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The Sick Children

My house is haunted by the ghosts of 3 children that died from scarlet fever back in the 1900 or so. We got the house from a middle-aged lady that got it from her Grandmother. So it had been in there family for some time. When we went to look at it my mom, dad, older broth Jake and I all went. The lady was no expert at selling houses she told us all the problems the house had and then at the end took my mom and dad off to the side and told them about what would be her grandmothers 3 children that died here and that her mom was the only one of 4 that lived and that the house was haunted by the kids. She said that they don’t do any thing really bad but its just kind of creepy to live there alone like she did. Well my mom and dad didn’t believe a word of this they're very skeptic. Right as we got in the car to go home they both started laughing because of what the woman told them but they wouldn’t say what she said. They bought the house and moved in that September. I was 15 at the time and my brother was 17 and it was in a cool little area. After we got situated and into school the new friends we made all wanted to come over to see our house because they had heard stories. It was a small town and telling one person meant the whole town knew. So we asked or mom why every one says our house is haunted and she reluctantly told us what the woman told her figuring we would hear worse versions at school, and we did. I don’t know if any one had seen any thing and not said any thing or if I was the first but about a month after we got there I was sitting at my computer and there was a big storm. The power cut out and my monitor went black I let out a sigh and then the next bolt of lightning hit. It threw just enough light in the room so that in the reflection of the monitor I could see there was a small girl sitting on my bed. I whipped around and nothing was there. I just sat there in shock for a minute or two then ran down stairs and sat with my mom and dad on the front porch till the power came back. The other thing that I hear every now and again when I’m half asleep is a whimpering and coughing sound; it's very weak and feeble. I told my brother what I had seen one time he said he never seen anything but he heard the coughing allot and other odd noises.