Insider's Report #3 for 2004     January 18, 2004
                                                     Dennis Crenshaw - Editor

In answer to the question "Do the Iraqi people want the coalition troops to remain?" the "Iraqi Blogger", Raed, wrote in his popular underground blog:
"Why didn't anyone ask us whether we wanted the war or not? Whether we felt comfortable with the GC or not? Why no one asks if the game of jumping from a plan to another with no vision is amusing or not?
"But everyone comes now and ask.. do u want "them" to leave or stay?
There is an Arabic proverb saying: "one hundred wise men are not enough to find the stone that the freak threw in the well"
"You threw the stone .. you find it."      "Raed.".
If you want the REAL skinny on what's going on in Iraq from an Iraqi point of view then the blog "Where is Raed?" is just for you!  His on-site eyeball reporting is leagues ahead of the in-house "pro" reporters who nightly spoon-feed their slanted poop to zombie-thinking American audiences.
The Blue Skies of Mars
Well here we go again!!!  The Mars Rover isn't even out of its pod good and the usual conspiratorial questions have already begun to raise their ugly heads.  Here is an e-mail from the ever-vigilant Hollow Earth researcher/writer Dean Dominic De Lucia, author of "Hollow Earth in The Puranas" ©2000.  [Available from: Arcturus Books; 1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd; Port St. Lucie, FL. 24952].
E-mail from Dharma/Dean:
"Evidence that NASA is altering the true colors of the pictures of Mars."
[Go to] [for startling evidence!]
Dean Writes:
  "Colors mean vegetation. Vegetation means atmosphere, and enough of it.
Significant atmosphere means enough gravity to hold it down.
  "Mars should be too small to generate enough gravity to hold down an
atmosphere. This suggests, like a ton of bricks, that gravity does not
actually correspond to mass. This leads to the toppling of cherished
theories in physics, makes monkeys out of a bunch of huff and puff,
arrogant, scientists who think that they are learned, and topples the
petroleum industry! Which leads to the toppling of world control and takes
the yoke off of our backs.
  "Which means that we no longer have to generate enough force to power
transportation against the inertia of gravity, attaining weightlessness, our
vehicles just have to be powered from that point onwards.
  "Which means that any two-bit dictator can reach Washington, D.C., with a
nuclear or chemical payload- in theory, at least. A medium range, targeted
missile would have the thrust.
  "Which means that the hollow earth theory can exist because the accumulated
force of gravity, corresponding to the shell of the Earth won't collapse
the hollow planet because the shell can exist without its gravity having
weight. With penetration, gravity drops off. This is a whole can of worms,
but believe me, if Mars has enough gravity to hold down an atmosphere, all
of the above is valid.
   "How about the pics of clouds at the top of the Olympus Mountains, at 15 kilometers of
altitude, something even our planet's gravity can't produce.
   "Scroll halfway down. 

  I thank Dean for passing that very interesting site regarding the possible shenanigans going on with the present politically motivated interest in Mars.   And double thanks for his appreciated assessment of the situation.  I don't know about you, but I'll be watching developments in this story with mucho interest.
I also know Dean would be happy to see you join the Hollow Earth Discussion Group he manages, as would all the members, including myself.  Visit us at:
The Hollow Earth - From A German Perspective.
An excellent Hollow Earth Web Site put out by German Hollow Earth researcher "Zak" is at:
Yes, it is in German, but don't let that stop you.  Anyone can read it (along with many other sites not in your language), in English, Spanish, or whatever, by using the free translator at:

From comes the story of the discovery of a bunch of 1,5000 year old manuscripts.
  "Ancient Manuscripts Found In Egyptian Monastery
  "Martin Bailey for The Art Newspaper

  "A cache of manuscripts up to 1,500 years old has been discovered in a Coptic monastery in the Western Desert of Egypt. The find was made at Deir al-Surian, the Monastery of the Syrians, which already has one of the richest ancient libraries in Christendom. Set in the desert sands and virtually cut off from the outside world until recently, Deir al-Surian traces its roots back to the earliest period of Christian monasticism. Established in the 6th century, it was soon occupied by monks from Syria and Mesopotamia and is currently home to 200 Egyptian Copts". 
  Further into the article we learn … "A single completed manuscript and hundreds of fragments were found when reconstruction work was undertaken on the ancient tower, which is probably well over a millennium old".
For the complete story, go to:
  Heard any good Conspiracy Theories lately?  Well, whether you have or not I'm sure you'll find something to noodle your brain  at "The Conspiracies in the Public Domain" site.  I find it to be a nicely put together, easily traveled, and very informative web page.
Emperor's Clothes (Jared) bravely went where many fear to go, and returned with an explosive and revealing series.
"The US Recreated the Nazi War Crimes Machine" By Jared Israel
"Six decades of cover-up and still going strong…
"The Nazi war crimes apparatus was recruited lock, stock and barrel and secretly redeployed worldwide.  It became US Intelligence."
Part 1: Primed not to hear.
[Posted 4 January 2004].
"In this series of articles I will show you that the picture you have been shown of the relationship between US intelligence and Nazism after World War II is deliberately off-focus. I will dissect a few texts so you can see how you were lied to.
The truth is much worse than you think. Indeed, it is probably much worse than what I presently think because the more research I do, the worse it looks."
The complete series can be read starting at Jared‘s great site:
Way to go Jared!  An explosive and important piece of research.

