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Insider’s Report for 2004
Editor: Dennis Crenshaw
“This area of study is a double-edged sword. If the earth is Hollow then there has to be a conspiracy. If there is no conspiracy then the earth is a semi-solid, lava filled, ball of dirt just as we are taught. It’s that simple.”
Dennis Crenshaw, Editor, The Hollow Earth Insider
"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:
In this Issue: TABLOID GAMES: Supermarket Tabloid’s -- propaganda tools?
Rocket Science: Reaching for Space with Rubber Fuel
By Tariq Malik
Staff Writer
posted: 06:30 am ET
16 June 2004
“For SpaceShipOne, reaching space takes three things: a pilot, a spacecraft, and enough to propellant to rocket away from Earth.
“But the fuel in SpaceShipOne's tank is about as exotic as the spacecraft's design. SpaceShipOne, set to be the first non-governmental crewed vehicle to reach space, uses a combination of rubber and nitrous oxide -- also known as laughing gas -- as the powerhouse for test flights and an anticipated suborbital spaceshot set for June 21.…” Complete report:
Reports From HBCC UFO Research
Howdy List
Besides these reports below others have come in also which I am working on. The ones I am waiting for have photos to show that something was caught on film, what we will have to wait and see. Also some of the reports below have drawings which the witnesses have done up which will be posted to my site later tonight.
A Rising Fire Ball
Date: 1947
Time: Evening
Around 1947, while I was still in high school and washing the dishes every night for my mother, I saw a strange sight. I had finished cleaning up the kitchen and I went outside to take some trash to the garbage can. It was well after dark and as I had the lid off the garbage can, I was facing in an easterly direction - toward a vacant lot next door to our house and my attention was drawn (I could hardly have missed it!) to a very bright ball of fire rising silently and slowly above the neighbor’s trees. Its apparent size was about twice that of a full moon and I called it a ball of fire because it looked exactly like a round bon-fire in the sky!
It had the colors of a flame and the light shimmered and flickered like a flame and, while it was perfectly round, the edges may have been a little fuzzy and not sharply defined. (I have seen parachute flares and this was nothing like them) As it rose, it was moving somewhat to my right, and slowly ascended until it reached a point almost at a zenith (I don't really understand azimuth - but I assume elevation must mean overhead is 90 degrees and halfway up is 45 degrees) If that is the case, it began around 15 or 80 degrees elevation and rose until about 75 or 80 degrees and then, as if someone threw a switch, the light went off !
It was an eerie sighting and there was no sound. I remained outside for another 10 or 15 minutes, hoping to see something else. In a dew minutes I saw something like 2 meteors, streak across the sky, from horizon to horizon, almost at the blink of an eye !
It was the size and brightness of a star, and if I had not been standing still, looking up, I probably would never have seen it.
About 5 minutes later, there was a second one, which duplicated the performance of the first. But, no more fireball. I attributed the star-streaks to meteors, even though I have never seen one flash all across the sky without burning out. At this time, I had heard about flying saucers, so that is what I called the ball of fire, even though it wasn't green like those being studied by Dr. Lincoln LaPaz. Earlier that year, an acquaintance of mine had been shot and killed by a bouncer in a Louisiana nightclub, for sailing an ashtray across the dance floor and shouting, "There's a flying saucer!" It's hard to draw this 3-dimensionally! The azimuth, or elevation should appear to be higher in the sky and more overhead if it's course had been toward my position it would have been almost over me when it turned off. I have no idea how far away it was or how high it was, but it wasn't low enough for it's light to be reflecting off the housetops.
My impression was that it was at least 2 or 3 thousand feet up, but that is only an uneducated guess. If it was very high, then it wasn't rising, but flying level and just appeared to rise.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Our Close Encounter
Hwy 69 Between Jacksonville And Dallas, Texas
Date: Spring of 1955
Time: Approx: 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
My wife and I were returning to Dallas, where I was enrolled in Baylor University, College of Dentistry, and she was attending Southern Methodist University, after a weekend visiting our parents in Port Arthur, Texas.
It was a Sunday night with pleasant weather - a cool night with no clouds, no wind, no moon, and very brilliant stars. We had been on the road for a couple of hours and my wife was asleep, but was on the front seat (we were in a Plymouth Coupe).
After topping a small rise, I became aware of a multi-colored string of lights in the sky over the road about a mile or so ahead of us. My first impression was that of a neon sign in which the lights are blinking in sequence so as to give the illusion of motion. The apparent motion was from my right to the left. As I drove closer to it, I became aware that it was not just a single string of lights because I could see that it was an elliptical string of lights with a backside to it. Since it was a very flat ellipse that told me that the object had a very flat bottom, since any kind of vertical projection would hide the string of lights on the backside.
