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Name: Mike Ramsbottom
Age: 15
Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Job Description: Mike is a funny guy who gets things done.He has milked a cow and enjoys watching T.V he likes to hang out with friends and is part of the Happy Dude Multimedia Team. Mike is in charge of creating the collages that people want us to make. When customers give us photos Mike simply scans them and inserts them into "Adobe Photoshop" and displays them with beatiful detail. The reward...$300.00!

Name: Jessican Keyes
Age: 16
Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Job Description:
Jessica is a girl who gets things done.When customers come in she kindly talks to them and makes sure they get what they wanted. Jess is in charge of changing dull black and white images into beatiful colorized images.