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So The Emo Sissy Has a Web Page.........Welcome In
Where do you want to be??

My Story

pictures and crap

Links and Stuff I Like

I'm not sure what to put here, so i think its going to be a message board..try it out

Michelle does not want me to do this but click here

Welcome to where I live on the web

My life as of now

This is Me, and my girlfriend Michelle. Right now i live in CT and Go to West CT state, i'm basically working to make enough money to move back to Houston...My Crib/hood/place i like to be

Michelle lives in AZ right now and goes to ASU, shes pretty awesome, shes something like 6th chair right now in first violin...for more check out her page...I kinda ran out of links and shes a really big part of my life, so i put some stuff up about her.

I'm pretty simple, I have fun and play music....most of my life is consumed by playing music and I'm trying to break my way into music production...but other than that, i'm an easy going person...until i bite...then its no good

So, hopefully i can get this whole webpage working and stuff...perhaps i will take forever, but one day it will be compleat