As I further approached it, I became aware that the object seemed to be hovering, stationary, over the right side of the road and the closer I got to it the more I begun to perceive that it was really not elliptical, but circular in shape. At this point, I began to realize what I was seeing and I reached over to awaken my wife, in time for her to sit up and see it through the windshield a few seconds before we actually drove underneath it.
I mentally calculated it's height at less than 100 feet, using it's elevation in relation to the string of telephone poles as I approached it. I pulled the car over to the shoulder of the road and stopped, directly under the object. I'm sure I turned off the ignition, but I may have left the lights on. (No memory of electro-magnetic effects)
We got out of the car and stood there, looking up at the beautiful and awesome spectacle, with no fear, just wonder. Now I can tell that the sequential flashing of the lights wasn't just simulating movement, the object was actually revolving - counter clockwise. The lights were equally spaced around the perimeter of the disk, and they were like a string of Christmas tree lights of alternating colors. My memory is that there were four colors, but there might have been only three. It was red, blue, white and green, repeated over and over. I don't know the exact number of lights. I was too much awe-struck to count them, and because of the blinking and revolving it would have been difficult to do, but I think there were about two dozen at least.
I was impressed with the fact that here was a large (30-35 foot diameter) vehicle, hovering over me, suspended, motionless (except for revolving) in the air by a power source that was absolutely silent! What I was witnessing was impossible! I knew immediately that it was un-earthly, far beyond the limits of our current technology. (I had been a avid student of aviation ever since the early years of World War 2) Also I noticed that the body of the craft was dark, but solid, because it blocked out the brilliant stars of the very dark night. This was not the first UFO that I have seen, but it was by far the best sighting. I had read several books about them and was quite interested in the subject and so I was very curious to know more.
As we stood there, looking straight up at this marvelous sight for about ten minutes, I became impatient for it to do something. I wanted it to do something to acknowledge our presence. I hoped it would land, but it just kept hanging there.
I began to wonder if it had seen us, and I began to look for some way to attract its attention. I reached into the glove compartment and brought out a Smith and Wesson .38 Police Special and thought about bouncing a bullet off the bottom of the object to attract their attention! I didn't do it because the thought came to me that if I did it they might react violently, misunderstanding my motive!
About that time, the object began to drift away so slowly that I could have kept pace with it by running or trotting. It maintained the same elevation and crossed an open pasture that was three or four hundred yards wide and then it was lost from view as it just cleared the treetops on a low hill.
We waited for about ten more minutes, hoping that it would return, but it did not. During all this time there were no other traffic on the road, and there were no farmhouses visible. In 1955, there had not yet been any reported cases of abduction by aliens which accounts for the fact that we were not afraid to be out there, all-alone at their mercy. In fact, in view of all the abductions that have been reported in recent books - some of which occurred many years ago. I wonder why we weren't picked up? At that time, I was 25 years old, and my wife was 20, prime ages for abductees. Maybe we weren't their type!
Giving up, we got back into the car and resumed our trip to Dallas. My wife immediately went back to sleep. The next day, when I brought up the subject, she thought she had dreamed the whole thing. We kept the whole affair to ourselves, and it was more than twenty years before we even told our parents. As I remember, we arrived at out destination at about the normal time.
I do not think we lost any time. Thank you to the person for this report.
Texas, Near Ozona
Date: 1960s
In the late sixties, I went on a deer-hunting trip with two friends to a place in west Texas near Ozona. At the end of one day’s hunt, while eating supper, my attention was drawn to a very bright star, which kept bothering me because it was in the wrong portion of the sky.
Finally, I got tired of wondering about it, so after finishing my meal, I dug out my binoculars (7x50) and focused them on infinity.
Placing the binoculars on top of our car for stability, I was able to clearly see that this was not a star or planet. (It was very low in the northern sky) but it was a golden globe with a small red light on the top and a small green light on the bottom. The binoculars remained untouched and without being moved, on top of the car for twenty minutes and the object remained in the field of view for the entire time, a feat impossible for planets or stars, which are constantly moving.
Finally after about thirty minutes of immobility, the object began to drift almost directly away from our position and in a few more minutes it could no longer be seen. It seemed to be about two to three miles or more away. Thank you to the witness for the report.
