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callous-sighs |Date: 7/27/03|
|mood: inpatient|
|plugs: none|
|page: The Bean Trees-146|

Ok, I thought I might tell you this. I got Kazaa back!! My brother actually downloaded it again. Yay I'm downloading Mest on Jimmy Kimmel right now. usually if something takes more than like, 20 minutes, I'll just cancel it (I have DSL and I'm so spoiled by it) but this is taking over an hour, but I don't care. I want it really bad. I'll be up until 3 tonight, ATR is on at 2. Shelley was a jackass at 10:30 P.M.

|Date: 7/27/03|
|mood: lalala|
|plugs: Martine @ Erstwhile Delight|
|page: The Bean Trees-127|

Hi. I won't be able to blog until Thursday becuase I'm going to Memphis tomorrow to see my dad. Yay :) I'll still be able to check my e-mail at his office and maybe get on AIM express, but I can't download FTP over Lalalala.....I'm going to Isabel's birthday party on Friday. Yay :):) I also have school open house on Thursday. I start school the week after this week. It really sucks. August 4th, blegh. But we get a week off every 6 weeks, so that's cool. But I have to wake up at 5:30 every morning becuase I have seminary for church. 5:30 is the time I usually go to bed!! But anyway.....see you guys Thursday!!! You can e-mail me ay

Shelley was a jackass at 4:45 P.M.

|Date: 7/26/03|
|mood: accomplished|
|plugs: Martine @ Erstwhile Delight|
|page: The Bean Trees-121|

WOO!! New layout. Bam Margera from Jackass. It was originally gunna be Johnny Knoxville, but I changed my mind....lalalala. Hope you guys like it :) It kinda sucks cuase I had to do most of it in regular microsoft paint cuase my brother deleted PSP7 AND Kazaa, so I can't go download it again. And now there's that big legal issue about downloading music and stuff. You know what I think?

Downloading music is just like going over to your friend's house and listening to their cd.

That's all it is. Yes, I know it's about maybe, 30,000 people listening to that friend's cd. But I don't go and like, download an entire cd unless I have the urge to buy it. I got the whole Mest cd from Miranda, but I went out and bought it too!! ::Sigh:: They should just prosecute the people who abuse that privalige way to much.

Shelley was a jackass at 1:24 P.M.