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ummm yeah this is me!!

Hey everyone welcome to my webpage ....thanx a bunch for comeing.....u should totaly like woah check out all of my brothers bands website..... its a funny story accually how they all became my brothers....ok its not funny...its like brents my brother and then they are always here so i adoped them into my great and wounderful frined maia is here and there is a HUGEMUNGOUS flood in my rained a lot in my neck of the listinging to five iron frenzy...i like this song its called dandielions...everyone should listen to this song....and i live in the country and our water well thing is flooded and i cant like run anywater or our house will explode and i need brent maia the mullet and corey were up all night last night video tapeing ourselves being stupid and then we watched the 4 hour was fun i guess....but yea im gonna go figure this site out im not good with being smart about sites..... <3 kayla up dateing putting stuff about my friends in here and itll be fun and if u click the pictures they get bigger theyre thumbnails of the big ones! ;) DUDE


>Zach came over..

> Me And Megan shaved their leg and did their hair!!then i threw lotion on nathans face and it was funny dude Zachs old house is the scaryist thing ever!!!!!and then theres my wounderful wife...megan...i love soo much.,...and we painted the guys finger nails

but anyways heres the story on Zachs house... they herd a bunch of noise downstairs and it sounded like everything was being broken and heavy things being thrown around...and when they went downstairs everything was all messed up and the place was trashed...and everything was still all locked up and the windows wernt broken or anything and the one about the glass perfume and stuff:and then he was sleeping in his moms room and there was a bunch of purfume and stuff floating over the dresser and glowing green when they turned on the light it all shattered

then Nathan had this drean a few times about these babys in the woods screeming and then there was a guy with a bloody chainsaw that came out and was killing the babys with a chainsaw....and it was the saddest thing ever...and i wanted to cry... then heres what nathan said to add to his dream Nathan: and it was the fact that u could hear the babies scream and the noice of the chainsaw hitting the flesh and it was SO close but yet so far away in teh bushes u couldnt see it

then the next day we watched a spider movie...CAUSE I LOVE SPIDERS!!!!!!!!

ok me and megan spread our hands in the shape of a upside down u...and were like ..whats this make u think of...i said a card trick ...megan said rainbow and nathan said meat loaf???????? i dont get it???...Jessy Ryan said it was a heart then an M LOL its weired how manydifferent answers u get from doing that

yeah this is my great and wounderful friend jessica lynn younges....shes awesome...i think she was sleeping in this pic....JESS I LOVE U MORE THAN ANYTHING.. UR AN AWESOME FRIEND AND AN EVEN AWESOMER PERSON!!!! i wish u didnt live so far away cause ur the best!!! lol dude we are going to have the best summer ever !!! i cant wait! k talk to ya later I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESS IM SORRY THE FIRST PIC WAS SO ROUGH...not that it was bad...BUT u were kinda sleeping...THIS PICTURES BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Jess ur the greaterst ever! i miss u!!! hope to see u soon!love ya!

this is Nathan.....HUH? lol ....nathan is really cute....and also someone ill never have! ...he lives near jessica lol ur the hyperest person its so funny....and u have the biggest imagination ever lol haha i heart u big! lol i wish we could hangout more tho cause ur uber radical and im like totaly not!! other than the fact ur coolness rubs off lol and umm ur in the triangle thing and the platea gang lol haha ur aweseome have fun in platea!!!! but so anyways...yeah ur super cool...and i dont really know so ? ...HUH? lol ...THE RAMS ARE DOING IT!! ...and MEATLOAF...ur a DORK!! but thats why ur so great...and u have extreamly hot hair....and eyes lol ...but yeah ...ya know it happens...<333ya

this is meghan and corey they are freakin awesome....meghan i love u ...ur like one of the best ppl in our school.....and u and corey belong together ....u two are awesome together and should get married.....i love u like i love the sister i dont have...ok the way i dont love ok nevermind scratch that...i love u the way i love my cousins...cause i heart them big like u lol hehe COREY!- coreys a douche bag....ok no corey is one of my friends....but hes more like a brother that doesnt get annoying as brent cause im not with him 24/7 but yeah me and corey love to make fun of eachother like crazy and pretend we hate eachother when really its all just for fun....haha ur awesome i heart u big!! i love u guys!!!!

haha this is maia ...i heart maia big shes awesome she at my house a lot lol she really smart and cool ,.....dude maia i love u ur u realize how boring school would be if u wernt in my school? i would prolly have no friends? lol u give the word cool a whole new meaning lol hahaha its the truth ...haha i get in trouble when i hangout with u....ergh lip peircing....swimming in the we have too much fun!!!love ya!!!