Apache Junction, Arizona
Date: 1997
I just thought you would like to know in 1997 my sister and cousin where on there way to Apache Junction, the craft that was reported over Phoenix flew over the car they where driving. She has been reluctant to report what they saw; two of the lights, one on each end flew off in separate directions as it was heading towards Phoenix she said. Whatever it was, it was huge, also she said she felt very small and that this was not earthly. She was a skeptic until that evening. I will try to get her to come forward, or at the least to email you. Remember Apache Junction, the distance to Phoenix. Flares, yeh right! Thank you to the person for this report. I hope I will have his sister talk to me.
Vernon, British Columbia
Date: June 13, 2004
Time: 11:30 p.m.
Hello Brian
I was watching a gold ball crossing the sky 50 degrees from horizon, SSE to NNW and I thought I was watching a satellite. It remained visible as it cruised by the halfway flare point and as I kept track of it, it began to pulse every four seconds until it went out of sight in the north sky. The best comparison I can make is that it pulses to a light the size and brightness of Jupiter.
Take care.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Sonora, California
Date: June 14, 2004
Time: 12;00 a.m.
Here we go again! We were facing east, as always, when we noticed a light in the sky traveling south. This thing would blink in, brighten, and then blink out. It did this four times. Each time it would blink in it was further ahead than it was when it blinked out. It moved very rapidly. Video was captured of one of the blink-ins-and-out. It moved far too fast to capture the whole thing on video, unfortunately.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director
HBCC UFO Research
Home - Phone 250 845 2189
From Misty3:
More Mysteries Discovered at Stonehenge
By Aisha El-Awady
The archer, who has been dubbed by the media as the King of Stonehenge, was found just three miles from the mysterious ring of ancient monoliths known as Stonehenge. His grave contained almost 100 objects including gold hair tresses that are the earliest gold to have been found in Britain. Archaeologists believe the archer to have been born in the Alps region and to possibly have been involved in the construction of the monolithic structure. It is further believed by archaeologists that he may have been a king since his grave is the richest Bronze Age burial ever found in Britain.
The six people that have been recently discovered lived around the same period as the archer, approximately 2,300 BC Archaeologists say it is quite unusual to find such a large number of people buried together like this in the same grave in southern England for this period. Four pots in the Beaker style, characteristic of the Bronze Age, were found in the grave together with one flint arrowhead, some flint tools and a bone toggle for fastening clothing. Radiocarbon tests will be done to precisely date the time of their burial. …
Read the complete report at:
Animals Sealed in Stone
Amazing, true cases of living frogs, toads, lizards, and other creatures found encased within solid rock.
One of the greatest Warner Bros. cartoons of all time is the one about the singing frog. A construction worker, demolishing an old building, finds a time capsule in the cornerstone, out of which leaps a grinning green frog which commences to dance and sing old show tunes. The construction worker believes the amazing find will make his fortune. He quits his job and opens a theatre starring his talented amphibian, but when the curtain is raised, the frog just sits and croaks. The construction worker never questions how the frog was able to sing, nor even how it managed to survive so long in an airtight time capsule without food or water. But then, this is just a cartoon, right? Nothing to do with reality.
You think so? In fact, there are many documented cases of toads, frogs, and other small animals inexplicably found encased within solid rock - alive! Granted, they do not sing, but these amphibious enigmas are one of the most perplexing mysteries of geology. Here are some of those cases: 
AncientStar wrote:
To: ,
From: "AncientStar"
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 23:12:52 -0700
Subject: [Ancient_Underground] Fabled City Found under Antartica?
A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive prehistoric ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica.
"The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice."
"The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing."
"Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed that the companys primary concern is for the safety and welfare of the crew. But they stated they will vigorously oppose any attempts to censor material that is clearly in the public interest and public domain. The icy continent of Antarctica, they point out, belongs to no nation. The U.S. has no jurisdiction there."
"That video is the property of AtlantisTV, said a company spokesman, We shot it. It's ours. And as soon as it is rightfully restored to us, were going to air it. End of story."
"Two Navy officers who saw the tape described its contents to National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers upon their return to the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole, according to sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica."
"They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn't go into, an NSF scientist reported. We chalked it up to some kind of subzero-induced delusion until a chopper (helicopter--J.T.) full of Navy SEALs landed and picked them up and took off. Now, were scratching our heads."
"Officials of the U.S. Naval Support Task Force, Antarctica deny the story or the possession of any video shot by the missing AtlantisTV crew."
Science fiction author Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) claimed in several stories that a prehistoric city existed in Antarctica called "Kadath of the Cold Waste."
