it seems to fly in the face of establishment scientific fact, 
similar to those who believe the earth is flat.

According to this high level source, ’Cranston Jr.’, the situation 
about the two Polar Regions is one of the biggest secrets of the NWO.  The 
only people who have been to the pole are those who can be trusted with 
the secrets.  Rockefeller gave Admiral Byrd, of the old occult Byrd 
family, one million dollars to explore the North Polar Region.  Admiral 
Byrd is said to have hinted that he discovered a new world at the North 

According to this high level source ’Cranston Jr.’ the earth’s crust is 
100 miles thick, thicker than previously believed.  One secret 
exploration group (Molehill) drilled 22 miles and still kept hilling hard 

Further, he states the Polar Regions each have an indention 500 miles 
deep.  The earth is not hollow.  It simply has two large circular 
indentions approximately at each polar end.  On top-secret military/NWO maps 
the indention at the North Polar Region is labeled “Area 5,800” and the 
indention at the southern polar region is called “the 10,000th area.”  
Cranston Jr. doesn’t know why they received those designations.  He 
also said that 3-D cubed models exist of the underground tunnel system 
that runs throughout the interior of the earth, and that he has seen these 
3-D models.  His photographic memory knows exactly how the 3-D models 
looks, but he didn’t have time to sketch it for me.   In high-level 
meetings, “Area 5,008” is talked about only on rare occasions, and the 
southern area is even more secret.  The entrances to these indentations are 
not easy to reach, and so those in the know have been able to keep this 
a secret.

This leads me to believe that some type of camouflage or holographic 
camouflage cover now exists over these entrances if these entrances are 
not easy to spot.

The existence of a lush inhabited indentation at the north pole, is so 
secret that only a few in the Illuminati at the top have been told this 
specific details, and many governments around the world were kept in 
the dark.  Only level 3 security people or above have been in meetings 
with the coded numbers have been used to speak about the warm indented 
Polar Regions.  The French government learned the secret only in recent 
years. Part of the reason for the secrecy is control.  If the people 
knew how they have been deceived, they would lose faith in those who are 
controlling them.  Rather than deal with a control problem, the NWO 
would rather leave people in the dark.

However, as a person who spends his time trying to help victims of 
Illuminati Mind-control, this author has researched and written several 
books about the illuminati’s beliefs and ceremonies. One of the 
Illuminati’s beliefs is that the earth is hollow.  Why would some of the most 
powerful men in the world believe something like this if it weren’t true?

The illuminati, under the front of Nazism, did extensive exploration of 
the Antarctica in 1938-39.  German aerial reconnaissance flights are 
known to have covered 230,000 square miles and photo mapped 135,000 
square miles of the Antarctica.  Hitler named the area Neuschwabenland and 
the Nazi German government laid claim to a large section of the 
Antarctica.  I suspect the Nazis had at least one secret base in Antarctica 
during WWII.  The existence of the Nazi German flying saucers is becoming 
wider known with a number of recent good books examining their 
existence.  It is reported that Nazi German saucers had a base in Antarctica, 
so part of the Nazi operations is rumored to have gone at the end of 
WWII. An official U.S. navy film, which is a one-hour documentary, shows 
an American DC-3 flying over the Antarctica just after the war and 
discovering a mountainous area that has a never-freezing lake and chocolate 
colored mountains. This region in the documentary is said to be 3!
00 square miles.  What the film shows, lines up approximately with what 
is now above top secret.  This would be “the 10,000th area” on MJ12’s 
(aka the Wise Men, the Study Group, & other designations) classified 
maps that have an MJ (Magic or Majestic) clearance level.

The Nazi Germans during WWII also sent into the arctic regions 
weathermen.  Mainly to Greenland and Spitzbergen.  They also sent some 
expeditions to find the north polar entrance to ‘the hollow earth,”

What tentative conclusions can be drawn from the information that was 
given to this author?  The earth is not hollow.  It is not a perfect 
sphere.  It is slightly pear-shaped with two circular indentions near the 
top and the bottom.  Due to advanced tunneling equipment the interior 
of the earth is now honeycombed with tunnels, like a piece of cheese.  
Within the two indentions are complete cities.  There are complete 
cities below the ground also.

OBJECTIONS:  Doesn’t all of this fly in the face of fact?
ANSWER:  At first it seems like something from the lunatic fringe 
(whoever that is), but when one thinks about it, the truth is that it is 
likely none of the readers of this article have been to either pole.  We 
are having to take the world of specially chosen military men to tell us 
the truth.  However, it is well known that soldiers will keep ‘national 
security’ secrets and give disinformation if they are ordered too.  It 
is conceivable that these indentations could be hidden from the public.

