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Oh my God! I just stumbled across this web page which I think I started making about... oooh... it's fuzzy... 7 years ago. Looks like the last picture I uploaded was on my 19th birthday hahahaha. Will be updated shortly (wow angelfire has so improved) and incredibly old, embarrasing pictures removed. Can't believe this site wasn't killed for inactivity- makes me wonder about what kinds of people have been stopping by and keeping it going!!!

If you wish to contact me, you can click on the email link at the bottom of this page.

Yours in Wales and Canada,



Websites of Interest

Other, far more active web space (hey, I did LOSE this one's address for 4 yrs!)
End World Poverty
The Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform in BC
Genocide Intervention Network
Interesting words, phrases & other additions to the English language
An amazing site with incredible pictures and enlightening words.
