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Glen's Open House

The pictures of Glen

The cake (which was delicious and Glen didn't even get any lol)

It's still fun to climb a tree...

Nate, Kan, Glen, Rachel, Jen, & Jason

Kan and Rach playing frisbee

Just chillin'

Jason, Rich, Bro. Dave, Sis. Ang, & Bro. Josh

Waller doing a flip on the rings

Behind: Bro. Dave, Jason Ownsby, Rich, Bro. Josh, & Jason Newton

The guys helping Bro. Josh onto the swingset

Pushing him: Bro. Dave, Jason Ownsby, Waller, & Jason Newton

Jen trying to hold herself up on the rings

Rach trying to outhold Jenny on the rings

Peeke pitching in baseball

Rich, Glen, & Bro. Dave

Hangin' out on the swingset

Top: Douggie; Bottom: Mike; Right: Rach

Rach giving Jen a massage

From left: Tara, Rach, & Jen

Jen actually caught it!

Bryan and Rach go for it at the same time

Jen singing For Every Mountain while Jason plays frisbee

Glen surprises Rach with the camera

The clean-up crew

Kan, Glen, Rach, & Jen