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I Know You Well Enough To Say You Never Loved Me

the broken watch you gave me turns into a compass its two hands still point to the same time 12:03 our last goodbye so push the seats back a little further i can see the headlights coming so push the seats back a little further roll the widows down and take a breath i can see the headlights coming they paint the world in red and broken glass and i bet you got every word i said memorized in your head and youll use every one of them and youll use every one of them against me dont hold this against me ive already said im sorry tell all your friends about me dont hold this against me ive already said im sorry i hope you choked on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me and realized how many times ive tried but thats just wishful thinking all i want is an apology for what you did and how you treat me

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