Lovecraft described its "discovery" in his novel At the Mountains of Madness, written between January and March 1931. Incredibly, one of his passages is a precise description of a scene in the AtlantisTV video.
Lovecraft wrote, "But the salient object of the place was the titanic stone ramp, which, eluding the archways by a sharp turn outward into the open floor, wound spirally up the stupendous cylindrical wall like an inside counterpart of those once climbing outside the monstrous towers or ziggurats of ancient Babylon...The thing was excellently preserved up to the present top of the tower-- a highly remarkable circumstance in view of its exposure-- and its shelter had done much to protect the bizarre and disturbing cosmic sculptures on the walls."
"As we stepped out into the awesome half-daylight of this monstrous cylinder-bottom--fifty million years old, and without doubt the most primally ancient structure ever to meet our eyes--we saw that the ramp-traversed sides stretched dizzily up to a height of fully sixty f eet (18 meters)."
"According to the sculptures, the original tower had stood in the centre of an immense circular plaza; and had been perhaps 500 or 600 feet (150 to 180 meters) high, with tiers of horizontal discs near the top and a row of needle-like spires along the upper rim."
"News of the video, which Navy sources said they found in an abandoned supply dump 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of Vokstok Station, came on the heels of U.S. attempts to strike passages from Raising Atlantis, the upcoming novel by Thomas Greanias that is the basis for AtlantisTV popular online Atlantis Mapping Project channel."
"Federal officials agreed to allow an uncensored version of Raising Atlantis to go on sale ... at as an e-book. But they won court approval to block certain portions that might compromise national security from the hardcover edition due in bookstores at years end."
"The novel focuses on a secret US. military expedition that discovers ancient ruins two miles beneath the ice in Antarctica. Recent events in Antarctica have raised questions about whether the story is fiction or a novelization of actual events" during the years 2000 and 2001.
"Sources say the current federal review is focusing on the novels depiction of "Federal Emergency Plan D," which officially doesn't exist, although parts of the plan have become public in the wake of the September 11 (2001) terrorist attacks on America and calls for the activation of a shadow government to operate in secret hideouts outside the national capital" of Washington, D.C. "to ensure the survival of the United States of America and the continuity of government in the event of a global catastrophe or nuclear Armageddon."
(Editors Note: True enough. Immediately after the attacks, the USA's Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA implemented the Continuity of Government or COG Plan, operating out of Mount Weather and Mount Pony in the state of Virginia.)
"It's the specifics of Stage Two and Stage Three (of the COG Plan) detailed in Raising Atlantis that concern federal officials," an Atlantis TV spokesman said.
"Hell, I didn't even know about Stage One and the shadow government until 9-11, let alone Stage Two or Stage Three, said one CIA source on condition of anonymity." (See the Atlantis Mapping Project news release for November 17, 2002, "U.S. discovers spectacular ruins in Antarctica captured on video." Also The Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, edited by S.T. Joshi, Dell Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1997, pages 302 and 303. Merci beaucoup a Robert Fischer pour ces nouvelles.)
Echoes of Enoch
A Hollow Earth?
Modern Science says no!
Modern Science will tell you that it is impossible for the earth to be "Hollow". This same Modern Science will tell you man came from a monkey and there are no such things as UFO’s. The "official" position of the Church (Holy Roman version) was that the earth was flat. The emerging sciences began to realize that this was wrong. Today in the minds of too many people, the Bible has lost its validity because men were wrong! It is funny that the Bible declared the earth was round long before there was a "Modern Science" or The Church!(Holy Roman type).
Isa 40:22 "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in." The Bible has always remained true, it is man’s own interpretation or rather the lack of proper interpretive procedures that are flawed!
Is there a controversy about a hollow earth? Most Christians profess belief in a literal "Hell". When pressed to define where it is, most will point to the ground or define this never-never land in another dimension on some spiritual plane. A vague unclear concept of hell has been taught for over the last 100 years. The result is another great miss-conception within much of traditional Christianity concerning the separation of spirit and flesh.
The actual evidence Scientifically is no more conclusive about a Hollow Earth than it is about Evolution or UFO’s. There is valid scientific proof that hollow planets and moons may be the norm and not even an exception. The actual fact is that we (at least the public) know very little about the inner condition of the earth. The point is that in spite of any claims by science, it has not been proven that the earth is solid.
The TAL Zone
The Research and Writings of TAL LaVesque
City-Sized Asteroid to Pass Earth This Fall
On Sept. 29, 2004 an asteroid the size of a small city will make the closest known pass of such a very large space rock anytime this century.
