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Dragon Lake is the ancestral home of the lakeclan, at one point it was destroyed, and the lakeclan that occupied were destroyed as well. William Drago reopened the portal to Dragon Lake as soon as he could, however once the portal was reopened then William was able to attempt to remake his lost family the only thig that he noticed that was different was the graves of all his family..

Dragon Lake is a sanctuary so there fore there is no fighting there. While the portal is open to all there are a few stipulations there will be no death in dragon lake. No person can kill any other person in dragon lake remember it is Holy Ground..

Next there is a tent in the woods beside the lake and it is stocked with all the provisions of the Vampire Tavern.Also there are a few other slightly different things about the lake, if you look closely to the left side of the lake you will see back behind the trees about 400 cabins these belonged to the original lake clan and are not occupied now.. with the exception of two of them, William Drago's wife to be has a cabin there and so does Drew his brothers wife to be.

The final thing to know about Dragon Lake is that if you jump in the lake you run a slight chance of a soul of a former lakeclanner getting attached to you and thus your character becomes part Dragon..((( just so you know you get a choice as to whether this happens or not)))) Finally everyone should know that Dragon Lake adhears to t-1 rules for training and self defense

New Developments in Dragonlake!
"Originally, or as far back as we can recall, Dragon Lake's freshwater archipelago sheltered generations of dragons. Eventually, however, during a war in Hell that spilled into Tenaria, the Order of Gnash, cenobites serving Leviathan, usurped the territory ... and the lives of its inhabitants. Their leftovers lay there dormant under the waters, for five centuries, until a reformation of the Clan Destiny. They, reluctantly accepting Teronum's know-how (who, for the benefit of himself, shared secrets that'd purge Leviathan from the placid waters), freed the lake from their reign. Now, Dragon Lake is perfectly habitable, and certainly a beautious thing."

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