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Squire's Castle

Squires castle is a stone building that was just itching to have a ghost story based on it. Its in the Metroparks so there are lots of woods and trails but its not far back you can see it from the road. The story that I have heard the most of although not the only one I have been told goes like this. Mr. Squire was a rich man that lived in the Cleveland area but really wanted a house in the country. He started building the castle but do to money or what ever he had to delay finishing it. The first part that was put up was a grounds keeper or gate house (that is the building that is standing today). He didn’t want to wait till the rest of it was done to go use it so him and his wife would go and stay in the part that was there. Mr. Squire did a lot of big game hunting and in one room he had all the heads hanging up. His wife hated the country all the sounds of animals and storms scared her horribly and she wouldn’t be able to sleep because she would have nightmares about the beasts out side getting in. She didn’t like going out to the house but Mr. Squire liked it so much she had no choice. On night there was a big storm coming through and Mrs. Squire couldn’t sleep. She lit her lantern and went for a walk around the house like she normally did on these sleepless nights. By accident she went into her husbands trophy room, here least favorite room because it reminded her of all the horrible beasts that she thought were waiting for her outside. The lightning outside through enough light in the room that the animal heads scared her, she tried to run but was disorientated and ran through the wrong dour and went crashing down the basement steps breaking her neck. Mr. Squire blamed himself for her death and sold the property. It is said that if you go there at night sometimes you can see a light of a lantern in the building or hear the screams of Mrs. Squire. My family had a get together at a cabin right near this place so my cousin that knew where it was and walked over to it with me. It’s a good size building the size of a large house. Most of the walls are gone except the outer ones so it is just a couple of big rooms. The basement was filled in for fear of vandals. My cousin told me that u use to be able to go up to the second flour but some kid fell off so they took the steps and flour out. I had never read anything about the it before I went there so didn’t know anything about a ghost but I can see why a building like that could put out a nice little tale. I was there in the middle of the day and there were lots of people around so it wasn’t scary but at night I could see it being freaky. Every one that has done any back ground checks will tell you that she didn’t die there but that she died after the place was sold and in the city. So I’m going to have to guess that there is no ghost there but its still a really cool spot to go take a look at.

Take I-90 to Route 91 (Willoughby Exit) to Chardon Road (Route 6) to Chagrin River Road.