GeM and KaTo

>>>Ahh Now let me tell you....Yet another saturday not just any ordinary saturday this was queens birthday weekend and YES this means no parents round....we begin the night with a few quiet drinks up at mirandas humble home of love...the clock ticks 9:30 its time to meet Leanne down at work as its knock off time..Miranda and Kate decide its a great idea for Kate to get under the house and pull out the flat tyred old mountain bikes as this time of night is always nice for a ride, Rach and erin are forced to take the trip on foot. We reach Bilo after getting stuck in swamps and losing air in our tyres and its time to meet Mitch, his parents have gone away aswell this calls for anotehr party.with the goon on our back and air in our lungs we pushed on kate taking the lead and miranda forced to push her trusty bike which has sadly failed her... we sink some more goon as kate and Miranda are ever so fascinated with the ice machine and injecting the cat as rach leanne ez n mitch are in the back playn fluffy duck rahc managed to fail this game... Miranda of course has chosen to pike on us as her loverboy has come to collect..making the most of the no parents factor we push on up the dirt roads to jump on rachs sister georgia she was shockingly awoken by a rowdy bunch of drunks covered in mud...Meanwhile Mitch is convinced that mirandas house is definately the place to be partying..Rach and Kate are not so convinced as they can see miranda nad joel in the house ALONE means not much fun!...BUT mitch ahs insisted that we go there and Leanne wanted her drinks grr....WE arrived to see that miranda and joel nad both passed out and it was time to microwave some buritos...BAck to Mitches... As we quetly enjoy the hilarious SUM FARTIE ONE dvd...we keep downen that gets to about 6:00 and rach gets soime shuteye georgia takes the sisters bed and we're not quite sure where Leanne ended up neaitehr that other kid :S Sunday night was up to nicks it was GEMGEM, KATO, miranda,RACH,ERIN>>> Keep it real Luv KaTo AnD GeM.. ---------------------------------------------------- >>>Once again Sat night we decided that Goon was the way to go and despite the fact every kid we know piked it on us, (GRR) we made our ways to the Fox residence for an all night fest of good toons, goon and funny times. Altho all looking weary as the night began, a few games of good ol' kings and the good times began rollin' :D. A punk special on Rage motivated us for quite the late one and despite Mirandas stubborn refusal to get drunk we had a pre rage party to the funky sounds of Leo Sayer and Daryl Braithwaite, not forgetting a bootscoot with some forgotten blundstones! As Kate let all know that there was 'sluts for hire' Miranda sat in the corner msging the beloved Mather, and suddenly time had flown by and it was time to hit the sack. I stumbled into bed first soon to be followed by the other knobjockeys. Another Goon Saturday all over full of fun... keep it real dudes!<<< FAO RoCk My SoCkS!!

KaTo AnD GeM's RaD SiTe


OuR BuDdYs...
AbOuT KaTe & GeM...
FrIdAy NiGhTs BoMb NiGhT...
DrUnKeN TiMeS...
MoRe FrIeNdS...
ShEs A RoCkER WiTh A nOsE RiNg...
DrUnK AgAiN...
JoeL GiBsOn...
KaTeS PeRtH PaGe...
WaRpEd SnApS...
VeIw OuR GuEsTbOoK...
SiGn OuR GuEsTbOoK...
MoRe PiCs...
GoOd ChArLoTtE 6th Of MaRcH...
