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The Crying Son

My neighbor’s house burned down around Christmas because they didn’t fully put out their fireplace. The 2 elderly parents both died in the fire because they couldn’t walk to well and couldn’t get out in time. The sun that was in his 30s tried to help his parents out but the fire trapped him in and he died with them. They found him and his parents all stuck in one of the bedroom. They bulldozed the house as soon as the snow cleared and they could get in to work on it. It’s a good thing too because it was creepy looking. The whole inside burned out but the out side looked fine except for big black marks above the windows and a hole in the roof. My room faces where it was and it was a creepy site to see late at night the streetlights make it look really freaky. They knocked it down and ripped up the foundation so there is a big dirt patch with some left over concrete lumps here and there. The garage is still up but that farther back on the property. One night around 3:00 I was in my backyard having a cigarettes and I looked over at where the house was and on a stump from one of the trees they cut down to get the equipment up to the house there was some thing. I thought it was a raccoon at first but it was too big. I grabbed one of those torches that keeps bugs away out of the ground incase it was a rabid raccoon or a crazy guy I could try and bash their face in. I got a little closer and could make out the outline of a guy sitting there so I froze and got ready to run for my house. When a car went by the headlights gave me enough light to see it was a man with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. I hadn’t moved for what felt like 10 min but I think it was like 30 sec I just looked at him. I couldn’t make out a face or any thing he just sat there. Then he picked his face up from his hands and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Well I almost shit my pants, I didn’t know if it was some drunk or what. He just looked over at me and I saw him sigh and then he was gone. I ran inside locked the dour and shut my self in my bedroom and didn’t get a wink of sleep all night. No one has bought that piece of property yet and I wont go out to smoke late at night any more. I can see it from my computer chair and I always think I see something out of the corner of my eye but there is never any thing there. I think its just paranoia now.