......asteroid Toutatis is incredibly strange.
.... even backyard skywatchers will be able to spot the asteroid.
This fall, it will zoom by our planet within a million miles, or about four times the distance to the Moon. ....the Moon is about ¼ the size of Earth. "If you were on Toutatis and looked at Earth during the close approach, the Earth would look as large as the Full Moon does to us."
That's close by cosmic standards for an object that could cause global devastation. Toutatis hasn't been so near since the year 1353 and won't be that close again until 2562, NASA scientists have calculated. No other asteroid so large is known to have come so close in the past, though accurate tracking of space rocks is a fairly recent, high-tech skill that still leaves wide margins of error for many objects.
Toutatis is about 2.9 miles long and 1.5 miles wide (4.6 by 2.4 kilometers).
Many smaller space rocks have passed by much closer, well inside the Moon's orbit.
“Stevez” posted the following well-researched report at [This is a very active group with many serious members. I suggest you join. … Dennis].
Big brother or the mark of the beast? By Becky Blanton - Sierra
If homeland security’s extreme precautions against terrorists haven’t gotten under your skin, look again. That’s just what they’re about to do — with VeriChips. A VeriChip is a rice-sized radio frequency identification microchip designed for tracking everything from products to people.
The company who created the chip — Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) — has announced that organizations in Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting the chips in children. And, the Department of Defense announced Oct. 23 that the government will begin using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices throughout the military and the U.S. for product inventory beginning in 2005. U.S. companies such as Wal-Mart also expect to be using RFID tags in 2005.
Depending on the public’s response, some American’s can expect to find VeriChips being offered in the U.S. as part of a child-identification program very soon. DoD claims RFID technology greatly improves the management of inventory by providing hands-off processing for everything from ordnance to office supplies. The RFID tags will be applied to everything in the military except sand, gravel, liquids and similar items. Dod expects the system to not only speed up the inventory process, but make it more accurate and less susceptible to human error. Soldiers won’t be chipped — yet. At least not in the United States. However, the VeriChip is now being used to track people outside the United States.
ADS has a program called VeriKid. Under the program children are implanted with a VeriChip — an RFID device, using a large needle which injects the device under the skin. The chip gives off a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal which is transmitted to a nearby scanner or hand held wand. Scanners read the transmitted ID number and use it to identify the child through a database.
When a “chipped” child is abducted or missing, authorities place scanners in areas where the child might turn up — such as shopping malls, bus stations, airports and other areas. If the child goes by the scanner, the chip triggers the scanner and alerts authorities to the location.
Both Brazil and Mexico have implemented the program for “security purposes” and to track abducted and missing children. Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children estimates that 133,000 children in Mexico have been kidnapped over the past five years.
According to VeriChip, Mexico launched their VeriKid program earlier this month to protect children from abduction. The company claims the chip will alert whether the child is unconscious, asleep, silenced or even dead.
Brazil has ordered 10 wall-mounted VeriGuard scanning devices to be used as part of their security system which will be launched in Brazil in mid-November.
That program, VeriChip claims, will be the first in which implantable chips will be used as part of a building access security system for adults.
VeriChip claims their original purpose for the program was medically focused — not for security. The company wanted to be able to identify people with specific medical needs, even if they were brought into a hospital unconscious. But VeriChip claims the chip goes far beyond medical uses the company claims.
Parolees could be chipped to make sure they do not break parole. Sex offenders could be tracked even if they did not register with the city as required by law.
It sounds good to some, but opponents to the chips claim that while the RFID’s provide some measure of security, they do so at the severe expense of personal privacy. The chip can be linked to any kind of information — including financial, medical, criminal history or past convictions, drug use etc. and those with scanners or access to scanners would have access to that information as well.
Law enforcement wouldn’t even have to stop a person on the street to question them. A patrol car mounted scanner could relay the person’s criminal history faster than a cop could type in a license plate number. If that becomes the case, then the scanners might start popping up anywhere – highway overpasses, libraries, schools, or stores.
Those with access to the central database would be able to follow chipped people wherever they went. The chip would easily become an embedded leash and the refrain, “Home of the free,” would take on an entirely different meaning.
Last week we featured Ruth Leedy’s article from The Hollow Earth Insider’s archives, “Photographic Bait: Are You Being Played for a Sucker?” In that thought provoking report Ms. Leedy used a story from “The Sun,” a popular supermarket tabloid, to illustrate how the ‘keeper’s of the secrets’ use this type of escape literature to mix fact and fiction to feed false information to different groups of people and “water down” the true statements they use in the mix. Tabloids are also used to set up true information for later debunking and ridicule.
