July 17, 1998, Dream, God's Judgment On America – 11, My Church Will Be Kept Here To Preserve This Nation During Its Judgment — While in prayer at the beginning of June, I sought the Lord for mental, emotional and physical rest from all the spiritual battles, trials, troubles, confusions, temptations and ongoing stresses that have been a way of life for me throughout much of my life. I pleaded for time off where I could just rest from encroaching weariness. After I finished my plea, I heard the Lord say in my spirit, "I am qualifying you for the times ahead." A sound of thunder instantly exploded in my spirit which finally opened my understanding. Then I understood that I have been going through a series of lifelong extensive boot camp training exercises since childhood—sometimes through many fires. They have prepared me for God's use for His glory—a strengthened, a qualified and a willing vessel that will be available for use at His appointed time.

During the second week of June, I was interceding for America and crying out to God to spare this nation from total destruction for the sake of His Word and His glory. I kept in remembrance before Him all His servants who throughout America's history have gone forth from these shores throughout the world to take God's Light to nations dwelling in darkness, and to feed them the Bread of Life, God's Word. I also kept in remembrance before Him, the many, many missionaries that have been martyred in foreign fields for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ—His Word. And I continued to furthermore keep in remembrance before Him the God-fearing founding fathers who sacrificed their fortunes and lives for this nation, as well as their sons who in later generations also sacrificed their lives and shed their blood on foreign battlefields while also giving up their lives in the air and in the oceans throughout the world to preserve our religious liberty and heritage, our peace, and the freedom He so abundantly and graciously has blessed us with. I cried out and pleaded with Him to be merciful to America: "Have mercy, Father God, have mercy on America!"

What happened next was just like the loving and merciful Lord Jesus—still wanting to save more souls and desiring others to embrace Him as their Savior during a time of sorrow, woe and tragedy. I distinctly heard Him speak these following words in my spirit: "MY CHURCH WILL BE KEPT HERE TO PRESERVE THIS NATION DURING ITS JUDGMENT." Needless to say, I was stunned. I now bring His word to His Church in America. We will be kept here as salt throughout God's judgment on this nation. "You are the salt of the earth." (Mat. 5:13—NKJV) If Jesus doesn't keep His Church here throughout God's judgment, I truly believe that this entire nation would be completely destroyed.

From: www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammandim/news.html & www.etpv.org.

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I must also add that I received further visions, dreams and prophecies in abbreviated format on the same subject by e-mail which unfortunately are not posted on the Web. One particular e-mail was on a brief excerpt of a book entitled "Destiny of America" by Timothy G. Snodgrass (Prophetic Intelligence Network, P. O. Box 1242, Bend, OR 97709). He outlines one particular vision in which he saw a nuclear attack on America. He details the ensuing death, by radiation, of many people while many others "wandered aimlessly, having a look of hopelessness and death written on their faces." Famine and poverty were everywhere. He was carried in the Spirit throughout the country to witness America's post-nuclear attack and destruction, particularly California. He also speaks of the "war in the heavens." There were "many clashes and dogfights with the Chinese in the air." He also saw Chinese troops "landing on our shores and gathering people into camps." (See ARTICLES—"The Coming American Holocaust") He gives a strong, graphic account of everything shown him which lines up with many of the visions and dreams referred to here.