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The Witches Ball

Over a hundred years again there was a woman that kept pretty much to herself and in return most people in town left her alone. But when neighbors dogs and live stock started disappearing they got suspicious. Some of them suspected the woman of being behind it so they snuck around and started to get the idea that she was a witch and performing satanic rituals. So one night a whole group ventured to her barn where she was alleged to practice at. They saw her through the window and she was standing around a fire pit casting spells. Worried that if given the chance she would see them and cast a spell on them they kicked in the doors and rushed her they tied her up and looked around in the barn and found the bones of animal and children. They promptly tied her her up in the barn and set fire to her and the building. when they were running from the burning she was herd screaming something that it was not the last they would see of her and that she would rise again and come for them all. Some of the other witches in the area snuck onto the property and collected her remains and buried her and put the large globe grave there. If you go to the site there will never be any leafs on or around the grave and snow wont stay on it. If you touch the globe and it is cool them the spirit of the witch is at rest. If you touch it and its warm then RUN the ghost of the witch is on the prowl to seek revenge. Also look for a black rose on the grave. The other story involves a witch being caught berried alive and vertical, head down so that she could never rise again and the orb on tops was the final safe guard.

Myrtle Hill Cemetery in Valley City