To the majority of the populace, “I read it in THE SUN (or The National Enquirer, The weekly World News, The Globe, etc.), is cause for a head shake and a chuckle. All of this is planned in hopes that it will add to the confusion and hide the path of true knowledge. An interesting analyst of this propaganda resource appeared in Issue #8 of “Off The Deep End. The excerpts below were featured in an article in The Hollow Earth Insider! research Report # Volume 3 # 2, March 1995.
“Tabloids, The CIA and The Mob”
By Jim Hogshire
“The use of supermarket tabloids as a propaganda too seems exceedingly natural. They are read by 50 million people every week - and their stories often fodder for the “serious” mainstream media, which helps to solidify any story in the public mind.
“Their messages are simple, often no more than a headline accompanied by a very brief text and a large photo, so even people who don’t read all of the stories inside are exposed to their messages … by their placement in checkout lines they are almost ubiquitous. Nobody is really immune to tabloids.
“Best of all they are ignored by anyone looking for propaganda. Mainstream journalists ridicule them and deny they have any political influence at all … even people LOOKING for signs of media conspiracy to manipulate public opinion normally omit study of tabloids … a publishing concern bigger than Gannett.
“What a perfect cover. …”
Mr. Hogshire continues his comprehensive hard hitting report reveling the extensive ties between the most popular tabloids and the CIA and Mafia. His research traces the names of the people and publications. I salute Mr. Hogshire for this well researched and written, courageous report.
Keeping the above information in mind, lets take a look at a story featured in the Weekly World News for February 14, 1995.
“NASA Receives Radio Signals From The Center of The Earth”
“CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA. - NASA is receiving radio transmissions from hundreds of miles below the Earth’s surface - and experts say the signals are being sent by an advanced life-form.
“”It’s clear that someone of something down there is communicating with us,” said a highly placed NASA source who requested anonymity. “And whoever it Is has the technology to send signals to the surface through hundreds of miles of soil and rock … “
Mr. Goerge goes on to tell us that “scientists first detected the signals on October 30th” and that these signals are a “complex mathematical code” which further convinces scientists “ that they are in touch with a colony of beings whose intelligence far outstrips ours.” He also reports that “they’ve been unable to determine the exact location of the subterranean civilization” and that they didn’t know “how intelligent life could form and survive without sunlight or oxygen. …”
This is actually an informative article. To you and I. However. The next time you start to tell someone about the information you’ve learned from your Hollow Earth studies if they get a little grin on their faces, slightly shake their head and walk away. You’ll know. They’ve already formed an opinion about the inner world … after all, they read about in a supermarket tabloid. See how that works?
Hitler and the Himalayas The SS Mission to Tibet 1938-39 Spring 2001 - Tricycle - Alex McKay
Of all the exotic images that the West has ever projected onto Tibet, that of the Nazi expedition, and its search for the pure remnants of the Aryan race, remains the most bizarre. On the nineteenth of January, 1939, five members of the Waffen-SS, Heinrich Himmler's feared Nazi shock troops, passed through the ancient, arched gateway that led into the sacred city of Lhasa. Like many Europeans, they carried with them idealized and unrealistic views of Tibet, projecting, as Orville Schell remarks in his book Virtual Tibet, "a fabulous skein of fantasy around this distant, unknown land." The projections of the Nazi expedition, however, did not include the now familiar search for Shangri-La, the hidden land in which a uniquely perfect and peaceful social system held a blueprint to counter the transgressions that plague the rest of humankind.
Rather, the perfection sought by the Nazis was an idea of racial perfection that would justify their views on world history and German supr! emacy.
What brings about this odd juxtaposition of Tibetan lamas and SS officers on the eve of World War II is a strange story of secret societies, occultism, racial pseudo-science, and political intrigue. They were, in fact, on a diplomatic and quasi-scientific mission to establish relations between Nazi Germany and Tibet and to search for lost remnants of an imagined Aryan race hidden somewhere on the Tibetan plateau. As such, they were a far-flung expression of Hitler's most paranoid and bizarre theories on ethnicity and domination. And while the Tibetans were completely unaware of Hitler's racist agenda, the 1939 mission to Tibet remains a cautionary tale about how foreign ideas, symbols, and terminology can be horribly misused. Some Nazi militarists imagined Tibet as a potential base for attacking British India, and hoped that this mission would lead to some form of alliance with the Tibetans. In that they were partly successful. The mission was received by the Reting Regent (! who had led Tibet since the death of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama in 1933), and it did succeed in persuading the Regent to correspond with Adolf Hitler. But the Germans were also interested in Tibet for another reason. Nazi leaders such as Heinrich Himmler believed that Tibet might harbor the last of the original Aryan tribes, the legendary forefathers of the German race, whose leaders possessed supernatural powers that the Nazis could use to conquer the world.