 Many who research the Hollow Earth Theory believe that the Inner Lands are not only a physical place, but a highly spiritual place as well.  Many believe that a person must reach a certain level of spiritually and learn to live in harmony with nature before they will be allowed, or are invited, to experience life in the Inner Lands.  These believers thank of the Inner Lands as being much like the Christian heaven.  Perhaps they are right.  One might start that spiritial journey here.
"Introduction to Buddhism". 
"Welcome to this online course for newcomers to Buddhism. There are five units in all each of which contain self-study questions and suggestions for further activities. The units are: The Life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, Rebirth and Karma, Morality, Meditation. All you need to do is sign up for the course and the units will be sent to you on a weekly basis automatically. It's simple, it's easy and it's free!"
Go to:#
Lots of supporting and interesting links on this page, you should give it a look-see even if you aren't interested in studying Buddhism.
For those who believe "If It's In The Bible It's The Gospel Truth."  … This is for them.
People are always asking me about what the Bible says about the lands of the Inner Earth.
Of course we all know about HELL …  but other than that frightening "place" there are many other mentions of the Inner Lands in the Bible.  For instance, the one quoted most by Hollow Earthers:
Genesis 6:4
"There were giants in the earth in those days."
Then there is,
Genesis 4:14
"Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth."
When God was mad and had decided to bring the Flood down upon mankind the Bible tells us.   Genesis 6:17;   "and every thing that is in the earth shall die."
 In Job 1:6 and 1:7 we find passages that even a simpleton can read and understand and no skeptic can deny.
"6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
   Job 1:7 is my particular favorite.  It would be kind of hard to walk up and down in the earth if the interior of our world is as modern establishment scientists would have us believe.
  Actually most people are surprised when they learn how many times an Inner World is mentioned in the Bible.  Learn them and it will help you put forth a good argument in support of the idea of Inner Lands with certain people.  These are the same people who are usually very vocal in their disbelief.
Someone once gave me a list of about 125 different places where something regarding the Inner World was mentioned in the Bible.  Unfortunately I misplaced it.
  But never fear … all is not lost.  Thanks to our marvelous electronic age (and a little reverse technology performed on Alien machines) you can easily search, and quickly, find any word, group of words, or passage from the Bible yourself at:
  I searched for the combination of the words "in" and "earth."   There were 705 "hits" of those two words appearing in the same passage together somewhere in the Bible.  Of course many of those have nothing to do with our search subject, but nothing is perfect.
   A hint.  You should also search for words like "Under", "The Pit", the "Abyss", the "Firmament" etc.  Oh, and be sure you search the King James Version of the Bible (the site offers many different versions) … many of the other more modern "Bibles" have changed the word "in" to "on" in the "book-of-undisputable-truth" to make it read more politically correct.  Changing the words in the Bible … can you imagine?
* Current News is accessed from the top of our home page.   There you'll find up-to-minute reports on UFO happenings worldwide:
While of the subject of religion we need to applaud John Bice for a well written, but sure-to-be-controversial insight on the Opinion page at, the Website of the Michigan State University newspaper.
"Raelian Cult Beliefs Just as Nutty as the Christian Majority's"
Bice Writes:
  "Recently, I was recalling the stupidest news events of 2003. Obviously, Bush was a recurring figure, but the story I fixated on was the comical cloning saga trumpeted by the Raelians.
  "The Raelians are a UFO cult that believe alien scientists created life on earth. The Raelians, along with an apparently affiliated organization called Clonaid, claimed a human clone had been born. The story broke at year's end in 2002 and continued well into 2003.
  "What I found amusing had little to do with the cloning claim. I admit it was funny watching the Raelians capture the world's attention with an empty assertion of a successful human cloning procedure; however, it was the public's reaction to the cloning claim, or more specifically the reaction to the Raelians, I found especially enjoyable.
One evening, while channel surfing, I came upon a debate of the cloning controversy with a clergyman as one of the guests. Of interest were comments the clergyman made about the "nutty" beliefs held by the Raelian cult, clearly implying his own Christian beliefs were somehow objectively less "nutty."
You can bet when they read this well-written article, the holey-rollers will be cursing in tongues and rolling their eyes back in their heads before they get finished.

The Best "CURRENT NEWS" Item of the week.
Our "Current News" columns "Weekly Best" winner has GOT to be the following story reported by AsiaMedia.
"Hong Kong: Scientist sues Next magazine over UFO land-sale story"
"A scientist and businessman is suing Next magazine for defamation over an article about his attempts to sell one-square-inch plots of land in Iowa which he claimed UFOs had flown over."
South China Morning Post
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
By Sara Bradford
Read the whole story at:
By the way, you might want to check the "Current News" section of our page often to keep abreast of up-to-the-minute worldwide UFO sightings and happenings… sometimes the headlines change so fast you can miss a good story. 
  Then again, sometimes it moves slowly. 
  And of course you might find a story there that may seem out of left field. … A hockey team loses, or some such.  That is caused by the fact that the key word to bring the links into our "Current News" is "UFO."  If you read one of the seemingly out-of-place articles you'll see that somewhere in the story the word "UFO will appear.  On the plus side, I've found that, because of the way the word "UFO" has been used by the press to ridicule, or add "humor" to their reporting over the years, these stories are usually humorous, and sometimes, even downright laughable.
  So if you are interest in up-to-the-minute worldwide UFO sightings and happenings, and occasional unrelated stories that you'll never read anywhere else, then you should make it a habit to visit the "Current News" section of our page regularly.

Please pass this "Insider's Report" along to your friends and study-group members by e-mail or whatever.  Or better yet …  tell them how to join the list and let them become an Insider too..  Help me spread the word.
 And don't forget to send interesting links, articles or comments to  
Subject: Insider's Report.  
Free back issues available.  Just e-mail.
Dennis Crenshaw
P.S.  Anyone who has tried to send me e-mail at, sorry about any problem this may have caused you. .  I just discovered that my computer spell check was automatically removing the "dg." from my e-mail address.