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~ Memei's Soul Dance ~

~ My Eternal Infinate Journey ~

The graphic above is used with permission from Josephine Wall. You will find A link at the bottom of this page to her site. Please enjoy your visit ......

You may ask what does this person do?

There are times when I ask myself that very same question, in truth I am now taking something that I have studied and worked with for about twenty years, and setting up this site to enable me, If You Choose, To Allow me to Guide and pass along knowledge that I have gained to more individuals.

My Diploma's and Experiance: Life!

Reading, studying various subjects, trial and error in many things and working with what worked for me.

Practice, Practice and more Practice.

The many lessons learned as I have walked my own path, from people, friends, family, people I have met simply walking around, everywhere, including online, situations and choices I have made.

My Faith, the times I thought I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel, when there was just a small glimmer, of hope and seeing the light get larger the more I worked on myself and my chosen path.

The lines seen or unseen gathered from my journeys as I traveled along, through slips and falls and getting back up. These are the lines within a soul, a heart, a mind and sometimes on an outer casing that we all call our body. The signature of life's diploma ......

I made a choice sometime ago to do this and my agreement with myself, is this: If someone comes to me in honesty and sincerity, I will do the best I can to see and hear where they are or believe they are in their lives.

From that point on I will Guide and Advise, in other words give as much information that as available to me, be it through the means of tools used and/or information from my heart.

In this agreement I will not make or attempt to give all answers to all of life's trials, tribulations and journey's that belong to another soul.

If I did that or attempted do to so, then who would be living your life?

Making Your Desisions, Walking Your Path?

When we are born or enter onto this plane of existance, this life we are all given a great gift, it is called the gift of free will.

I am simply stating that yes, some things are a given in our lives, most though are not, So I can listen and Guide and tell you what I may see at that particular moment in time.

It is your choice as to if you listen, apply, utilise what I say to you or if you decide to turn in that other direction.

All things you do are your choice to make.

It may be in one's best interest to turn in a different direction than they are currently headed.

Again I can say what I see, the choice is ultimately yours.

I can and will help to the best of my ability, I will live and make my choices asking for guidence.

This is a daily thing for me as I too need to be on the right path in my life.

It is not up to me to make your choices and decisions.

It is everyone's choice as to what path or fork in the road they will ultimately take on their journey in this lifetime.

We Must Believe In Magic ...... Crystal Gayle ......Courtesy of DixieLands Music

The Feather Below Was Sent To Me By A Friened and Is The Email Link.

Memei' s Soul Dance Home
MeMei's For Now, Until Then and Links
Memei's Soul Dance - The Web

Josephine Wall

What I Do