OBJECTIONS:  Haven’t civilian people been to the South Pole?
ANSWER:  Yes, a small group of tourists were allowed to go to the South 
Pole, but it is conceivable that these people were persons who they 
could trust with the secret.  It’s also possible that they were never 
flown to the actual South Pole.

One of my own flights to Europe was over the polar route, but as I 
remember the flight was at night and at a high altitude so that nothing was 
visible below.

Perhaps my biggest objection to the Hollow Earth theory was that it 
seemed that most of the people who believed it, have been connected with 
the other side.  For instance, Dr. Frank Stranges, who went into a 
high-level clearance area in the Pentagon, believes in the Hollow Earth.  
Dr. Stranges goes to Korea frequently for the Pentagon.  Part of his 
family is in Italy.  He is a religious minister of some type.  I have been 
trying to identify a mind-control programmer identified as a Dr. 
Strange.  Dr. Frank Stranges has been speaking at New Age conferences about 
what the Bible says about UFOs.  When someone works on secret projects 
for the Pentagon, and is a minister I trust them as much as I trust 
Oliver North (a preprogrammed multiple) who worked for George Bush’s [Pappy 
… Dennis] secret personal intelligence organization the CPPG, which by 
the way also ran an informal subgroup called the 208 Committee.  
Programmed “Boxes within boxes” so to speak.  Oliver North has been hai!
led as a great Charismatic Pentecostal, and yet he lied to Congress 
several times, and even admitted that he gave totally false testimony.  
These are the type “Christians” that the Pentagon uses at high levels.

Dr. Stranges comes across very well.  He speaks on radio about when he 
went into the Pentagon and met Val Thor, an alien.  But his description 
of Val Thor and the geologist’s description of the same alien are 
totally different.  Again, who is correct?

Harley Byrd is another person who is promoting the Hollow Earth theory 
who has been deeply immersed into the New World Order.  Harley worked 
for the Pentagon putting out disinformation in regards to UFOs for 
years.  As Public Information Officer of the Air force’s “Operation Blue 
Book,” he put out excellent disinformation.  

[And has admitted it many times.  Harley was also a regular contributor 
to the old THEI, so while I disagree with some of Fritz’s statements 
regarding Harley, I must admit that Harley and I weren’t as close after I 
exposed the phony Admiral Byrd Diary. However Harley told me that the 
diary he received from the Admiral IS NOT the one that I proved to be 
fake.  According to Harley … he was only given part of the Diary.  What 
happened to his part was something he would not comment on at the time. 
… Dennis].
Harley is reported to have exclaimed, “I love the Rockefellers.”  
Harley has claimed to be both the nephew and the grandson of Admiral Byrd.  
There are personality clues that Harley may be a programmed multiple.  
In that case, what is disinformation that has been programmed into him, 
and what is legitimate information?  He has been setting up a museum in 
L.A. to house the artifacts about his Uncle Admiral Byrd.  Harley 
claims that his uncle wrote a diary, which he has published, entitled “The 
Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd”.  He has been giving lectures on UFOs, 
disinformation and the Hollow Earth at New Age conferences around the 

I know of another man (now dead) with connections to the Rockefellers 
and a member of Naval Intelligence who participated in promoting the 
Hollow earth theory also.  These connections concern me.

The highest levels of the illuminati are “aware” or “believe” that 
there are entrances to the North and South poles and that there is a 
reptilian race from the Draco constellation that they work with.  I have 
known this for years, but I have not known what to do with this piece of 
information.  Since the Kingdom of Satan is full of lies -- either this 
is an elaborate deception that Satan’s Kingdom is perpetrating on their 
own people, or there is something real to all this.  Satan’s Kingdom is 
full of one lie on top of another.  People that serve in the top 
echelon’s of this Kingdom no longer know how to be honest.  For instance, 
George Bush [Pappy again … Dennis] was a prolific liar, who lied to 
everyone around him, including Ronald Reagan when Bush was his 
Vice-President.  Bill Casey as well as other CIA and M16 intelligence assets in turn 
lied to him.  The Syrians really took George Bush for a ride when they 
captured the CIA’s top man in Lebanon, Buckley.  The CIA and MI-6!
’s best Arab intelligence asset, the Syrian Al-Kassar family 
double-crossed them without even being suspected by the Americans and British.  
First liar doesn’t stand a chance with these people. Where does the 
disinformation begin and where does it end with what these people say?

Plus MI-6, the CIA and the Mossad like to play both sides of the fence.  
The CIA repeatedly armed and trained Arab terrorists (such as the PLO 
in Syria and Jordan and terrorist training groups training in Libya) 
while also hunting down Arab terrorists.  The British were shipping 
artillery ammunition to Saddam Hussein via Jordan, while they were sending 
military men to Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm.  And then when a 
researcher like myself becomes aware of the extensive mind-control that is 
routinely done to people by the intelligence agencies, there certainly are 
grounds for a level of skepticism toward everyone working in secret for 
the American government.