This was the age of European expansion, and numerous theories [Route Map] provided ideological justification for imperialism and colonialism.
A German In Germany the idea of an Aryan or map shows "master" race found resonance with the route rabid nationalism, the idea of the of the German superman distilled from the expedition philosophy of friedrich Nietzsche, photo and Wagner's operatic celebrations courtesy of Nordic sagas and Teutonic Alex McKay mythology. Long before the 1939 mission to Tibet, the Nazis had borrowed Asian symbols and language and used them for their own ends. A number of prominent articles of Nazi rhetoric and symbolism originated in the language and religions of Asia. The term "Aryan", for example, comes from the Sanskrit word arya, meaning noble.
In the Vedas, the most ancient Hindu scriptures, the term describes a race of light-skinned people from Central Asia who conquered and subjugated the darker-skinned (or Dravidian) peoples of the Indian subcontinent. Linguistic evidence does support the multidirectional migration of a central Asian people, now referred to as Indo-Europeans, into much of India and Europe at some point between 2000 and 1500 B.C.E., although it is unclear whether these Indo-Europeans were identical with the Aryans of the Vedas.
So much for responsible scholarship. In the hands of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century European jingoists and occultists such as Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, these ideas about Indo-Europeans and light-skinned Aryans were transformed into a twisted myth of Nordic and later exclusively German racial superiority. The German identification with the Indo-Europeans and Aryans of the second millennium B.C.E. gave historical precedence to Germany's imperial "place in the sun" and the idea that ethnic Germans were racially entitled to conquest and mastery. It also aided in fomenting anti-Semitism and xenophobia, as Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities did not share in the Aryan German's perceived heritage as members of a dominant race. Ideas about an Aryan or master race began to appear in the popular media in the late nineteenth century. In the 1890s, E. B. Lytton, a Rosicrucian, wrote a best-selling novel around the idea of a cosmic energy (particularly strong in the female! sex), which he called "Vril." Later he wrote of a Vril society, consisting of a race of super-beings that would emerge from their underground hiding-places to rule the world. His fantasies coincided with a great interest in the occult, particularly among the upper classes, with numerous secret societies founded to propagate these ideas. They ranged from those devoted to the Holy Grail to those who followed the sex and drugs mysticism of Alastair Crowley, and many seem to have had a vague affinity for Buddhist and Hindu beliefs.
[SS Camp] Members of the German SS expedition. Inner circle, left to right: Krause, Wienert, Beger, Geer, Schaefer. photo courtesy Alex McKay General Haushofer, a follower of Gurdjieff and later one of Hitler's main patrons, founded one such society. Its aim was to explore the origins of the Aryan race, and Haushofer named it the Vril Society, after Lytton's fictional creation. Its members practiced meditation to awaken the powers of Vril, the feminine cosmic energy. The Vril Society claimed to have links to Tibetan masters, apparently drawing on the ideas of Madame Blavatsky, the Theosophist who claimed to be in telepathic contact with spiritual masters in Tibet. In Germany, this blend of ancient myths and nineteenth-century scientific theories began to evolve into a belief that the Germans were the purest manifestation of the inherently superior Aryan race, whose destiny was to rule the world. These ideas were given scientific weight by ill-founded theories of eugenics and racist ethnography. Around 1919, the Vril Society gave way to the Thule Society (Thule Gesellschaft), which was founded in Munich by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a follower of Blavatsky. The Thule Society drew on the traditions of various orders such as the Jesuits, the Knights Templar, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Sufis. It promoted the myth of Thule, a legendary island in the frozen northlands that had been the home of a master race, the original Aryans. As in the legend of Atlantis (with which it is sometimes identified), the inhabitants of Thule were forced to flee from some catastrophe that destroyed their world.
But the survivors had retained their magical powers and were hidden from the world, perhaps in secret tunnels in Tibet, where they might be contacted and subsequently bestow their powers on their Aryan descendants.
