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Rouges Hollow
Ohio’s sleepy Hollow

Rouges Hollow is an area that in the late 1800’s to mid 1900’s was a thriving mining community. It had a reputation for being a tough town that you didn’t want to get caught in late at night unless you were looking for a fight. It is now just a quiet little place where some people still live. The area’s economy was based mainly on coal mining. This brought lots of ruff and tough men to the area. In the town there were lots of taverns because after a long hard week of work the men liked to go and get nice and drunk. This lead to many bars fight. The woods around the town were not seen as safe to travel at night because people would often lay in weight for farmers to come and demand that they give them money for drinks. If they refused they were in for an ass whoopin. There is a chance that some of these resulted in the deaths. In some of the abandoned mine shafts it was rumored that people on the run from the law would hold up in them. Talk also went around about counterfeiting operation in one. Mining was dangerous business lots of people were killed or badly injured down in the shafts. Many stories went around about ghosts of miners being in some of the shafts. The mill is also said to be haunted by the ghost of a boy that was working there and fell on the wheel and was crushed to death. Many people have reported seeing him roaming around the mill. The story that I think is the coolest to come out of the area is about the headless horse. There was a tree that had a low branch that overhung one of the trails. When riders went under they had to get as low on their horse as they could to avoid being smacked in the face. One dark night a man was riding as fast as his horse would take him through the woods. When he knew he was getting close to the tree he ducked down but the heavy snow that had fallen made the branch sag down really low. The horse neck slammed right into the branch taking its head off and throwing the rider. After that no one liked to ride that path for fear of running into the branch or the horse. One man that was riding the path at night said that when he got close to the spot his horse wouldn’t move. He looked up and notice that on the low branch there was the devil or a demon sitting. When he pulled himself together he rode home as fast as he could. He returned the next night to show his friends what he had seen. They saw the headless horse standing there with the devil sitting on his back. The area was full of stories like this if you want a full history of the place, not just ghost stories but facts too, go here Rouge Hollow.

I don’t have an exact location but south of Doylestown in Wayne County is the best I can give you, search Doylestown on and match the roaads up to the ones on this MAP as best you can. Not all of them are still there but the big ones are.

I went to rogue Hollow and it is in the middle of nowhere. The town that is closest to it (Doylestown) is a small country town. I can see why so many stories have been made about this place it creepy looking and I was there in the middle of the day. I didn’t go off the roads looking for any of the mines because every thing was all wet and I didn’t want to get all muddy but I still found some of the spots talked about in the book.

This is the pond that the mill use to come out to. That dark patch on the far side is brick so I would think that that is where it use to sit back when it was still up.

This little bridge goes over the river that fed into the mill for power. It runs through most of the hollow, it gets small at some parts and weaves all over the place.

There are train tracks back in there that run through a good part of the hollow. There have been some stories of kids getting killed by a train down in there.

These are just some pictures of random spots in rogue hollow.

This is just an odd place all around even if there are no ghosts in its just weird. There is spray paint all over all the stop signs and on just about any thing in the hollow that is man made like under the bridge. Some of the signs are all dented up like they got hit with a bat so I would guess that would be from a lack of anything for the kids to do out there. In the hollow there is also a house that has tons of animals just walking all over the place like chickens and peacocks. If you go there its not hard to get to from Doylestown its just a straight shot into it down Clinton street and that will take you right down into it. If you look at this map you can see where Clinton goes in and the mill will be to the right of the fork next to a house and just north of that on the left fork is the bridge that I took the picture from. The hollow isn’t big so if you notice that your on flat ground and out of the woods then there is a good chance that you are out of it. Have fun but don’t be a dick, people still live in the hollow so don’t just go up to any old house that looks cool because red necks don’t take to kindly to kids poking around their house. I got plenty of funy looks just taking pictures by groups of people on 4-wheeler with southern flags on there shirts.