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Things That Make Me Happy

_______.//..:.:|[x]|:.Sad, small, sweet, so delicate.:|[x]|:.:..\\._______ [x] A7X. [x] Alkaline Trio. [x] Beastie Boys (their old stuff o.o). [x] Bert McCracken. [x] Billy Talent. [x] Black hair. [x] Black Sabbath. [x] Blink 182 (-their old stuff o.o). [x] Blunts, buds, roaches, pipes and bongs. [x] Bob Marley. Yeah. [x] Bradley James Nowell. R.I.P. [x] Calvin and Hobbes. [x] Chucks. Converse Chuck Taylors. <3 [x] Dallas Friday, Danny Harf, Erik Ruck, Parks Bonifay, Shane Bonifay, Ricky Gonzales, Shaun Murray, Randall Harris, and any other professional wakeboarder's names that I've come to love. [x] Edward Scissorhands. [x] Emo. Emo boys, emocore, emo stuff, emo bands. [x] Eyes on Final Fantasy. [x] Final Fantasy. [x] Fireworks. The really neato huge loud kind. [x] Free4All, Outkastz, Sfumato, Welcome, Natural Born Thrillaz, and any other wakeboard movies I've seen. [x] From Autumn to Ashes. They are the best screaming band of boys I've ever heard. [x] Funeral For a Friend. [x] Further Seems Forever. [x] Green Day. [x] Guns n' Roses. [x] Hed PE. [x] Hell is for Heroes. [x] Hoodies. I love hoodies with all my soul. [x] Hundred Reasons. [x] Hyperlite wakeboards. Rock the fuck on, Hyperlite. [x] Ima Robot. [x] Jack Skellington. He's the shit. [x] Jhonen Vasquez. He has one of the greatest imaginations I've had to pleasure of experiencing. He is also the creator of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Devi, Squee, Mr. Eff, Doughboy, and Nailbunny, as well as some other beautiful characters. [x] Jimi Hendrix. [x] KoRn. Also, Munky from KoRn. [x] Kottonmouth Kings. [x] LBC. Or, Long Beach Crew. [x] Led Zeppelin. [x] Lostprophets. [x] Louie, Bradley's dalmatian. [x] Myself, because I'm the shit. [x] Mountain Dew, because it is also the shit. And it keeps me awake in school. [x] Movies. Old movies, new movies, whatever. SLC Punk, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Scarface, The Wall, Dead Poet's Society all rock my socks. [x] My Little Pony. Oh god, My Little Pony. [x] Nine Inch Nails. [x] Ninja Turtles. [x] Ninjas. [x] Nirates. [x] Nirvana. [x] Ok Go. [x] Old school punk music. None of this shit like Story of the Year and Switchfoot. Jesus christ. Things like that make me want to take an electric saw to my ears. [x] Ozzy. [x] Pepsi. Mmmmmmmm. [x] Pink Floyd. Oh man, Pink Floyd. There are not enough words of flattery to use on this wonderful man. [x] Pool Shark. That's my name, bitches. [x] Rage Against the Machine. They're fucking godly. [x] Rain. Its the best. 'Specially when you're walking home from skewl and there's a big ol' puddle right at the corner by your house, and you know you shouldn't, but some rules can be broken at times. Besides. You're already wet from walking home. [x] Red Hot Chili Peppers. Oh man. These guys are pure genius. [x] Robbin' the Hood. An album from Sublime. [x] Screamo. I love teh screaming. [x] Second Hand Smoke. Another album of Sublime's. [x] Singing. Fwalalala. [x] Ska. Its just fun to jump around to and pretend you're playing the trumpet. I know everyone does this, despite the fact of whether or not you're alone. Everyone listens to ska plays air-trumpet. Those who deny this are not only lying to the rest of us, they're lying to themselves. [x] SoBes. They're just so damn good. Except that carrot shit. Who invented that? [x] Something Corporate. [x] Sporks. The most random object in the world. [x] Stand By Your Van. Yet another album of Sublime's. [x] Stars. They are oh-so preeeeetty to look at. For some reason, they become prettier when there's someone there with you. [x] Sublime. Bradley Nowell is my hero, and he always will be. I wish I could have known him, or possibly met him when he was alive, but such things will never be. Sublime has had one of the greatest impacts on my life so far, and I hope this will continue on. I love Sublime with all of my twisted soul. [x] Taking Back Sunday. [x] The Breakfast Club. One of the most brilliant movies of all time. [x] The Used. I live in Bert McCracken's hometown, and he used to live not but a few blocks away. You can't live in Orem, Utah and not like The Used. [x] The Wall. Ah, The Wall. Some words can simply not describe this piece of art. In fact, there are no words to describe it at all. Watch it, you fools. [x] The White Stripes. [x] Thursday. <3 @ screaming. [x] Tomb Raider. Good god, I love that game. [x] Tool. [x] Vanilla Coke. I love Vanilla Coke, and Vanilla Coke loves me. Why don't I marry it, you ask? I just MIGHT. [x] Vanity. I'm a vain person. [x] Volcom. [x] Wakes, wakeboarders, wakeboards, wakeboarding, wakeskates, wakeskaters. Its all one big orgasm on the water for me. [x] Water. Water. Water. Waaaaaaaater. I love it. [x] WSR, or West Side Riders. I hope to become part of their wakeboarding team someday. *high hopes* [x] Writing. Writing is the shit. [x] X-Stars. These are the greatest boats ever to sit on the surface of water created by man. These give me happy feelings inside. This is all for now. I shall add more as soon as I can. In the meantime, my journal wants you to read it.