The Intelligence agency that has the best reputation for honesty is the 
U.S. Army Intelligence Corps (CIC).  They are despised by all the other 
Intelligence agencies because they are dependable with the truth and 
can back up their truthful intelligence statements when they provided to 
government officials.  The FBI databases are well known to have a 50% 
error rate.  The NSA dumps 40 tons of electronic intelligence gathered 
from illegally monitoring all telephone conversations, etc. in this 
country in the trash daily.  Their information overload insures that they 
won’t gather information correctly.  Some of the most deceived people 
are at the top.  Each of us has to take responsibility for what we think.

There are passages in the Word of God that could be interpreted to 
validate that hollow interior areas do exist.  In fact the temporary 
holding place of “Abraham’s bosom”, and hell are indicated to be in the 
earth’s interior.  I have searched the Scriptures and fail to find anything 
that would scripturally prevent Christians from accepting that the 
poles have deep holes.

After speaking with Hollow earth experts such as our Editor, Dennis 
Crenshaw, who has studied the theory for several decades, I believe that 
Cranston Jr. is the first credible high level source to provide us 
specific information.  The information that Cranston Jr. gives about a 500 
mile-deep circular indention at both ends of the globe sounds credible.  
Cranston Jr. provided documentation that proved to me, that he worked 
at secret government installations.  He was able to answer specific 
questions that ordinary persons could not have fielded from an old-time UFO 
researcher like myself.  A number of credible people are claiming that 
extensive tunneling is going on under the earth’s surface.

I believe that, in addition to Cranston Jr.’s inside information, there 
has been enough scientific data from the scientific community to 
warrant a re-evaluation on the part of truth-seekers about the nature of the 
earth’s polar regions and the earth’s interior.  I will pass on any 
more information I get during my research to those who are interested in 
what is going on in the interior of the earth.  The final chapter hasn’t 
been written about the poles.

End of Report

With 20/20 hindsight we can see how accurately Mr. Springmeier 
describes our Intelligence services if nothing else in this report… the recent 
events and those unfolding right now prove that Fritz was right on in 
this hard-hitting report.  

That was the “controllers” problem.  Fritz knows too much, and even 
more importantly  … he had the resources and connections to pass the 
information he learned along to others.  

For an understanding as to the depth of Fritz’s NWO knowledge one only 
needs to read a short list and description of several of his books.  In 
conjunction with writing these important books, Fritz also produced a 
monthly newsletter that was always over 200 pages long and many times 
many pages over 200.

Fritz’s book include:

“The Watchtower and the Masons” (1990).  This paperback book reveals 
the OCCULT ORIGINS & connections between the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ 
Watchtower Society and the occult.

“Be Wise As Serpents” (1991) This is an 800-page reference book on how 
the different parts of NWO conspiracy connect on the physical plane.  
The origins of numerous groups, especially religious groups is revealed 
and how they connect and secretly work together.  Lots of names are 
revealed, and there are extensive footnotes.

“The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, Volume 1” (1995).  If you’ve wanted 
to know who actually runs this NWO conspiracy, and who are the 
Illuminati this is the book for you.  This book contains lots of information 
that has never been revealed before except to those who take Fritz’s 

 “They Know Not What They Do: An Illustrated Guide to Montarch 
Mind-Control Programming” (1995).  Co-authored with Cisco Wheeler, an 
ex-Montarch slave of the Illuminati, This is the first and only book of its kind 
to reveal the secrets of Illuminati mind-control.

As you can see this man was a major problem to the “controllers” when 
it came to the direction they wanted to lead the world into and the 
knowledge they wanted to be made public.  Something had to be done.

So where is Fritz Springmeier today?

Rebuttal to the above news report by Fritz’s wife Patricia.


The following was posted to the
By long time Insider, “Hazel” 

Musing on the forthcoming hollow earth expedition. 

