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All  The  Pages  In  This  Realm   Are  NKZ/NCZ  Please   Be Advised!!!

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All  The  Pages  In  This  Realm   Are  NKZ/NCZ  Please   Be Advised!!!


On a still night,
in the dark silence,
I will find Y/you.
Guided by the sounds of Y/your heartbeat,
and the scent of Y/your fear,
I will follow in the shadows.
Y/your senses will tell Y/you that someone is watching,
but nothing can prepare Y/you
for Y/your true destiny.
In the very darkness that conceals Y/your fear,
Y/you will come to know pain, and suffering.
Y/you will see it,
feel it,
know it intimately.
And when Y/you beg M/me for death,
I will offer life.
From that moment on,
Y/you will become the fear that hunts in the shadows as I.
Cursed or Blessed to walk the Earth forever.
Unable, unwilling, too vengeful to die...

All  The  Pages  In  This  Realm   Are  NKZ/NCZ  Please   Be Advised!!!

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Br0ken Av DeSigns