Such ideas might have remained harmless, but the Thule Society added a strong right-wing, anti-Semitic political ideology to the Vril Society mythology. They formed an active opposition to the local Socialist government in Munich and engaged in street battles and political assassinations. As their symbol, along with the dagger and the oak leaves, they adopted the swastika, which had been used by earlier German neo-pagan groups. The appeal of the swastika symbol to the Thule Society seems to have been largely in its dramatic strength rather than its cultural or mystical significance. They believed it was an original Aryan symbol, although it was actually used by numerous unconnected cultures throughout history. Beyond the adoption of the swastika, it is difficult to judge the extent to which either Tibet or Buddhism played a part in Thule Society ideology Vril Society founder General Haushofer, who remained active in the Thule Society, had been a German military attaché in Japan. There he may have acquired some knowledge of Zen Buddhism, which was then the dominant faith among the Japanese military. Other Thule Society members, however, could only have read early German studies of Buddhism, and those studies tended to construct the idea of a pure, original Buddhism that had been lost, and a degenerate Buddhism that survived, much polluted by primitive local beliefs. It seems that Buddhism was little more than a poorly understood and exotic element in the Society's loose collection of beliefs, and had little real influence on the Thule ideology. But Tibet occupied a much stronger position in their mythology, being imagined as the likely home of the survivors of the mythic Thule race.
[Measuring Heads]
Here an SS anthropologist measures a Tibetan woman's head. Some German scientists believed that Aryan features were reflected in the dimensions of the skull. ©Transmit Films GMBH The importance of the Thule Society can be seen from the fact that its members included Nazi leaders Rudolf Hess (Hitler's deputy), Heinrich Himmler, and almost certainly Hitler himself. But while Hitler was at least nominally a Catholic, Himmler enthusiastically embraced the aims and beliefs of the Thule Society. He adopted a range of neo-pagan ideas and believed himself to be a reincarnation of a tenth-century Germanic king. Himmler seems to have been strongly attracted to the possibility that Tibet might prove to be the refuge of the original Aryans and their superhuman powers. By the time Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920s, the myth of the Aryan race was fully developed. In Chapter XI, "Race and People," he expressed concern over what he perceived as the mixing of pure Aryan blood with that of inferior peoples. In his view, the pure Aryan Germanic races had been corrupted by prolonged contact with Jewish people. He lamented that northern Europe had been "Judaized" and that the German's originally pure blood had been tainted by prolonged contact with Jewish people, who, he claimed, lie "in wait for hours on end, satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her from the bosom of her people." For Hitler, the only solution to this mingling of Aryan and Jewish blood was for the tainted Germans to find the wellsprings of Aryan blood. It may happen that in the course of history such a people will come into contact a second time, and even oftener, with the original founders of their culture and may not even remember that distant association. A new cultural wave flows in and lasts until the blood of its standard-bearers becomes once again adulterated by intermixture with the originally conquered race. In the search for "contact a second time" with the Aryans, Tibet-long isolated, mysterious, and remote-seemed a likely candidate.
The complete article is available in the Spring 2001 issue of Tricycle.
I've been doing a lot of research (as you know) into various "secret societies" and the "New World Order". New World Order "origins" has little to do with the secret societies, though the groups were around and had some influence at the time of the formation of the NWO, mostly NWO is a catchphrase that has been bent to individual meaning.
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America have been watered down at every possible turn by the Congress, by the "federal" courts, and by the press (yes, popular press can change both common law and Constitutional law, albeit indirectly). The adoption of the Bill of Rights serves as an example of how a Union of States must be responsible to the desires of the States, not vice verse.
That Union is not a Republic, as the Romans practiced. It is neither a Democracy as practiced by the ancient Greeks. Mostly, it is not the monarchies promulgated throughout Europe for 15 centuries.
It is business. It is the business of State and government as conducted by citizens and residents of the United Sates of America. It is a community of people who enjoy the freedoms as listed on that document (even watered down, it is more than most of the world's population enjoy). According to the Constitution (and as amended) the Congress (never does it say "Federal") shall, in effect, answer to the States on matters of common law.
The signed document, known as "The Bill of Rights", is the culmination of how the "then" population of the New World wanted to establish order. The Bill of Rights IS (repeat, major emphasis) IS the "New World Order". The first President to voice that phrase was George H. W. Bush while talking about the coalition's action against Iraq in '91. As of the end of this month, Iraq re-establishes its sovereignty under a set of interim laws based on these ten rights. That REALLY pisses off the liberals and other fomenters of any federal sovereignty. The NWO really means that the bulging "federal"-style government is limited. The members of the State legislatures who sent those ten amendments to Congress.
In 1776 citizens are the only people who are capable of running their own lives and the Bill of Rights established their responsibility to conduct business as responsible citizens, not as political fatcats.
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