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:. cain . exodus .:
warrior of death

       .   .  . .:: appearance .. .   .
.   .: muscular
.   .: black hair
.   .: red eyes (all...completely red)
.   .: two tattoos...[details]
.   .: scars all over [details]
.   .: no piercings
.   .: ...He wears...
.   .: black shirts
.   .: black pants (baggy)
.   .: black boots
.   .: no gloves
.   .: silver chain w/ dagger pendant

       .   .  . .:: history/timeline .. .   .
   .   .: Age: 5
.   .: grew up in a normal family. became insane,
.   .: murdered parents. murdered one brother.
.   .: ran away. came to RhyDin in search of help.
.   .: became lonely.
   .   .: Age: 8
.   .: after searching, found friend named Daga
.   .: who was a chocobo. later met friend and
.   .: mentor alucard. alucard helped with his
.   .: insanity. lived life of happiness for once.
   .   .: Age: 15
.   .: once again became enraged. found brother
.   .: who was away. murdered brother. murdered
.   .: alucard. grew apart from Daga. life once
.   .: again became hell. met new friend, zack
   .   .: Age: 16
.   .: decided to join army in war. joined army
.   .: with his friend, zack. became a good killer
.   .: and good soldier. learned ways of military.
.   .: was discharged for killing squad members.
   .   .: Age: 19
.   .: came back to RhyDin. found a dragon/girl
.   .: named Winoria. fell in love. was once
.   .: again happy. became close to Winoria.
.   .: proposed to Winoria but got rejected. he
.   .: gave up hope and tried to commit suicide.
.   .: at cliffs he met Madelyn.
   .   .: Age: 20-22
.   .: came into Madelyn's life unexpectedly.
.   .: he caused trouble and mayhem but fell
.   .: in love with her on sight. would give
.   .: the world for her. became one with her
.   .: and caused her pain, sadness and loneliness.
.   .: ruined Madelyn's life.
   .   .: Age: 23/present
.   .: left RhyDin. hunted down and caught for
.   .: murder. captured by santanists. did a
.   .: ritual on him, burned and crucified him.
.   .: was then revived as a demon, in a state of
.   .: constant pain and paranoia. returned to
.   .: RhyDin to seek good life. found Madelyn.
.   .: fell in love again. end.

       .   .  . .:: misc .. .   .
.   .: age: ~23.
.   .: sex: male.
.   .: race: human/demon.
.   .: height: 6'1".
.   .: weight: unknown.
.   .: martial status: forever with Madelyn.
.   .: alignment: dark.
.   .: occupation: hitman/assassin.
.   .: [cain is the good, the bad and the ugly.]
.   .: [he was once named: Chris.]

.   . .. guilds ::. .  .   .       
Acolyte [Lord // 4d80]:.   .
USoV [Warder // 4d26 // 325EXPs]:.   .
GoD [Freelance *GF003 // 4d24 // 400EXPs]:.   .
D.E.A.D // Nightmare Inc. [4d20 // 0Xps // 200Gps]:.   .

.   . .. weapons ::. .  .   .       
insanity of hell [details] :.   .
exodus (Qty: 1) [details] :.   .
daggers (Qty: 4) [details] :.   .
knives (Qty: 2) [details] :.   .

.   . .. rules ::. .  .   .       
[this is the basic jist of it...] :.   .
[i dice and SiM with cain] :.   .
[IM RP is ok if i like you] :.   .
[mature rp preferred] :.   .
[all Gps are hidden] :.   .
[i make things up to fit my needs] :.   .
[if i don't like you...too bad] :.   .
[always ask for consent first] :.   .
[i decide when my character dies] :.   .
[cain does his job how he wants] :.   .
[and if you have questions...ask] :.   .

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