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Gore Orphanage

This is the story that I think is the best of all the variations I have been told. One night at Gore Orphanage one of the children needed to use the latrine and didn’t want to wake any one up for help so he got his cote on lit a lantern and went down the hall. He started down the steps and dropped the lantern. It burst into flames the whole house started to go up and the only way down was consumed in flames. All the kids and the owners burned to death by the time any help showed up. Some people say the only one that lived is the kid that dropped the lantern. If you go there late at night you can hear the screams of all the children and smell the burning flesh. Some people also see the ghost of small children and find their car windows all fogged up with small handprints on them. I have also heard this story told with the town crazy setting the fire. It’s also told with mean Old Man gore (the supposed owner of the place) setting it on fire to get insurance. Now ill give you what is the best explanation I can give. The noises people hear are from the highway a mile or so off. They are looking for the cries of children so any noise they can't identify they assume its ghosts. The orange light that people see and say are the flames are really just headlights way of in the distance. The foundation that’s there is from an old house that may of burned down by vandals or it might have been ripped down. But the name of the road how can I explain that? Well gore can mean bloody and disgusting or it can also mean a small triangular piece of land. What does this have to do with an orphanage? Well I’ll tell you. The road was called Gore road at first because when the surveyor mapped the area out they messed up and were left over with a slice of land. This is where the road was put so it was a road on a gore. After the legend started to snowball the road being called gore orphanage road just kind of stuck. There are lots of other factor that lead up to people thinking this spot is haunted mostly things that happened down the road a bit (like a school that burnt with some kids stuck in it) and just got dumped on this spooky looking spot. But who am I to say this spots not haunted. Supposedly some children did die in that house but from some sickness not fire. I have an extra special warning for this site more then the other one I have up. People say they see old man gore running after them and yelling with a gun in hand. From what I’m told this is the guy that owns the land. He gets pissed that all these kids come to his property and get drunk leaving their trash everywhere. So he come out shotgun in hand loaded with some stun packs. Some one in my school got hit with it and it hurt like a bitch and they said it was like little salt stuck in his leg that burned for a while so please be safe.

I get these off map quest and they are coming from the Cleveland area but if u can find I-90 they should work just don’t pay any attention to and North South East or West that u see in it. It should get u to some where on gore orphanage road with any luck but after that its up to u to get to the spot
*Turn LEFT to take the I-90 W/OH-2 W ramp towards TOLEDO. ?0.37 miles
*Merge onto I-90 W.
*Take the OH-2 W exit.
*Merge onto OH-2 W
*Take the OH-60 exit towards WAKEMAN/VERMILION
* Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp
*Turn LEFT onto OH-60
*Take the OH-2 E ramp
*Merge onto OH-2 E