‘There Be Dragons’
Arctic seas are tempestuous, but assuming the explorers find the 
warmer, open waters that indicate they are within the polar depression and 
they are not thwarted by TPTB, entering the opening to the earth’s 
interior may not be plain sailing. 
However, being optimistic, once through the maelstrom, Rodney and his 
crew will catch their first glimpse of the ‘smoky god’ and the rolling 
green hills that are home to all manner of ‘extinct’ wildlife, including 
The oceans are teeming with aquatic creatures and volcanic peaks loom 
in the distance, harboring dangerous predators, like griffins. Many 
hazards lie ahead, unless… the inhabitants come to greet the expedition and 
escort them to safety in flugelrods.
The team’s dream will have been realized and their “crack-pot” theory 
vindicated, but how will we, on the upper-earth, know? Communication 
will not be possible and if they choose to stay, we would never know if 
they survived, or died.
We would have to wait, perhaps for several years, until the vessel was 
able to navigate its way back to the surface again, but if Rodney Cluff 
is able to achieve success in this high risk endeavor, then surely the 
US navy has, many times?
It may be at the discretion of the ‘Arianni’ who enters their domain 
and the hollow earth is heavily fortified with sophisticated defense 
systems; still, I am sure of one thing, Rod will be welcome, because his 
intentions are right.



From Iron-Gray:

Proposal floated for North American ID card ... well top of the list 
today because it's my subject. 
Now remember when the Alleged Mossad terrorists were nabbed here in New 
Zealand??? Remember what I said would happen next??? 
While passports have not YET been directly mentioned ... except 
(Canadian province to signal it will tighten security on major pieces of 
identification:) there was a problem exposed with one of the Mossad agents 
because he used a Canadian passport.… (Which would have to be a major 
pieces of identification) to get a New Zealand passport and I said 
"Look out Canada the Biometric ID card passport is about to be bought 
in there soon" ... 
Go back to those emails and look for yourself ... that is what I said 
I believe if you follow this story they will include all travel 
For more on this subject please visit my website at 
Warning .... This IS "The Mark of The Beast".… and New Zealand led the 
way in 1998 .. our claim to fame .. 3.5 million stupid people. IQ of a 
dead sheep!!!! 
Thursday, July 08, 2004 
An influential organization representing U.S. and Canadian drivers’ 
license bureaus is developing a proposal for a de facto North American 
identity card: a biometric license for 300 million people that could be 
fed through law enforcement databases to nab holders of multiple forged 
Such a card would require the creation of the largest database of 
biometric data in the world — potentially to include digital images of a 
person’s face or eye, or electronic fingerprints. 
The move comes as Ontario becomes the latest Canadian province to 
signal it will tighten security on major pieces of identification: It has 
quietly just revealed plans to adopt biometric technology on health cards 
and drivers’ licenses. 
A spokesman would not rule out the possibility of merging the two cards 
into a single “smart” ID even though a similar proposal by the previous 
Conservative regime was abandoned in 2002 after privacy critics panned 
The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, a 
quasi-governmental body whose members are mainly state and provincial ministries 
of transportation, has finished the first stage of a multi-year 
evaluation to gauge whether a common biometric license could be applied across 
association jurisdictions, including Canadian provinces. 
Editors comment: one of the factors of the Mark of the Beast is that it 
a license type use document related to travel. Look under mark 
A report by International Biometric Group, produced last January and 
released to association members in September 2003, reviewed available 
research on biometrics before concluding more study is needed to decide 
whether a North American identity card supported by a massive database of 
fingerprints, iris or facial scans is technically feasible. 
Marked confidential and with an advisory it is “intended for 
dissemination within the association member jurisdiction community only,” the 
report, titled Phase I: Technical Capability of Biometric Systems to 
Perform 1:300 million Identification, was later posted on the association’s 
website as an addendum to a status report on drivers license security. 
Although a decision would ultimately rest with lawmakers in the U.S. 
and Canada, the initiative is being fast-tracked at the highest levels of 
the association, according to a second report produced by Fischer 
Consulting Inc., which offers a detailed blueprint for further action. 
The association’s board of directors has voted to continue canvassing 
biometrics vendors for detailed technical advice on scaling a database 
so it could dwarf existing warehouses of personal information without 
sacrificing accuracy, according to the Fischer report. 
Raj Nanavati, a partner with International Biometric Group, confirmed 
his company was contracted by the association to explore the feasibility 
of a North American license designed to provide “a real background 
check that would identify criminals who apply for more than one license 
under an alias.” 
But Jason King, a spokesman for the Arlington, Va.-based organization, 
denied the association is reviewing options for a centralized North 
American licensing system. “I don’t know what reports you’re reading and 
I’m not certain what all’s in them, but you can take my word as gospel,” 
said King. 
In Ontario, meanwhile, Joe Uzan, of the strategic procurement branch of 
the province’s Ministry of Transportation, said “everything is open and 
on the table,” when asked if the province intends to design a combined 
ID card merging health and driver’s information. 
A notice posted last week on the government tendering Website, Merx, 
announces the ministries of transportation and health “wish to develop a 
strategy for new security measures for driver license and health card 
issuance and identification security.” 
Visit my Website at ... 

                                                            *** 30 ***

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reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while 
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Hope you enjoy this report. Until next time, see ya’ll! Dennis Crenshaw Editor