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Sleepy Hollow Road

Sleepy Hollow Road runs right by Plum Creek Park in Medina. I have been to the park many times and gone up and down the road a lot. Its very dark there at night and the area isn’t really the country but it very quiet and more spread out then most suburbs. The story I hear was that one-day a small girl went over to the nearby park (Plum Creek) to play. She was out playing in the woods when the sun started to set and the snow started to pick up. She got disoriented and couldn’t find here way out of the woods. Later that night the girl froze to death. The ghost of the girl has been seen on the road or out in the woods at night. Cars have pulled up along side her when they see her standing on the side of the road to see if she needs help. Most of the time she just vanishes but every now and again people say that she will look at them with her big puppy dog eyes and say something like “so cold” just before she disappears and when she does talk you can see her breath year round. I spent the night at a friend’s house on that road and we drove down the road a few times that night going to and from the store and I kept my eyes peeled but no little girl.