Megan ok ...LIKE OMG MEGAN POKE AND THEN POKE SOME MORE...ok i met megan by pokeing her stomach? its true i just kinda randomly poked her...but anyways she is very aweseom and i merried her by the way lol so that makes her my lovely wife lol we need to hangout i miss u megan...LOVE YA LOTS ND LOTS ND LOTS ND LOTS!!! we will hangout this summer!!!megan is super awesome...and if she wasnt soo cool i dont htink i woulda merried duh... and so shes cool...megan it was a blast at ur house...U SMEARED BROWN LIPSTICK ON MY CHEEK!!! lol our hairstyles..ahah ur awesome and i lvoe u big!! but i miss u big too...and its ya

this is ricky hes awesome ricky is my cousin i heart big....he is uber awesome and would do anything if i needed saved! kinda like a body gaurd? i heart him big him and melissa are going out they are really cute....ricky lives in pitts....HAHA ricky dont ever forget the great times we have HEARTS TILL 4AM lol b-last ....going for long walks and ending up who knows where....??? midnight walks and bikerides and gettin yelled at by ur mom cause were out past crufu in the middle of the woods!!! lol shes silly...the pimpin times at ur house ...the hick side of pitts hobo hunting......our 3am convo and hearing tims bass voice outa nowhere! lol walkin to the tressell...UR FUZZY PANTS I HEART...u gotta let me borrow them again!!! uhh swimming in french creek over the summer....choppin down the tree.!! ADAM DID IT!!!! "kayla doesnt get in trouble cause shes a girl"oh man we cant ever forget theses memos theres soooo many more....walkin the trax to my house....all of our glad we got to be better friends as cousins then we were cause when i was little u hated me...MEMBER WHEN U PUNCHED MY FACE IN?????!!!! lol it was sooo sad/funny now...oh man ur the best keep it real i heart u BIGTIME!! LOVE U RICKY GOOD LUCK WITH BASEBALL AND MELISSA

yeah this is timmy, timmy is my cousin and HE FREAKIN Rox MY SOX OFF!!lol oh man timmy u are awesome...i love u !!!this summers gonna be a B-LAST...timmy u STRAIGHT SHOT THAT MOON!!!!!!!!!lol all the drawings u did last summer were awesome! lol i saved them!!!Choppin down the maple tree! playing hearts!! Ur big BASS voice.!! lol midnight and later walks!!!Timmy u are the funniest guy ALIVE!!! omg i cant believe how funny u are....hahah member when u called me and i gave u those tests and u were like "I LOVE DINOSAURS!!!"lol oh man! camping last year was sooo funny....and goin to the beach all the time in ERRie lol..walkin on the beach and we passed that one guy that was steppin in the sand patting it down and he was like u guys wanna help me with this and we said ok and walked away How funny was that?...hobo hunting at ur house ... walking to up the resavore passage and ending up at my all the hilarious things u do every waking moment of every day lol hahahaha u make me laugh just thinking about the memories...UR AFRO..mess with the fro u gots to go! lol thats awesome haha man i wish we could hang out more but u live soooo far away ....dont for get the great memories we have and lets keep adding more mems to them?! lol ur onea my greatest cousins ever DONT CHANGE FOR ANYONE...EVER!!!!!! i love u timmy ur great !!! good luck with the baseball and football ...and whatever other sport!!! see ya this summer!!!

break from friends long enough for a joke!!!

An 83-year old woman decided that she'd seen and done everything, and the time had come to depart from this world. After considering various methods of doing away with herself, she came to the conclusion that the quickest and surest method would be to shoot herself through the heart. The trouble was, she wasn't certain about exactly where her heart was, so she phoned her doctor and asked him. He told her that her heart was located two inches below her left nipple. So she shot herself in the left kneecap. hehe

this is zach...zach is fun to hangout with...he used to live in a very haunted house..and i wanna go see it....cause itd be cool.... but yeah ya know i prolly wont get and megan shaved his leg...just one half way...and it was i realized that Zach is one of the easiest ppl to talk to alive...hes awesome...and if u ppl dont like him then ur stupid and u can go suck a cow hoof!~!!!!! ...and i dont really know zach that well...or i could write more about him....but hes cool...hehe

This is Katie..Katies my God daughter...i love her..she is the sweetest person ever..shes so cute and funny at the same time...everyone from cambridge that doesnt know katie that well knows her as "nirvana katie" lol thats because she LOVES them...and we both understand...KURT COBAIN WAS MURDERED by courtney love...that ______(insert bad word)...anyways and katie enjoy taking jogs at three am in the morning..! and drinking fish water/pickel juice/whatever else brent and jess put in..COFFEE!! eww that was sick! katie i love u SOOOO Much dont u EVER change....and dont do drugs!! ever ...u know what will happen!!!!! i know u wont tho ;) i dont think i could ask for a better God-daughter.!

this is freakin Nikki Wagner...shes the aweseomest..i love nikki soo much...haha nikki weve had some great fun times hangin bad we dont get to hangout more often!!!!! its ok we will get to eventually...because we're cool like that u know!lol DONT EVER CHANGE FOR ANYONE CAUSE THEN U WOULDNT BE THIS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if u change i would be sad cause then u wouldnt be nikki...haha its funny i believe we have a lot in common...when it comes to certin things....except coolness cause ur 100% cooler than me...heh heh but uhh ill add more about u later cause right now i gotta go off the comp..I LOVE U SOOO MUCH NIKKI keep it real lol dont change and WE WILL hangout soon!!!!! promise! love ya lots.!

if ur not in here i either dont have a pic of u ...or i didnt have time to put u in yet...PLEASE TELL ME IF UR NOT IN HERE...

Off the hook bands

Links to go to

vocal riots website.-Brent Corey Tyler and DJ
