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The Wonderful World of Heather

This is my ever so beautiful website..

Updated quite often, actually, including text. In all honesty, I haven't done anything at all with this site in a very long time, and for that I apologize. Most probably gave up. Gah. I'll let everyone know as soon as I do something with it again. I just haven't had time, not even enough time to get around to developing pictures. Craziness. Oh well. I am sorry, though. Now everything else from this point on is the same as it ever was..

Obviously this is the main page, the home page you may say. Included is all about myself and all that other good stuff. Odds are this paragraph probably will never change all that much but all the ones here after just may.. Probably will actually.. This entire site is just photo galleries, with a thrown in story of the event on a couple of them.. You can't get to any other sites except through here, so use the back button to return or whatever..

The first photo gallery that's up is from 8th grade to last year, and what's on there now is all that will ever be on there. They're mostly oldies.. lol.. The following one is a friends gallery that will be updated on a regular basis.. Then comes the Cruise gallery, that one will have more pictures as soon as I get them, I'll update on that..

I just finished a gallery from the Warped Tour and redid the picture on the top. I know, it's all quite simple but I don't really have time to do anything that requires much time. I'll have even less when school starts.

Other than that there's really nothing else. I'm me, too complex to put into words, too simple to even bother.. The banner makes me feel self-centered and I really hate typing bios. I don't know.. If you have any questions, ask away..


To the Different Galleries.. Foward, March..

Random Pictures from Times Awhile Ago

People I know and like

Carnival Cruise Vacation - YAY

Steele Canyon Formal

Warped Tour 2003

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