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Melon Heads

In Kirtland there was a man named Dr. Crow who practiced medicine out of his house and was given some mentally challenged kids to take care of. He kept them locked up in cages in the barn behind his house all year round even in the winter. He would take them out to try experiments on. One that he liked the most was due to the funny look it gave the kid. He would inject their heads full of fluid causing their heads to swell up. On night they got free from the cages and killed their tormenter. They roam the woods and have a hatred for any one that is not like them because of how badly people treated them. They come out at night because they don’t want to be seen and made fun of. Do to the swelling of there heads they cant see very good let alone at night. On nights when the moon is full where there enough light for them to see they will viciously attack any one they can get the little hands on. The most talked about location is Wisner Road but they have been seen at numerous other place .

Wisner Rd. in Chardon and Kirtland